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Posts posted by v42below

  1. Originally posted by rleete:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

    [lots of linky things snipped]

    Ooooh, sombody has learned to use the search function. Congratulations! It isn't much, but apparently it's more than Old Foul Joe can accomplish.

    Now, memorize all the post in the threads you linked, and scream them at the top of your lungs out in public. Be sure to use proper bolding during your recitations. </font>

  2. Joe

    Some of this may be useful for your site, or not.

    Peng's early taunts/sayings










    References to the Cesspool



    The Original Cesspool (pages 1 and 2 are a bit stuffed, best viewed from page 3 onward, p24 idea of Cesspool proposed and taken up by Seanachai p25)


    A Fake Cesspool is reborn


    The True Cesspool is reborn


    and BTS admits that is here to stay:


    The first Aussie Peng thread:


  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    *snip* Seanachai, could be, could be. I vaugely recall something of the sort being proposed but I thought I stuck out my lower lip and got petulant over a Squire being made Knight without even a SEMBLANCE of a Quest. As I recall he most graciously declined the honor, as indeed he should have, and awaited another Knight taking him to Squire but I don't believe anything transpired after that. *snip*

    Pretty much. I was knighted by the Queen, but considering all the feathers ruffled, the fact that I was being knighted alongside SturmSebber, and the Justicar's ruling that I cannot be a kanniget and remain Squire to the Queen at the same time, I voluntarily gave up the knighthood. I was to earn my knighthood by completing a PBEM with stikky. The game is still going - rejoice, stikky! I am installing CMBB on my new laptop as I type. Your doom (or was it victory?) will be in your inbox soon.
  4. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    I'm a Knight of the Pool

    (And also the Foole.)

    I say what I will

    And think you're a pill.

    You blew off our game

    (which I think is quite lame.)

    I accept NOT your reason

    I think you were teasin'

    You may be a Squire

    (Who slipped in under the wire)

    But I think you're a <small>waffler</small

    (Could there be anything awfuller?)

    You still owe me a match

    Where I'll make you my biatch!

    (Todays rhyme was brought to you by the letters, S. O. D. another O., F. and yet another F.)

    Fair enough, just keep that thing of yours on a leash...

    Also, rap is really not your thing. That was as bad as that deleted scene from "Along Came Polly"...crap...I just talked myself into a hole, didn't I? Make room 37beerbottles, I'll be joining you for a little while. Nuts.

  5. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Point the many: V23Skiddoo. He's mine. You got a problem with that, Sparky? I shouldn't think so, you being a blow hard of behemoth-like proportions, who is "full of sound and fury, yet signifies nothing".

    I seem to recall a certain challenge from earlier this year, when after the first turn, you scampered off, not to be seen for months.

    You may be able to "talk the talk", but the only walk you'll be doing is the odd, splay-legged one from having my <big><big>BOOT</big></big> wedged up your firmament.

    Dear Blosom Rosy,

    (I'm presuming from your misspelling of my name you have dispensed with the custom of spelling and bolding knights' and squires' names, so I shall do the same)

    If he's yours, quit whining about our unfinished game (last time I checked there was no minimum time frame within which a turn must be returned, so I'll take my time, thankyouverrymuch), take him down to the nearest pound and put the poor sod out of his misery. It is obvious that the strain being put on his puny brain by the desire he has to fit in here, combined with the lack of his ability to do so, is too much for the lad. He is spraying expletives (not to mention his saliva) left right and centre in no particular pattern, offending the Ladies of the Pool (ok, so it was one Lady, but who's counting) and has beaten himself half to death in a rather perplexing attempt to converse with me. In a word, he's just too much like you lately and it's freaking me out, please fix or do somefink.

  6. Originally posted by 37mm:

    You call that a <font size=6>BOOT! </font>?

    You little limp footed pansy perhaps you’ve been learning your technique off one of the ‘four dwarfs'. I however have been trained by my liege in the ways of the <font size=6>BOOT! </font> and I can tell you that when you <font size=6>BOOT! </font> you should fecking <font size=6>BOOT! </font> like you mean it. Indeed the <font size=6>BOOT!</font> should seem MEAN when in fact it is probably a merciful <font size=6>BOOT!</font> .

    Clearly you can’t be a <font size=6>BOOT! </font> knight until you’ve been a serf or squire so you’ve never been a <font size=6>BOOT! </font> fecking knight! I can barely believe that the Justicar & the Olde ones lets you off the hook with a squireship but I suspect it was more out of respect for the Queen and not on account of any fecking <font size=6>BOOT! </font> merit.

    Now <font size=6>BOOT! </font> buggar off or I’ll <font size=6>BOOT! </font> be forced to teach you this soddin <font size=6>BOOT! </font> lesson again… oh & just one more thing

    <font size=6>BOOT!!! </font>

    I have to say, up until this moment, I have never seen someone kick themselves 13 times just to try and prove a point. I hope that hurt. By the way, who does this thing belong to again? What is it doing walking around without a leash and a muzzle?

    My, the standards around here have dropped! When will the knights remember that with squires comes not only great entertainment, but also responsibility. Especially when the cranial circumference of the squire is as tiny as implied by this one's username.

    Good day to you! <font size=8>SPLAT!!! </font> Aah, crap! Bloody perfect! The damn thing has left a Christmas present on the only clean part of the Cesspool - the way out. Come here and lick this off my shoe, sparky, lest I give you a side swipe BOOT to wipe it on your side. That's a good boy. Run along now, I'm sure your master is already looking for you and has lots of fun things *shudder* planned.

  7. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    And he was suppose to become a knight again depending on the result of his battle against me.

    And he's losing..against Italians.

    Oddly enough I haven't seen a turn from him in months....

    Stikky, it was upon completion of the battle that I was to become a knight, regardless of the result. So that is not the reason for my lack of turn sending. I blame you and, of course, Grog Dorosh.
  8. Originally posted by Mace:

    What a brown nosing suck you are.

    Ever considered a career in cars sales?


    PS Here's to branch Xmas parties! Cheers!!! *falls over*

    Watch that mouth of yours, usurper, lest I have to sew it up. Do not think for one minute that I have forgotten about your treachery. The "thrown" still smells funny after your shortlived and illigitmate "reign". You can take the sheep off the Aussie...
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