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undead reindeer cavalry

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Posts posted by undead reindeer cavalry

  1. Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    I'm 95% sure that from CMBB MGs could suppress multiple units. Only in CMBO were they restricted to affecting point targets.

    MGs only lay point fire though the point has an effective radius of 25 meters or so. there is no grazing fire and thus realistic defensive HMG tacticts (e.g. placement at flanks to form interlocking fields of grazing fire in front of the MLR) do not make sense.

    Yes, I was ambushed, but I was also suppressed by that MG fire. Some of my units wouldn't return fire because they were either panicked or pinned down - that is what suppression is.
    suppressive HMG fire is a sustained long term (in CM scale) area denial effect. what you experienced was very sudden and short term and only caused by the surprise.

    you do have a point, but i think the point only applies to ambush situations.

  2. suppression in CM is weak, while there are far too many casulties. perhaps it's just to make the game more exciting, but partly it's due to the limitations set by the game engine. i think the greatest weakness of the engine (edit: regarding suppression) is that machineguns can only lay point fire, rendering defensive HMG nets pretty pointless.

    hellfish, i think what you experienced is an ambush, not so much suppression. for a display of suppressive effects setup a HMG at a treeline at 500 meters and Advance towards it with a platoon of infantry. edit: though you get better results as the number of platoons and HMGs rises, but of course then the platoons ought to get support weapons of their own.

  3. some months ago i used to talk about the merits of sufficiently trained light infantry forces regarding the Syria 2007 scenario. i trust BattleFront is evaluating how Hezbollah, basicly a light infantry force, is doing in the current conflict against modern 1st class combined arms force that is artillery-air-armour heavy and a bit casulty shy. or to put it the other way around, how the 1st class force is doing against the light infantry force. how would a shock & awe "god with us" thunder run mech force fare?

  4. Originally posted by JasonC:

    Nazis, and pacifists, are still with us.

    i refuse to believe that you are so delusional that you believe that NSDAP still exists.

    your attempt to turn your hypocritical, revisionist & racist hatespeech posts into some kind of universal battle against Nazi-like forces is nothing but ridiculous.

    Defending Nazis is a popular enough sport at the present time.
    you should try visiting planet earth some time, you'd surely enjoy how different these things are over here.
  5. Originally posted by JasonC:

    URD - my reasons are entirely consistent. I give people exactly what they ask for. If they say morality is a crock, for them it is a crock and they have no appeal to it. If they say they recognize only the law of the jungle, tear them apart with red tooth and red claw. They ask, they receive, the worms rejoice.

    If they say one thing and do another, say whatever you please and treat them as their actions dictate, ignoring their words. If they say morality is the highest principle and act like it, morality is the highest principle when dealing with them. It is a military alliance of the just against all others, not a suicide pact.

    exactly, you don't seem to realize that the war has been over for 60 years. we are not fighting a war here, we are trying to discuss what actually took place back then. so please cut the dishonest misinformation nonsense.
  6. i thought the latest Syrian deal with Russians finally included S-300, but perhaps i am mistaken. those Syrian Russian deals are so fuzzy because it's mostly politics. though S-300 is a strategic asset so i don't think it matters for CMSF.

    i would rate Chechens over Syrians, except for Syrian special forces. there's quite a difference in military culture. not that it takes that much skill to use AA missiles, even if some fail in that task.

    i guess you are talking about this video?

  7. Originally posted by JasonC:

    Navscout - Italians make better suits these days. Hotter women too. Then there is the food.

    IMO Israelis fare a lot better if we are to give Aesthetic Nazi Points to modern day equivalents. their technical, tactical and feline female attractiveness is simply astonishing.
  8. Originally posted by JasonC:

    URD - actually my attitude is the pinnacle of reason and based on the foundation of rationalism.

    if your attitude would be based on reason, not alone be a pinnacle of one, you would apply consistent reasons as a base for your output on the given context.

    So when some knot of immoral idiots appoint themselves "superior" based on pure wind and indifference to morality, blow the living crap out of them, problem solved. Show them what rule of the stronger really means, because they are utter fools if they think it means them.
    how would you rate the Irony Factor for the above quote? i would rate it: the highest possible.
  9. i guess hate-speech crowds are run by an inner need to "form tribal lines". we still are just damned apes looking for an excuse to express our tribal nature, like chimps gathering to patrol the outer edges of their territory. the reasons we give ourselves for our hateful tribal needs & deeds are just phony & petty excuses devoid of consistent rational reasoning.

  10. it never fails to impress me how people want & love to believe in anti-rational illogical nonsense, how they hold pure limitless hypocricy so dearly close to their hearts. it's not surprising why some mentally ill people believe that mankind is cursed by a God to live a sinful life without sense for truth or decency.

  11. a quote from "On Point", Center of Army Lessons Learned article:

    The day [23th March 2003] closed with the 11th Attack Helicopter Regiment's unsuccessful deep attack against the [iraqi] Medina Division near Karbala. There, the regiment lost two aircraft (one to hostile fire), had two aviators captured, and saw literally every AH-64 Apache helicopter come back riddled with holes. Worse, the targeted Medina units remained relatively unscathed from the attack. The Army's vaunted deep-strike attack helicopters appeared to have been neutralized by the Iraqi air defense tactics.

    Syrians have significantly better AA equipment than Iraqis (e.g. SA-18 Strelets, S-300), so i think Syrians have some chances at protecting the tactical airspace of key units.
  12. Originally posted by Tagwyn:

    Living Horse**** Eskimo:


    Nothing with wheels will be alive on a battlefield more than a few hours, much less have any combat.
    you can repeat that as much as you like, but the reality is that pickup trucks with 23mm AA guns do put M1s out of battle. wether or not BFC has balls to include such realistic modelling of weapon systems remains to be seen.

    Their only hope is that an

    American will get a sprained ankle and the cowardly, left-wing, kool-aid drinking, ACLU licking American media will scare us out of the war, like in 'Nam, Rememeber?

    what the above has to do with battles in CMSF is beyond me. anyway, i don't differentiate between republicans and democracts. surrender monkeys lost the war, get over it.
  13. Originally posted by dan/california:

    What are the specific factors that will make the Syrians do better?

    i think the most important one is: we command the Syrian troops.

    Peter is right about U.S. players getting reminded of the laws of physics early on, but then what happens once the U.s.payer gets his tactics straight?

    i think the battles will still be quite even. i really believe the game will be easier for the Syrian side, because for the cost of one Stryker you should get 2-3 BTRs or BMPs. for one M1A2SEP you should get a platoon of T-72s or one T-72 with Western modernization pack. it shouldn't be any different to one Panther facing three Shermans or T-34/85s.
  14. Flamingknives,

    it's true that Javelin is lighter and in almost every way better ATGM, but i don't think the differences matter that much in battles of CMSF scale. both Kornet and Metis penetrate all Abrams variants from from all parts & sides except the turret front, and at all ranges between 80 and 5500 meters.

    i don't think it's that certain that there are more Javelins around than Syrian ATGMs. if the US player really has a full Stryker Company + at least a platoon of M1A2s, then the Syrian side should have quite a massive number of points to use for all kinds of equipment. special AT hunter groups are a historical Syrian "specialty" and should be available with low point cost. and of course one doesn't need stuff like Kornet and Metis to deal with light vehicles like Stryker. or any kind of ATGM. ZSU-23 will do the trick just fine. even Abramses have been lost to ZSU-23 fire.

  15. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Your own words in another post show you are in agreement.

    yes, but for different reasons. Syrians would be wiped out because of US skill in all levels, from tactical to strategical, and especially at levels above tactical. Syrians would have the best chances at tactical level, and that's where CMSF takes place. it's up to the player to make Syrian or American forces perform well. just like you can kick German ass in CMBB in June 1941, you can serve the fascist Sturmtruppen... oops, liberating Shock Force i mean... a bitter dinner.

    I am trying to fathom what the challenge would be fighting as US Military in a game where the opponents are so over-matched.
    i honestly don't see how they would be that overmatched in the game. Syrians have plenty of good equipment.
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