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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

David Chapuis

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Posts posted by David Chapuis

  1. Originally posted by JasonC:

    This is no more a bug or something to remove, than tank main guns hitting or missing probabilistically. Your men might cowboy up and attack in 10 seconds, or chicken out and take a minute and a half. Live with it.

    I think that point was already made - and never argued with.
  2. Not trying to state the obvious here but try using a normal cover arc commmand at say 40 meters or so. Just remember what you see on screen isn't everything that could be happening -maybe unit dropped his satchel charge, scratched his head, picked his nose, was daydreaming etc.

    apparently that is what my engineers were doing in the particular game that was driving me nuts.

    anyway, thanks for the input. I will be trying the follow tank route if I dont think he will get gunned down by inf.

    [ April 22, 2008, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: David Chapuis ]

  3. Originally posted by SKELLEN:

    Did you read this ? "I used the above movement method on a KV tank in CMBB just a couple of days ago and it worked like a charm for me." ;)

    I did read it. The fact that it worked for you a couple of days ago hardly means it is the best way to do something.

    Of course your unit may be spotted but it can also work without said unit being spotted, very well in my particular case.

    If you are playing against a quality opponent, they wont have tanks running around by themselves. You start running units around chasing tanks, a good opponent will have inf to stop him.

    Also any unit can be spotted and not throw there weapon as I've said already, but if you don't make the attempt, you obviously won't know.

    Placing a target order on a tank should do the trick, and the game should be smart enough not to have soldiers start blasting away with rifles at the armor when they have satchels. And you cant use the follow tank command when wanting to throw a satchel at a building.

    Armour arc is your friend-no need for anti tank command.

    You cant give armor arcs to pioneers - so like i said - we need an anti-tank command when BFC releases the next CMAK patch.
  4. Originally posted by SKELLEN:

    Another thing you could try is plotting a move order with the waypoint placed on the enemy vehicle instead of targeting directly. The distance between you and the vehicle should be no more than 50 meters. Your squad should automaticaly follow the vehicle and assault it - all being well of course. ;)


    but if a squad isnt spotted and in good cover, that will get them spotted, possibly pinned, and then possibly not throw the weapon.

    When BFC creates a new patch to CMAK they need to add a "use AT weapon" command.

  5. I am trying to recruit somebody to do an infantry mod for me. Any good modders out that that are bored and want to try something "unique".

    email me at dkchapuis at yahoo dot com.


    ps. id rather not tell what the mod looks like in public. I plan on doing lots of screen shots though and posting them (full credit will be given)

  6. Originally posted by The Coil:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David Chapuis:

    From the screen shots I am assuming that for squad FP to also increase the HQ needs LOS to the target - but that might be a bad assumption.

    I think maybe that is a bad assumption - a quick test showed no change in the stated FP in or out of command. Of course, another quick test showed no change in stated FP no matter what combat bonus I gave the HQ. Are you sure that combat bonuses increase FP? If so, it doesn't show on the stated FP number when you target a unit... </font>
  7. This is the truth - I KO'd the gun with 5 seconds left on turn 12 of 12 - first try.

    This was an interesting little puzzle. I would like to hear how anybody else solved it. Mine was a bit of luck.

    *****spoiler below*****








    One tank got KO'd, and I tried for a couple turns to get LOS to an area close to the gun. Twice my living tank inched forward spotted the gun and reversed out of LOS. So in that sense I was lucky. After the second time (turn 11) I decided to drive my living tank behind the KO'd tank that was smoking. Turn 12 I had LOS to an area just next to the gun and area fired and got a lucky kill with the 6th shot.

  8. Originally posted by Hoolaman:

    That's not what he said. The commander doesn't need LOS to its subordinate, but to give a bonus the HQ must be in LOS to it's subordinate's target. I have never noticed this effect but it may be true.

    I had never heard that until about a month ago. Go to the 7th post of this thread to see screen shots of the command bonus hit% jump only when the commander has LOS to target (http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=43829)

    From the screen shots I am assuming that for squad FP to also increase the HQ needs LOS to the target - but that might be a bad assumption.

  9. Originally posted by JasonC:

    Which part of "geometric distribution" is giving you trouble?

    No reason to be surly.

    I understand geometric distribution well enough. What I am not fully convinced of is that that is the only answer. I am wondering if there are any other "rules" that affect the geometric distribution.

    For example, elite pioneers will throw sooner than conscripts - that is pretty intuitive. I was wondering if there was something that wasnt so intuitive.

    another example not related to satchels - I just recently learned that for a leader's combat bonus to take affect the leader has to have LOS to the target. That is a "rule" that one has to learn. Another example - to ensure a tank is buttoned throughout an entire turn you have to unbutton and rebutton in the orders phase.

    So, again, I am wondering if anybody knows of some "rule" that prevents or causes a satchel to be thrown. I assume there isnt, but it is always worth asking.

    Originally posted by JasonC:

    Do you get really frustrated that you don't know how to point the tank and change the covered arc settings so your tanks always hit with their first shot?

    No. but I would get really frustrated if I had frequently managed to sneak a piat to within 40m of an unsuspecting enemy tank and, after given the piat a target order, it sits there for an entire turn and doesnt fire.

    [ February 28, 2008, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: David Chapuis ]

  10. Originally posted by Ted:

    When targeting around 30 meters it should say "Area Fire Use Explosives".

    Usually within 40 seconds Regular Engineers should throw their charges.

    Unfortunately it seems that nobody knows what makes this only "usually". Maybe it is just completely random - if nobody here knows something else I will just assume it is.
  11. Originally posted by The Coil:

    Dave: Did you get the setup I sent you? Should I expect engineers? [/QB]

    yeah I got the file. Why would you expect engineers from me. You know I prefer tank swarms!

    Actually this question has nothing to do with our game. Do you know how aggrivating it is to actually sneak an engineer squad within satchel range of a tank or building - not the easiest feat under most circumstances - and then give the target order, and they just sit there with their head up their Leto shooting their rifles. In my current game squads went an entire turn without throwing one satchel at least 5 times.

  12. Does anybody know the exact rules on when/why engineer squads will throw satchels. I cannot express the extreme frustration I get when I order my engineers to area fire and use explosives, and they dont throw satchels. Or when they are less than 30m from armor with a target order, and they dont throw satchels.

    It drives me NUTS!!!!!!!

    And I know it has to be 29.5 meters or less. I know they wont throw if friendly are too close. There just seems to be a lot of randomness, and I am hoping somebody has figured out how to not make it random.

  13. How do you guys like playing scenarios where the forces have different victory locations?

    My opinion - right now - is that it should be seldom used or kind of a bonus objective. In theory it sounds like it would make for a better scenario, but in practice I have found it frustrating. You seize your objective, only to lose because your opponent also got his objective. That is just frustrating.

  14. Originally posted by Homo ferricus:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 'Card:


    Combat Mission: Our Test Scores Were Too Low To Get In The Army!

    Something tells me I'm going to pay for that one. :cool:

    hmmm, i got an 86 on my ASVAB, with line scores that qualify me for everything (except band, since i don't play an instrument, and i can't be an armor crew member, oh and about a half inch too tall for the silent drill team).

    what'd you get?

    edit: you know why the Army says hooah, right... </font>

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