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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Avatar, very interesting.

    I will have to try it out. The one flaw that I see though is a sealion. Sealions are not tried enough because the "cookie cutter" has become so successful. But once a player sees and realizes what you are doing and the strategy gets known I would think that a Sealion would be a fair counter.

    Also, The Italians still could counter in the Med with the help of the Luftwaffe once France fell even if it falls late. Even if you dont get all the minors I would think if you just hold in place with Russia you can take the minors.

    Perhaps not. I would love to see this played against Terif and see what counter he would do.

  2. Roosevelt you said,

    NO diplomacy??!!

    war without diplomacy is like a hangover without beer(just imagine )

    If there's no diplomacy in SC2 I'll take my money elsewhere.

    Excuse me if I thought wrong, I do respect you for whatever. However, I thought you were the hot head by your statement. You were the one who started talking smack with the if it dont have diplomacy in it I'm not buying it whine. Like the kid playing baseball, you either play it my way or I'm not playing at all. For you SCII better have Diplomacy or I'm not buying it at all. Fine then dont play it if it doesnt have it. Diplomacy in SCII is not going to "make" it a success.

    I reaffirm that I will buy SCII either way. If it has Diplomacy or not. I hope it doesnt because it doesnt need it. But if it does I will still gladly buy it. Check out my email address, its fordiplomacy@msn.com I have played the ultimate game in Diplomacy for the last 25 years or so. If I want to play a game with Diplomacy or about Diplomacy I will play Diplomacy the game. If you like Diplomacy so much you really should look into it. Its a great game. I like SC because its just two players, like chess, battling it out and using your mind to make moves. Its just not killing as you indicated, its using your mind to know when and where and how to attack.

  3. Zapp said -

    However, TODAY I would surely have only a 1 to 100 shot of beating him because I have surely gotten worse by not playing and not seeing the latest variations to opening moves and standard moves i.e moves that probably makes a difference.

    I doubt that, I think you would be the old Zapp. Not that much has changed. No, nothing has changed. You would still be an excellent player and in the top 5 for certain.
  4. KUNI -

    If royal navy stays in the Med that means the brits will most likely have done a big mistake. They can surprise you if you go for Vichy France but else you will have no trouble if you support with air.

    Kuni I agree strongly. Is there any good players that keep their British Med Naval task force in the med still? Rambo or Terif would you ever keep your British Naval task force in the Med??? Dont understand why some players do. Its certain death for so little gain if any and the supply is so poor for the Brits.
  5. KUNI -

    If royal navy stays in the Med that means the brits will most likely have done a big mistake. They can surprise you if you go for Vichy France but else you will have no trouble if you support with air.

    Kuni I agree strongly. Is there any good players that keep their British Med Naval task force in the med still? Rambo or Terif would you ever keep your British Naval task force in the Med??? Dont understand why some players do. Its certain death for so little gain if any and the supply is so poor for the Brits.
  6. Mr. Hubert,

    I speak for many when I say, we love your game. We are so looking forward to SCII.

    I respectfully ask that you do whatever you can to make the PBEM system more secure in SCII. As the admin of the SC league which has become successful, and strongly believing that SC lends itself to be the perfect type of game to play via email, any help you can give us in making the game more secure to play via email will help. Many people who love gaming and love SC will not have 10 to 15 hours at one time to sit at a computer to play. But they will have the time to play one, two or three turns a day. SC is a game that lends itself to playing via email. At least that is my strong view.

    I know nothing of computers or programing but from the buisness world I think I know your demands on time and what can be done verses what can be done practically and cost effective. All I ask is you try to improve the system somewhat. If that is even possible. If not then we will at least know where we stand. I just want you to know I think its worth some of your time to investigate because playing via email to me is where this game can truly be sucessful in the marketplace.

    Keep up the good work and get the game out before Christmas. Best to you.

  7. GREAT NEWS for the SC community.

    Thanks to General Rambo for starting this up. I encourage anyone interested in playing live on the internet to sign up for this and to play some of the legends like Rambo or Kunni. A good butt kicking is the best ways to learn. I learned more in 10 butt kickings from Terif via TCIP than from any other way.

    Also, TCIP is really the only way for competive play. As much as I like playing SC via email it can never be totally competitive like TCIP can because of the problems of honesty with playing via email. I have played 88 recorded matches in the sc pbem league and played more than that via email before the league. Unfortunately I beleive I have run into a few players that have cheated. The majority are honest players, but I have played enough to tell when someone is not playing fair. Unfortunatley until the creator (you know who you are Mr. H. C.) improves the system of playing via email it is nothing one can prove.

    I will sign up myself, although I have some type of problem with my computer or router and cant host a game. Wish I knew enough about computers to fix it.

  8. I agree with Kuni, with the same thought. Dont invest too early and get into a tech race with Germany. I like Jets and long range and then to buy another carrier. With four carriers and if you get some jets and long range with some experience they can be very very powerful.

  9. Giving 8000 points WOW. You must all be way better than me.

    Also, I am just not that good to give another vetern 200 on a 1:5:20 system.

    I remember when Terif got the bid in the low 300's in the first Ryder cup against Rambo and that was considered a HUGE bid in its day (on the 1:8 System I beleive). It seems the bids have only gone up over time. There seems to be a bid inflation or everyone has just gotten so much better at playing the Axis. Interesting that no one has really come up with a good counter for the Allies. Terif had the Spain gambit, but that was really difficult to pull off even for Terif. I tried it several times and could do it against someone new but never against an experienced player.

    RANNUG: I understand what you mean by playing Terif and learning. I'm surprised you got to be as good as you are without playing him before this. I learned more from him in my 10 or so ass kickings than from anything else.

    [ July 23, 2004, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  10. There is a board to find a new game. However, its not used much any more. If you are interesting in playing via email your chances of finding a game are much greater. You can find the SC PBEM league on a sticky at the top.

  11. I use to try to get tech for the UK as early as I could especially Jets. I have changed my thinking and no longer invest in Jets for the UK for awhile because I think it only helps the Germans advance in Tech faster. There was a thread on this by Dragonheart some time ago, I will find it

    - found it and will bumb it up.

  12. Good thread by Kuni

    On the same subject of good WWII books that relate to SC I recently reread Willian Criags classic "Enemy at the gates" on the battle of Stalingrad on my vacation.

    I forgot how terrible it was on the Eastern Front. Now of course war is terrible, or as General Sherman correctly said, "war is hell". But the terribleness or awefullness of it seemed to be more on the Eastern front.

    How terrible the Germans were in Russia. How the Russians reacted to the Germans. How terrible the war there was.

    Its a classic and great account and almost makes you want to ask Mr. H.C. to come up with seperate rules for the Eastern front of the war.

    Its a must read for all of us who are serious about studing the war.

    [ July 15, 2004, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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