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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Since it looks like SC II will be out late I went out and boutght a new war game. (North German Plain 1985).

    What I wish for Christmas concerning SC is that Mr. H. C. would at least give us a very simple patch for SC 1. I know he is busy with SC II but just a simple patch to balance the play. No matter if SC II comes out or not I would pay for a patch for SC I that made the game more balanced.

    Dragon said it correctly recently in a post, he said, and I quote him -

    Despite playing without AA it seems that even a bid of 250 is still to low for allies as axis still have the edge...dont forget that hungary joined in October...so no spain...no landconnection to africa, late remaining minors Spain,Greece,Portugal....and most important despite border mistake raising russian readyness by 10 %. I hope that in SC2 the game will be more balanced otherwise we will have to go on with Bids between 275 - 325
    SC-I needs a patch even if SC II comes out. A simple patch that does the following

    1. Increases certain unit costs such as and especially air. Also and included in this, the higher the tech the MUCH greater the cost should be also.

    2. Give the Russians and the Americans added IT to start the game. (this can be done with the ediotor but I think the Russians should be able to build cheap corps, I think in the war they were able to throw into their lines cheap corps that they sacrificed at times).

    3. Increases the war readiness cost to invade minors. Make it much more costly for the axis and the allies to invade a minor. Just this simple patch could change the game. At least give us some fun figuring it out again like its a new game.

    Merry Christmas, now I am off to play my new game since SC II hasnt come out. (The Russians are approaching Hanover in 1985 and it doesnt look like NATO can stop them).

    [ December 04, 2004, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  2. OK Feldtrompeter I would like to take that bet even up. I bet Yoda-Terif will not lose a game.

    I live in Florida and so I will bet you some of my best oranges or tangerines from my own trees. What do you have to offer, some good German beer I hope. But I can buy that over here most likely. Anyway, I say Yoda will not lose a game.

    Any other takers?

    ps - I would bet Rambo but what would I get in return, Idaho potatoes???. Oh please.... (Just kidding Rambo, love potatos :D )

    Now maybe if Kurt is still around I could get some of that good Beligum beer.

  3. So interesting.......... Too bad I have to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the USofA but will try to check in for the results.

    My prediction is

    Yoda wins 3 games in a row. Not putting Zapp down he is one of the few very very good players. But Yoda is untouchable when he really wants a win and I suspect he really wants to win.

    I wish Vegas was giving those Rambo odds, I would take yoda and give the points.

  4. What an interesting thread

    It would be the ultimate cold - Hot war.

    Germany in control of Europe. Japan would still fall.

    Great Btitan held as a fortress, as well as Egypt.

    JJ I do disagree with one thing you said, I dont think the Nazi's would have lightened up on their occupation tactics, I think it would only have gotten worse. For every Palus there was another hard core Nazi and the leadership was hard corps. I also think the Russians would have kept up the partisan war in the urals and even siberia. The USA maybe even taking the pacifica coast of Russia.

    So you would have had a Europe under the darkest of nights.

    Not good thoughts at all.

  5. GREETINGS to all SC gaming warriors.

    TOP NEWS OF THE WEEK: We have a new champ. Terif increases his record to a perfect 38-0 by defeating another very good player FriendlyFire. Terif is the best player in any SC League and its a real honor for our league to have in at the top spot.

    RESULTS: Here are a list of results since the last update. Rannug over Kossuth in a battle of Scandianvian hero's. RovingGreek defeats Aztecace, AlexanderOK twice defeats RovingGreek, Rannug beats up on Dummy, Curry flys past Jdotchon, Yeremenko sneaks past Michael, Terif over CJ, Azecace cracks Kossuth, CJ beats RovingGreek, Curry blasts MP, CelticWarrior gets his first win over the BigDog, FriendlyFire shoots Steiner in a classic match of top players and last but not least Terif moves into the top spot by defeating FriendlyFire.

    TOP PLAYERS & TIP TO NEW PLAYERS: I am showing the top players for one reason. Please note how many games they have played. I have played some players who get discouraged after a couple of games they lose. They need to realize that SC is much harder than they think and no matter how good they were against the AI against a human its much much harder. You need to play a good number of games just to learn what the best players are doing and how they are winning. Dont get discouraged by a loss, its the best way to learn. Here are the records of the best players.

    Terif 38-0, FriendlyFire 23-8, Rannug 48-10, Bill 34-14, Curry 86-16, Panzer39 14-10, AlexanderOK 41-33, EarlofWhite 25-18, Terppana 13-1, CJ 8-7, RovingGreek 16-40, Aricibald 5-8, Nanope 12-1, Steiner 15-5.

    Happy gaming to all and I hope everyone has at least one game going.

    Over and out from Sunny southwest Florida.


  6. Desaix is an up and coming star in the PBEM league. However my French friend in Canada - you will find Rambo and old pro by anyones standard and very hard to beat.

    And remember you first have to get through me, which by the way I think you are doing well in our game, but I dont think it will be well enough.

  7. On the SC PBEM site it says that we have now gone over 1000 matches played.

    Now, first off. I think they (the case league which hosts the site) counts a match double. That is one game played equals two matches, for two players playing. Why? - who knows why they do it that way. Also the numbers wont come out if you add up the games played because some players of course have dropped out over time.

    But its still a great number of games since we only started just over a year ago.

    I think if Mr. H. C. can put some safeguards in the PBEM system for SC II we will really see PBEM take off for SC. Lets all hope.

    ps - if you are new look at the top of the forum and join the PBEM league where you will find a good number of human players to play a game of SC with.

  8. Greetings to all gamers,

    WEEKLY UPDATE - I will update the league mailing list this week on the Battlefront forum. If you are looking for a game dont be afraid to email the list or a part of the list.

    WEEKLY RESULTS: From Oct 18th to Oct 25th: Roving Greek rolls over Aztecace, Roving Greek with same results over Aztecace, DutchStorm gets his first win over Sanmaya, Jdotch over DavidDailey, Rannug beats up on David Dailey, Friendly Fire isnt so friendly and defeats CJ, Curry over Ludi, JDotcon over Daivid Dailey, Rannug again over David Dailey, AlexanderOK ranked 7th over EarlyofWhite ranked 8th - must have been a good match, Terif over Dalmatian, Terif increases his winning streak again over Dalmatian, Dutch Storm is storming along over Marttis, Dak21PzDivision blasts Kossuth for a win.

    SIGNIFICANT NEWS: Friendly Fire informs me that he and Terif are playing a match to see who will get the number #1 slot in the ladder. Also, we are less than 20 matches away from our 1,000 match played.

    ESPECIALLY FOR NEW PLAYERS - BUT A REMINDER FOR ALL: In my many games new players just dont seem to understand how important HQ's are - here I am taking from Terif's tips which is on the Battlefront forum. Its great information for all of us but especially if you are new player. HQ's I think are the most important unit you have and need to be treated with much care. Here is what Terif says,

    - TAKE CARE OF YOUR HQ´S ! Dont move them to close to the front if the enemy has some airfleets ready to kill them. Dont forget Long Range developements ! Hqs support units 5 hexes away, your cities provide them with supply, so no need to move your Hqs to the front. Also dont forget to use terrain to protect your Hqs: placed in a city (forest is also better than open terrain) or best in a mountain, they are nearly indestructable.

    If you entrench your Hqs in the right terrain or keep them out of enemy sigthing range, you dont have a problem with airfleets killing your Hqs like some players complain. If a Hq is in a mountain or city, the enemy needs luck and up to 10 !! airfleets to be able to kill it, with bad luck even much more... So if he attacks your Hq be happy: he gets some cheap experience, but with his air he could have killed you some much more important units elsewhere...

    Happy gaming and I hope everyone has at least one game going. Best to everyone Curry


    currycook@hotmail.com, kurt_vanlooy@hotmail.com, suworonow@wp.pl, elgenstrom@hotmail.com, wbotsford@cinci.rr.com, transam00@cox.net, robert.buki@telia.com, dcelozzi@comcast.net, d.p.dailey@worldnet.att.net, bill.run@ntlworld.com, jkthomasser@adelphia.net, chsideri@anco.gr, durape@yahoo.es, pmbedard@attbi.com, kaiser_1982@hotmail.com, jubel@freenet.de, sbelisle@mwt.net, maludwig55@web.de, gnomism@yahoo.com, fwd0006@hotmail.com, mcpdeleeuw1@hotmail.com, rrharris@erols.com, dmackey@dhq.nu, billyray71@hotmail.com, headquarters21@mchsi.com, mattpacconi@hotmail.com, gmclauch@bigpond.net.au, michael.kriechbaum@chello.at, robcrimm@aol.com, pjflanag@aol.com, skanvak@wanadoo.fr, alexandrebleu@aol.com, michael@bsdbistro.com, dhorkoff@hotmail.com, chrisjowalsh@yahoo.com, derek@t-10.fsnet.co.uk, augeross@hotmail.com, bintravkin@one.lv, kani@jippii.fi, johntex8@hotmail.com, max1978mi@netscape.net, smithstacey29@aol.com, lange_kristian@hotmail.com, jjjgrills@cox.net, noel60@midsouth.rr.com, rigreb@yahoo.com, dino.puljic@inet.hr, jw_mchugh@comcast.net, glmrchnd@yahoo.ca, lepatriote5@yahoo.ca, jesus.soria@mi.madritel.es, john@allenfunding.com, henrycc@erols.com, fukuokadave@hotmail.com, applehammond@juno.com, x-com@axelero.hu, eorlinga@terra.es, sean@3leaf.com, ica@net.yu, edyvm82@hotmail.com, hot.dog@pp.inet.fi, soennichde@yahoo.de, billdevlin2@hotmail.com, jfly1@yahoo.com, martin.vonwillebrand@helsinki.fi, blashy@hotmail.com, nort0135@d.umn.edu, robmfisher7@tiscali.co.uk, arngrim@chello.se, craig@ckcentral.com, bas13duin@hotmail.com, pascal.sgm.39-45@voila.fr, jstory@stx.rr.com, tsalmeli@paju.oulu.fi, zastrow@cae.wisc.edu, jamescherib@msn.com, cool_cold_craig@hotmail.com, sanruan@san.rr.com, lvanloon@shaw.ca, kjgel@telus.net, s.clayton87@ntlworld.com, mike.clayton@cwgsy.net, abulbulian@hotmail.com, archibald@blueyonder.co.uk, kimmellm@cwu.edu, redy82nd@pacbell.net, mkwiddie@amigo.net, drbargus@aol.com, robertasp@runbox.com, snakepits_4ever@hotmail.com, jnricotta@aol.com, boozer2004@earthlink.net, greggvontell@sbcglobal.net, jeff@jeff4mandy.fsnet.co.uk, amosgraber@hotmail.com, powerfull_god@hotmail.com, aesop123@hotmail.com, dastoeckl@hotmail.com, michael_urquhart@onetel.net, lferens@paradise.net.nz, thepopof@yahoo.fr, t.salmonte@ntlworld.com, slooker@hotmail.com, jdotchon@hotmail.com, prizefighter76@hotmail.com, martti.salonen@pp5.inet.fi, yeremenko@free.fr, juscon8@aol.com,jlecerf@voila.fr, ypjacob@aol.com, dougmclean@oakharbor.net, dougmclean@comcast.net, gilles.osmont@wanadoo.fr, olivofrederic@aol.com, razuldazul@yahoo.com, skolle@cybercomm.nl, wburn1353@aol.com, guinty5@hotmail.com, real_billy@gmx.net, johankerkhofs@hotmail.com

  10. Bill, good points on a bomber. Another role a bomber can play is a great scout. Especially if you get some long range tech. The only problem is the cost for it is still so high. But as you point out it still may be much cheaper than trying to build an atlantic wall or something of that sort.

  11. Using Bombers to attack land units is a common new player mistake. I play many new players in the SC PBEM league and many new players continue to do this. It is just not cost effective as Terif points out in his excellent explaination. Not to even mention that often the bomber is intercepted without any air cover. Or is intercepted with cover and then that fighter unit is open to a counter attack the following turn.

    The only other use of Bombers that I have noticed that Terif didnt point out is that they can be effective in attacking highly fortified hexes such as Gibrater or Sev. A bomber will take two entrancement away while a normal air unit will only take one entrenchment away in an attack against a unit entrenched.

    Hopefully we will see more usefullness of Bombers in SC II.

  12. I am planning on giving weekly updates for the SC League in anticipation of the release of SC II and starting a new league for SC II also with weekly updates. What I would like to include at least monthly would be an article on SC. There are many possibilities for great articles such as but not limited to - tactics, strategy, importantance of HQ's, tips for newbies, the case for playing other campaigns besides the 1939 game, Common mistakes players make, the list can go on and on. It could even be about a difference between sc the game and the historical war such as how you would rate the Generals and why. I have been a member of the Diplomacy game community for over 25 years and there are many magazines (both by mail and now internet) devoted to that game with many good articles about the game Diplomacy.

    I think we have some great people here and also some who would be able to write a good article. If you are interested let me know. We will put the article in the update on a monthly basis and then also publish the article here on the battlefront forum where people can give feedback.

    If you are interested - let me know.

    Here is the first of the weekly updates for the SC PBEM league.

    SC PBEM LEAGUE - Weekly Update

    Greetings my fellow gamers!

    I hope to start a new feature for the league in preparation of SC II coming out. I am expecting and hoping for a great response for SC II and would like to begin now with a weekly update from the league on that week’s results plus a few extras like an occasional article. If any of you would like to write an article for an update please let me know. We can first post them in the update and then put them on the Battlefront forum for all to read. The articles can be on tactics, strategy, pros and cons of certain limits (like air limits), just about anything that would make sense.

    Here are the results from this past week

    Terif defeated Dalmatian, Curry defeated Twix, BigDog defeated Jdotchon, AlexanderOK defeated Roving Greek, Curry defeated Jdotchon, FriendlyFire defeated Marttis, Terppanna defeated AlexanderOK, FriendlyFire defeated Dak21PzDivision, Terif defeated Rannug.

    Significant News this week: The only thing I see is that Terif continues his undefeated streak to 35. Will it ever be broken?

    Remember if you wish to find a game go to the battlefront forum and find our email list in our thread at the top. Just email the list or a part of the list and ask for a game.

    Happy Gaming all.

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