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Everything posted by Mantra

  1. My choice of forces, in this case STuGs, was primaily based upon what I could get in a 1500 ME combined arms game. There was no intenion of being GAMEY as you say. Perhaps next time I'll take some Uber Armour
  2. The funny thing is that I did have some flak plus SPHT. But the jeeps can be, and were used for, BORG spotting with a FO. In 2 minutes I lost 3 soft skined vehicles. With them out of the way the StuGs can be BORG spotted for his AFV that were hidding behind a high hill on my flank. That's what really pissed me off.
  3. Yes, I am aware of Seanachai's antics. Although I agree with what has been said in reguard to it being a waste of pts. It sort of indirectly worked. You see all I had were StuGs. Turretless armour is at a big disadvantage in this situation. I didn't bother hunting the jeeps down with them, but the jeeps were bees in a bonet so to speak (they were destory later by MGs and Mortors) Because of the jeeps I couldn't employ the StuGs effectively for fear of being sidesmacked by some of his AFV that he later brought up. I ended up lossing 3 StuGs this way. Mind you he spend so much time and energy on these maneuvers that it cost him most the the objective flags. Only one wasn't in control at the time the game crashed.
  4. Well he followed this up with a Stuart. I guess hoping to catch my AFV's hunting down/chasing his jeeps. Didn't work though. The Stuart went up in flames. Sadly the game crashed just as it was going in to extended time.
  5. Hi All, I was just in a game where my opponent decided to run a bunch of jeeps up the edge of the map, followed by a few other recon vehicle, into my rear areas. I noticed he went through all my rear high elevation areas, presumably trying to flush out my ATG's and FO's. Is this considered gamey tactics? He even brought his jeeps to within 50m of my STuGs knowing they were helpless at firing.
  6. Yes, I'd be up for it. Any takers? 50/50 on the wine. Double blind. Before and after the wine.
  7. It worked for me: web page I remember this happened to me a few months ago. Perhaps clean out your cookies
  8. I had similar results, but I live in South Korea. Very impressive.
  9. Wizards of the coast has a new mass combat system coming out sometime this summer (I think), after Chainmail skrimish game failed to capture the publics eye
  10. D&D is great alone, but CMFR??? I don't know about that. Maybe you should consult Ed Greenwood.
  11. Toggle the camera (numbers 1-8). Some battles start up with the top down view (2D) and some don't, but they can all be played in 3d
  12. Aside from the CM series I occasionally indulge in a little SC and CIV III. I can't even fanthom firing up any other computer game. As far as boardgames go I enjoy playing Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Puerto Rico and of course The Hammer of the Scots.
  13. Maybe I missed something, but is there a new SC game on the drawing board? All I every read is a santa wish list. Thats all. Have the good people at Battlefront decide on or contracted out the development of a new game? Just curious that's all.
  14. Having not played any of them I'm quite curious as well. Any advice would be appreciated.
  15. Run,crawl, hide or pray, I'll get you all the same. [ April 08, 2003, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: Mantra ]
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