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Posts posted by Curry

  1. In competitive play I believe the concensus is that a Italian gambit is fair and totally legal. The Rome Gambit is what is not fair nor legal. There is a major difference between the two.

    I use to try the Italian gambit when I first started playing. But I rarely or never do now for the very reasons Terif gives. I dont think its worth the effort and your resources can be better used elsewhere.

  2. It's the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the SC PBEM league.

    I just noitced it so I thought I would mention it. That stats on the league page says there have been 877 matches played and 144 players signed up in the league. You can of course find out more about the sc pbem league above on the sticky thread.

  3. Rambo stated -

    Screw Pershing, my Uncle K. crossed the Atlantic, hunted & sunk U-Boats.
    If your uncle truly crossed the atlantic and sunk U-boats during the WWI era then I doubt that he would agree with you to "Screw Pershing". General Pershing was a great American hero and in his time was much bigger than Pattor or Ike ever became. He was a great American!!! I would not have expected you, Rambo, to DISPARAGE a Great American and a great General like General Pershing. IF you know your history it was the French who wanted to take our American Doughboys and just through them into the line placing them under the control of the French and the Brits in WWI. It was Pershing who said, "NO" that will never happen and insisted on our American force acting under American commanders and acting independentaly under the allied command. General Pershing was a very good General and a Great American in his day.
  4. JJ - not sure the true connection of the Hessen's. ( I think you spelled it correctly) Whether it was through King George or through the province. Perhaps someone can help us. Any Germans out there that know their German history very very well? But clearly they were German mercenaries.

    The bottom line is it was the Brit's and the Germans even if the Brits had to pay the Germans. (Please note I did not say Germany, because you are right there was no Germany as we know it at that time, you are correct, I meant "Germans".) I do believe that you are also right and many of them stayed and become some of the first "German Americans".

    [ September 14, 2004, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. The french government is very lame. A few select french dudes are probably okay (Pierre, Louie, & Antonet), but the rest...eh, I can do w/o.
    Yes Like Lafeyette and those French who died to helped us earn our independance from the British! (And the Germans (Hessens) who were mercenaries for the Brits. Funny how time changes things, it was the Americans and the French against the British and the Germans).


  6. YES YES and YES

    Best to you Comrade. I served in the USARMY. 1st Armor Division in Division HQ. So I know well what you are heading for. Its an adventure, well sort of. It is an experience. At the time I was not sure I did the right thing, but as I look back on it the Army did some very positive things in my young life at the time. I think the military is a postitive force for most young people - but that is another subject or thread.

    I truly wish you the best.

  7. HERE is the latest mailing list for all players in the SC PBEM LEAGUE

    Drop a note to any or all of the players and ask for a game. You should be able to find someone willing to play with this large list of possible players.

    fordiplomacy@msn.com, kurt_vanlooy@hotmail.com, suworonow@wp.pl, elgenstrom@hotmail.com, wbotsford@cinci.rr.com, transam00@cox.net, robert.buki@telia.com, dcelozzi@comcast.net, d.p.dailey@worldnet.att.net, bill.run@ntlworld.com, jkthomasser@adelphia.net, chsideri@anco.gr, durape@yahoo.es, pmbedard@attbi.com, kaiser_1982@hotmail.com, jubel@freenet.de, sbelisle@mwt.net, maludwig55@web.de, gnomism@yahoo.com, fwd0006@hotmail.com, tigleth.pilisar@shaw.ca, rrharris@erols.com, dmackey@dhq.nu, billyray71@hotmail.com, headquarters21@mchsi.com, mattpacconi@hotmail.com, gmclauch@bigpond.net.au, michael.kriechbaum@chello.at, imaginationgraveyard@hotmail.com, robcrimm@aol.com, pjflanag@aol.com, skanvak@wanadoo.fr, alexandrebleu@aol.com, michael@bsdbistro.com, dhorkoff@hotmail.com, chrisjowalsh@yahoo.com, derek@t-10.fsnet.co.uk, augeross@hotmail.com, bintravkin@one.lv, andre.stadel@ewetel.net, chloeinfl@hotmail.com, bigbaldone@cox.net, kani@jippii.fi, max1978mi@netscape.net, smithstacey29@aol.com, lange_kristian@hotmail.com, nogue@hotmail.com, noel60@midsouth.rr.com, michis@ny.airnet.ne.jp, jw_mchugh@comcast.net, lepatriote5@yahoo.ca, jesus.soria@mi.madritel.es, arron.driscoll@rogers.com, henrycc@erols.com, fukuokadave@hotmail.com, applehammond@juno.com, felix.machin@btopenworld.com, x-com@axelero.hu, eorlinga@terra.es, markos83@hotmail.com, edyvm82@hotmail.com, bas13duin@hotmail.com, soennichde@yahoo.de, nanafs@vodafone.es, thecursedsoul@hotmail.com, ervil@netcabo.pt, jfly1@yahoo.com, martin.vonwillebrand@helsinki.fi, blashy@hotmail.com, nort0135@d.umn.edu, robmfisher7@tiscali.co.uk, arngrim@chello.se, craig@ckcentral.com, pascal.sgm.39-45@voila.fr, jstory@stx.rr.com, tsalmeli@paju.oulu.fi, zastrow@cae.wisc.edu, jamescherib@msn.com, kool_cold_craig@hotmail.com, sanruan@san.rr.com, lvanloon@shaw.ca, kjgel@telus.net, s.clayton87@ntlworld.com, mike.clayton@cwgsy.net, abulbulian@hotmail.com, archibald@blueyonder.co.uk, kimmellm@cwu.edu, redy82nd@pacbell.net, mkwiddie@amigo.net, drbargus@aol.com, robertasp@runbox.com, snakepits_4ever@hotmail.com, jnricotta@aol.com, boozer2004@earthlink.net, greggvontell@sbcglobal.net, jeff@jeff4mandy.fsnet.co.uk, amosgraber@hotmail.com, powerfull_god@hotmail.com, aesop123@hotmail.com, dastoeckl@hotmail.com, michael_urquhart@onetel.net, lferens@paradise.net.nz, thepopof@yahoo.fr, t.salmonte@ntlworld.com, slooker@hotmail.com, jdotchon@hotmail.com, jjjgrills@cox.net, prizefighter76@hotmail.com, martti.salonen@pp5.inet.fi, yeremenko@free.fr, juscon8@aol.com, jlecerf@voila.fr, ypjacob@aol.com, dougmclean@oakharbor.net, dougmclean@comcast.net, dino.puljic@inet.hr, olivofrederic@aol.com, razuldazul@yahoo.com, guinty5@hotmail.com

  8. Only comment I have on the subject which is so large is about JJ's statement

    [quoteI'm tired of hearing accusations that Germany had no chance of winning the war, either against the West or against Russia. They are completely false, and most have little basis with reality.

    === (JJ) -- I ignore nonsense comments like those. I grew up during the fifties and sixties, when there were plenty of WWII Vets running around, and none of them believed either Germany or Japan had to lose. Most of the ones I knew felt they'd only failed to win because of mistakes made by their leaders. ===


  9. I resign

    The attack upon Russia is a monster attack. The axis has Jets 2 the allies just got jets 1 for the UK last turn. Hard to invade in the west without at least the same jets tech or better. Had 3 chits in the UK jets as early as I could and 2 in long range. All I got was 1 jets and just last move.

    Not complaining that that was the problem. Terif just plain beat me bad - again. smile.gif

    I thought I did ok with France, I cost him two armor and a corps but he took Paris in May becuase I counter attacked. For Terif that gives him so much time. He is incredible on the cookie cutter. When I tried to slow him down in the quiet period for the allies I made some very poor choices all around and it cost me more.

    He is just way beyond my abilities and I consider myself a good intermediate player. Look at my record in the league its 74-24 but against Terif that means nothing.

    Good game Terif.

  10. Terif, I apologize for the delay and this game may be delayed for some time.

    I live near where that Hurricane Charlie is going to hit. Its worse than we hoped for. I live in South West Florida and it now looks like its coming right for us. It has been upgraded now to a catagory 4 which is really really not good. (only 5 categories on a 1 - 5 scale). We even made a safe room out of our bathroom if things get too nasty we can go sit in there. Its suppose to hit in 3 or 4 more hours. I expect we will be out of power for some time after the hurricane goes through. Last time we had a tropical storm we were out 2 days. Last time we had a major hurricane like this it too a week to get back power. Thus is life in South Florida.

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