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David Chapuis

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Posts posted by David Chapuis

  1. Originally posted by NG cavscout:

    The ultra sound tells us that we are having twins! So, there are two more future CM players for me to start training. lol

    Congratulations! May I be so bold as to suggest a book to read - Babywise (they sell it just about everywhere - even Walmart). It describes a method to train you child to sleep through the night in 6-8 weeks. We used that method with two of our 4 kids, and it worked well. If only we would have used it on all of them!

    [ July 03, 2003, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  2. How effective is art/mortar fire against units in buildings compared to shelling them in woods/pines? I know if the building comes down then anyone inside is hurt bad, but that is hard to do with medium/small caliber art. It seems to me like buildings offer the best cover possible to art shells (as long as the building stands).

  3. Originally posted by moneymaxx:

    I found out that the tiny 2 inch mortar is the key to win this battle. When I discover a SMG squad I order my 2 inch mortar to fire indirectly at them. That is usually enough to pin them or drop their combat effectiveness and morale. That tactic was so successful in the past that I buy an extra 2 inch mortar for every platoon when playing on heavily wooded maps.

    Moneymaxx, I think I found the answer to my question I just asked you. Now you shall see first hand if this works
  4. I am looking for 6-10 players to play a strategy level CMBO game that I am going to GM. It will have reinforced battalion sized forces. I am copying the CMx10 system that JasonC used at one time. Unfortunately, I had a real hard time finding any topographical maps, so I just made a fictional map (but I think it looks fun). The time is supposed to be around the spring of 45, somewhere along the french/german front. US attacking Germans.

    The schedule is going to be 1 set of tactical fights per week (game day will be saturday or sunday - and assuming that forces get engaged). The operational map size is 8km x 8km. This isnt going to nearly as complex/thorough as CMMC, but should be more fun than a standard operation game out of the box.

    Some of the operational rules I will take into account are: supply, art barrage, air support/recon, reinforcements/lightly wounded. This is the first campaign I have done, so I am open to suggestions from participants (and non-participants), but again, I am trying to make this a relatively simple and quick campaign, as opposed to a super complex one.

    Here is a link to the system that I am tyring to emulate: CMx10 (note, one important difference from the method JasonC used is that op moves will be approx 3 hours (day) and 1 night move. That will be 4 daylight op moves and 1 night move in a day. I will adjust the movement rules accordingly.)

    I need at least 6 people who will be commited, and then 4-6 people who can serve lesser roles. I hope to get started in two weeks. Participants will be required to send orders to me, and report AARs from the battles. I will also take help GMing/making maps if anybody is interested.

    Post here, or email at my listed email if you are interested.

  5. I have been looking for a operational CMBO game. I read a bit about CM x10 (the last post I saw was quite a long ago) and about CMMC (which as far as I can tell is finished for CMBO). Any suggestions where I can find some people interested in a good operational game? Also, I read something about somebody trying to create some 3rd party software that would interface with CMBO to create an operational game. Did anything ever come of that?

  6. Well I am about to finish off an entire platoon of Vet British infantry with a half squad of Heavy SMG and a half squad of MSG (regulars). I was on a reverse slope, and sent one half squad forward, got some fire, and withdrew (thank goodness for that 'W' key) right before an unseen wasp torched the pines. I guess he thought he would finish me off, because two turns later he ran a platoon within 10m of a hidden half squad of Heavy SMG. 17 Brits on the ground in about 30 seconds. I am sending another half squad of SMG to try to finish them off (I hope he doesnt read this, although I dont think there is anything he can do to save them - poor Brits - well he does still has that wasp :eek: ).

  7. I've read in a couple AAR's how deadly a reverse slope position will be to some unfortunate infantry that come over the hill. I was hoping I could get somebody to explain exactly how/why that works so well. I have a couple of issues/questions:

    1)It seems like high ground would be preferable to lower ground, but if you were on the reverse slope, you would obviously have the lower ground. So how is that better.

    2)How far down the reverse slope should you be? 10m, 20m, 40m, 60m?

    3)Does it only work if the crest is bare, and the reverse slope is covered, or does it still work well (all though surely not as well) if the crest is wooded, and the slope is open?

    4)Do AFV's benefit also?

  8. Originally posted by Malakovski:

    Still, no one has commented on the small unit tactics books sold by Battlefront (not the ones in the long biblio). Surely someone has ordered them?

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpl Dodge:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

    How about the four books Battlefront sells re: German and Russian Infantyr and Tank tactics? I assume some people here have ordered them, and they are a much more reasonable $20...

    I also am interested in what people think of these. </font>
  9. It is in fact amazing what people can do with halftracks in CMBO even against a morally intact foe. Firing a 50 calibre from an old hardmount on a low capacity suspension vehicle moving in terrain is simply fiction, as anybody knows who has ever tried to hit anything firing from even a modern high capacity suspension MCV moving in terrain, using modern softmounts or handheld light automatics.
    Well you must have never seen Black Hawk Down. Those guys were crack shots with their mg's while racing through town in their Hummers. And what about all those old cowboy movies? If John Wayne can hit an ingin' with a colt revolver while galloping on a horse, a .50 cal on a halftrack should be cake.
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