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David Chapuis

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Posts posted by David Chapuis

  1. I downloaded the CMBB demo, and the main thing I disliked about it was that it took sooooooo long to calculate between turns. And I dont have an ancient system (1.2 ghz processor with 770 MB RAM and 64 MB video card).

    Is the current version much improved in this regard over the demo, or is it about the same?


    [ May 23, 2003, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  2. Originally posted by Snowbart:

    Enemy at the Gates was a very good read about the epic of Stalingrad. It has hardly nothing to do with the terrible movie made under the same name

    Never read the book but have to agree about the movie being horrible. The thing that made it sooooooo bad IMO was when Zaitzev and that girl started getting it on right there in front of everybody. :mad: What kind of idiot would think that would make the movie better?

    I get plum flusterated when ignorant scenes like that are thrown into a movie.

  3. I have been thinking about getting CMBB for a while, but had pretty much decided not to since I dont really care that much about the eastern front, and since CMAK will be coming out soon.

    But I have been reading A Frozen Hell , and now I am really wanting to see if I have enough sisu to whoop a swarming hoard of Ruskies.

    Are the Winter War scenario's worth buying the game for? Are there ski troops in CMBB? What about Finnish Puukkos?

    Oh, and in answer to the topic question: yes, I love the Finns.

    [ May 22, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  4. From the "will some of the fun be put back?" topic

    In Combat Mission II, each turn will represent 1 second, you will have separate icons for each soldier, each limb of each soldier will have to be moved separately, and each scenario will require 48 hours of preparation followed by 6 hours of hiding under an artillery barrage followed by 30 minutes of shooting blindly in the general direction of the enemy. All of this is 'realistic' and those who complain about such things as not wanting to micromanage the position of each soldier's shin will be derided as fantasy-loving illiterates.
    You entire post was hilarious. That was the funniest thing I have read on this forum yet.
  5. I thought of a "tweak" (which I am sure has been mentioned before). How about an undo command, or better yet, a "restore unit to start of turn" command? Many times a unit of mine has been in the middle of a move, and I have tried to change what he is doing, and I end up losing the entire command. Then you have to go through the delay period again. Sooooo frustrating! So you hit this button, and that unit is restored to the move it had at the start of the turn.

    [ May 15, 2003, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  6. It looks like this post is getting back more to the original topic, so I better chime in again and head off down the "wish list" path (although, honestly, this small IMO, but more than a tweak as defined above). tongue.gif

    Add friendly units completely controlled by the AI. I am thinking of a scenario where you have a group of friendly paratroops stuck behind enemy lines, calling for help. Your objective is to save the paratroopers (the time frame would fit into CM). If they die, you lose. But you dont get to control them, AI does. And you dont get their line of sight. That would be cool, eh?

    Of course that would be better played as a 2v1 game, but if we cant have that, maybe this???? :D

    [ May 14, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  7. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Yeh, I'm hoping for some SMALL tweak suggestions

    Small, of course, is a relative term. So what is small is your mind (and BFC apparently), is obviously different than small in my mind.

    But anyway, for an even smaller suggestion, IMO. How about adding a button on the purchase screen that will take you to the unit info screen? And, as somebody else suggested, how about another section of the unit info screen for a description of the unit. That would help people like me who dont know the difference between a Gebergsjager and a fallschirmjager.

    [ May 13, 2003, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  8. Why isn't expanding multiplayer to more than 2 players a realistic option?

    Seems to me like that wouldnt be too hard of a change. You wouldnt be changing to basic engine, just adding options for another player (or two).

    Does nobody else think that would be really, really fun? To me, that one change would be better (and make the game more fun) than all the other suggested changes combined.

    [ May 12, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  9. I'd like to see them expand multiplayer gaming to include 3 or more players (2v1, 2v2, 3v3) rather than just 2 players. Each player would have their own units to control, and FOW would hide friendly units controlled by another player on the same side.

    I am thinking of an operation where you have two commanders that are supposed to assault the enemy from opposite positions. In real life often friendly units were not in direct sight of each other, but could communicate through radio contact. Simulating that would bring in friendly fire situations, more realistic misidentification of units, and would be fun for two people to learn how to play together.

    PBEM games would take longer, but I think it would be worth it.

    Do you know if this as been considered before?

    [ May 12, 2003, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

  10. I havent played SC yet (I am about to get it), but it sure looks and reads a lot like a game I played a couple years ago called clash of steel. The game map looks the same, the units looks the same, and a lot of features seem the same. Anybody have an idea, or is this game "look" very common?

    Also, if anybody has played both, is SC more fun?

  11. I checked some of those other links and this stuff is very helpful. But I am still wondering about moving out once the barrage starts. Should I try to crawl out of the central area, or is running better since you get out quicker? In real life (well, I should say from movies) it seems like when artillery comes, people just hit the deck and try to stay low

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