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Posts posted by Melnibone

  1. Originally posted by Kieme(ITA):

    A vehicle could be smart enough to be told to move and face a certain direction at low speed, and stop at the very first moment it sees an enemy.

    Why can't you use the Hunt command refined with a target arc if necessary?

    [ August 01, 2007, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]

  2. Explain how you think the command should work. Exactly like in CMX1? If so this discussion is pointless as you are asking for a broken command to be replicated. If you would like a working Hulldown command perhaps you could explain how you would like the mechanics of the command to work. Hulldown to what?

  3. Originally posted by Kieme(ITA):

    I liked the command and used it.

    Maybe we should ask to all players if they would like it back or not.. as well as many other features.

    It's not a question of like or dislike. The command did NOT work at all well in CMX1 - simple as that. Search the CMX1 forums for many discussions on why it did not work.
  4. Originally posted by Kieme(ITA):

    Another great achievement of CMBB thrown away.

    The command did not work very well in CMBB at all. Most players I know never used it as far better results were gained by manually doing it. Not everything worked in CMX1 as well as you guys seem to make out. Why replicate a command that never worked in the first place?

    If you put some thought into what you are asking for a hulldown command you may be enlightened. Hulldown to what? A hill on the horizon - or the valley on the horizon. Or are you advocating being able to select a specific spot that you want to be hull down to?

  5. Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

    This probably is a general question rather than a converting one, but anyhow: what's that big yellow circle that appears when I click an enemy unit?

    And can I turn it off?

    I think you see that on the lowest level of hardness - it is the covered arc that they have been setup - ifyou move up to Vet or Elite you don't see it - I think!
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