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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Russia was at 24% in turn following the Axis decission not to honor the Hitler-Stalin pact.
  2. All silent on the western front. RAF visited germany, but the successfull bombing run had to be payed by own heavy losses, while the armée de l'air knocked up a tank unit which wasn't covered by the bad weather. South african convoys were molested for the very first time, while the RN is still watching raiders hiding on or under the oceans. In China there had to be made some adjustments due to the heavy losses.
  3. Poland crumbled away unter clinical and hart german strokes. Bad weather covers the good and the evil as well, so nothing else to report here. In Asia, another chinese army ceased to exist, while local patriots try to blaze into the weak japanese hinterland. The rest of the world stands still, visit the barber or saves some money for future investments. Germany slaped Stalin into his face when it ignored the pact that never existed anyway. The soviet people condemn the german aggressors for their mercyless sneak attack on those poor poles and awaits the capitalistic countries to kill each other even sooner.
  4. And so the game began... The poland egg got cracked wide open. Instead of a glorious polished victory, i'm afraid we are looking into a doomed future. At least the French did start a try to break through the german west wall. In China, one entire army was slaughtered through the japanese Invaders. Such a bloody mess had to be answered: "advance, you children of heaven, advance!". The british navy set sail, starting the inevitable hunt for the axis subs and raiders, while the USA decided to sleep this war out, staying brave at their home soil. Stalin, on the other side, shows more interested. to be continued ...
  5. You can play the Axis, default scenario. Just send me your turn, and start the AAR (aka "all about rambo"?) thread , i follow in and promise to contribute my fair share for the audience. My game stinks, i only play against the AI. In fact, my last multiplayer game was some years ago against you, & i got a bad whipping. History will probably repeat itself. So there should be enough to write and read about...
  6. game on, choose your side please remind: patch 1.03 installed on my side (not compatible with 1.02 or lower versions of the game)
  7. iI'm up for an email game if anyone (highlight the one, i can't play 10 games simultaniously) is interested. I'm usualy only play against the AI, so if you're looking for a crack, look elsewhere.
  8. You don't need to reign to conduct crimes, or do you?
  9. ...from where i suddenly feel the strong urge to quote this: "ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR, ESPECIALLY OF A RELIGIOUS OR DEFAMING NATURE, TOWARD OTHER MEMBER OR MEMBERS WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT BANNING. " and "jon_j_rambo" "banned" @ ransom552 Please Ignore the last remark of jjr, because at buntaland you won't find any swastikas and surely no help to install them. buntaland is simply another forum, where some active and former battlefront forum members meet and talk about SC, others games -what actually is not possible here at the SC forum- and about all the rest in the world. A certain member was banned there because he spreaded lies. At first only about one member, and after his banishment, about all of them. Usualy he claims that they are all nazis. That would -by his definition- include me as well. But back on topic: Ransom552, honestly, I simply don't understand your morbid fascination about the swastica symbols. If they appear on historical pictures, well, ok. But why do you want them in the game engine? Don't you know or understand what happend 70 years ago under this sign? The "Balkenkreuz" / iron cross is a military symbol used by the Reichswehr, the Wehrmacht and the Bundeswehr. It the the ONE symbol of choice to represent german armed forces. The swastika itself is no specific "german" symbol. Take a read at wikipedia about it (and better about all the nazi crimes as well) and think if you REALLY need it in the game anymore. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#As_the_symbol_of_Nazism I would advice to not use it, as it represents (at least in my eyes) in short every bestiality the german Nazis did between 1925 - 1945. And i feel no need to get, to see, to use such a symbol in a GAME. If you decide, that you need the swastika, i would suggest to write one of the modders an email. I think those guys know what to do to introduce new flags. Maybe it is even in the manual. Manual, that is this pdf-file or even the printed handbook, where usually no one cares to read in.
  10. PDE is a great expansion. worth every cent you might consider to pay for it.
  11. Just an ideas: create a new option for strategic bombers: conduct day attacks (equal results -or better ones- but 2 fighter interceptions) OR conduct night attacks (equal or worse results but only 1 or no fighter interception)
  12. The UK could get a decision event regarding sending help from Egypt toward Greece once the Italians declared war against Greece. If the player decides "no", than he should suffer somehow, maybe he could generate less convoy income (for a certain amount of time or forever), as the Greek merchant ships might be handed over to the Axis or to other NEUTRAL countries. Or Crete might be handed over to the germans after the Greek capitulation (which should come soon once a german unit entered Greece). If the player decides "yes", let him get a reinforcement somewhat later in the game. I write this just to hand over another decision to the player. Right now Greece simply "happens" through scripts. I don't really care about what exactly should happen once the player decided "yes" or "no". I only care about the option to decide something which right now is not allowed for me to decide.
  13. Amadeus, i don't despise YOU, sorry if my limited english may have sounded like i did. The opposite is true! It is just that i don't like game moves which are using holes in the game mechanics or other ways to outsmart the game mechanics. Hmm, mal auf verdacht das Ganze hier auf deutsch: also, nichts für ungut, war nicht persönlich gemeint. Aber Tricks zu verwenden, nur um irgendwie zu sparen oder über einen nicht vorgesehenen weg den Rechner oder Spielpartner auf jeden Fall zu besiegen, sind nicht so wirklich mein Ding. Lieber mit Anstand verlieren als nur nach Lücken oder "der perfekten" Lösung zu suchen, um möglichst immer zu gewinnen. Ich will dir das nicht unterstellen, wirklich nicht. Ich habe mit anderen Spielern und in anderen Spielen aber mein Maß bis zum Überlaufen voll bekommen. Ich spiele lieber mit Spielern, die ein Spiel "anständig" spielen, um des Spielens und des Spieles wegen, und nicht, um umbedingt nur zu gewinnen. Und zu letzteren gehören für mich solche Züge, wo manintensiv mit Corps nach Ubooten "fischen" geht. Mal eine Falle zustellen (so nach dem Motto: "kommt, putt, putt, putt") wäre für mich andererseits völlig in Ordnung, legitim und irgendwie auch witzig. Ich halte dir einfach mal zugute (nicht, dass du es nötig hättest), dass dein beschriebener Zug in die eben genannte Kategorie fällt.
  14. Russia: in 1939: attacking Finland (winter war)? if yes, MPPs to pay for some turns, strength points to lose, a few tiles to gain, some experience to gain, "soviet winter" immunity if no, no "soviet winter" immunity, Finland more likely neutral after a german attack on Finland, Sweden more likely to ignores Germanys demands for Ore after a german attack: transfering industry towards the urals? if yes, losing some MPPs for some time, until the industries have been rebuild if no, no MPP loss, but Germany plunders / loots from every captured russian city USA / UK: prepare mulberry harbors in 1944 if yes, pay amount xy fro z turns and on d-day all landing forces in france keep supply lvl X for Y turns Germany: Plan Z continuation upgrade (as originally planned) Scharnhorst / Gneisenau from 28 cm to 38 cm guns fi yes, pay x MPP for y turns, remove Scharnhorst / Gneisenau CA from the game and put a Scharnhorst / Gneisenau BB into the production queue (somewhat weaker than the CAs were, from strength 8 to 7 as an example) In general: create for all scripted, free units some kind of decision event create for all scripted events a decision event (Volkssturm, home guards, Tarent attack by Swordfish planes)
  15. I despise those "how can i cheat the game mechanics" actions, even though it might be "cheaper" than simply hunting with all risks. A better way would be to make suggestions how to enhance the subwar. some ideas: - subs don't surprise DDs anymore. If a DD runs "accidently" into a sub, the sub dives (with 100% success, and several tiles away from the DD). - subs can only attack naval units as long as the subs haven't moved. If a subs moves, than it can only attack convoy lines or harbor zones after the move - subs get a firing range of 1 at level 1, 2 at level 2 and 3 - subs consume less supply at level 3 - subs create phantom sightings of themselfs at level 3 after a successful dive etc. etc. -
  16. Maybe we should describe the outcome of our suggested decision events a bit more detailed? The pros and contras, problems, gains etc? :confused::eek:
  17. Just a little hint: you are using a bitmap in the media folder (for several german messages) with two little typos: the caption "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" (you spelled "Oberkommando der Wermacht") and the signature "Führerhauptquartier" (you are using the "Fuhrerhauptouartier" [1.00], which was corrected with patch 1.01).
  18. Your welcome, and sorry again for all my typos, which made the brutal & and mercyless translated (one could call it a rape) review even harder to read.
  19. "Conclusion: At first impression an ugly duckling, which, after a short familiarization with the game mechanics, turns out to be a beautiful swan. With a strong abstraction and reduced to the basics simulates Global Conflict the world wide struggle of the power blocs "axis" and "allies" better and more playable than most of its competitors. Most appealing, above all, is it to play through all the what-if situations of this turn-based strategy game. Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflicts undeniable addictivness is a result of the (boardgame like) conflict simulation-style battlesystem and the counter appearance: if you just survived a turn full of counterattacks of your computer- or human opponent, you feel instantly the STRONG URGE to mobilize your reinforcements, and to attack without delay your now weakened enemy (the "JUST - ONE - MORE - TURN" effect). A heyday for global strategists, but to dull for real-time-strategy-fans.
  20. gettings started / handling + easy to learn (gaming piece concept)... - but very sophisticated consequences, which at first won't be easy to perceive - the long time effects of most of the decision events and many scripted events (and their consequences) have to be "learned" by playing the game through - outdated handling with little comfort features game balance / depth + by comparison few units types, but all unit types have their own important role (even ships) + perfectly balanced interaction from military power blocs and smaler nations + supply is as important as unit strength + interlocked rules, everything is linked with everything - 1 gaming-piece-per-tile-concept leads toward unrealistic situations. when even superior forces can't conquer a tile graphics/technology + neatly arranged presentation, "you can see all at one look" - very undistinguished graphic - prehistoric technology - the battlemap doesn't zoom - long AI turns - no multicore-support sound / speech + sparsely used, but well fitting sound effects single player: + high replayablity, even in the main scenario + three full-fledged alterate scenarios + highly addictive (constantly this "i just want to rescue my unit / i just want to finish my opponents unit once and for all" need) + the AI holds its grounds valiantly, through helping scripts, and through strong battle tactics + "game of scarcity" -- you never have enough ressources for all the things you want to do, so you need to constantly check your gameplay for optimization possibilities - the AI doesn't play activly TOWARDS scripts - in the long run you can figure out the AI multiplayer + popular league game, strong specialist community + email-games WITH a replay of the opponents move + with an equaly strong human player you get even more thrilling games as if you would get from simply play against the AI - very time consuming
  21. Bad translation of the fourth side of the review Straight research system The research remains true to the simple-but-effective design: Where comparable games offer a multitude of technologies where new levels unlock new troop types or minmaly increase any combat value, Global Conflict has just 18 research fields, which according to scenario and the nation, can be increased from 0 up to 5 times. If you have developed "infantry weapons level 1", you can upgrade existing and future corps and armies against MPP-payment. After the Upgrade there will be displayed a "1" next to the unit picture. There are up to three weapons techniques per troop type, so you are allowed raise the antitank and mobility level of infantry units ,by paratroopers the mobility level is dets replaced by the arial long range level, which enables your paras to "jump" over greater distances. Tac air units can benefit from "antitank" and "naval" tech, german tac air units will rather chose the first, japanese tac air units the latter one. Some branches of research work indirectly. With"infratructure" tech you lower the OP movement costs (air units can virtually travel all over the whole world, land units only along railway lines). Another indirect research: with "intelligence" tech you DON'T research no spy units to move on the map! But instead you increase your chance to explore research levels, which other countries have already discovered. And you have a small chance to see units (for one turn) which are hidden behind the fog of war. One thing is certain: Without research, you will have no long-term prospects, but if you put too much MPP (arg random) into the (very random) research, you will lack resources for other things. By and large the system works, but he who has used (in vain) the maximum MPP amount for many rounds of in extremely important technology research (such as "Heavy tanks 2", to have an ace in the hand for the Russian war), might feel stultified when his first hit turns out to be the (largely useless) missile technology increase. Graphics: functional, Sound: astonishing good We can only say one thing about the graphic art: after a brief familiarization time it is clear and shows always all interesting facts at the first sight: streets, rails, weather. The most important key is the "S", you can fade in the supply level of every land and sea tile. About everything else we better lay the mantle of secrecy. No matter if you use the nato symbols or the tank sprites: even 20 years ago there were games which looked nicer than this. The sound is only functional, but it fits somehow very good into what is happening on the screen. You can even get a raw picture of the AIs actions if you'ret listening to the sound while the AI plays its turn. The overal handling is pretty mediocre and suffers from its outlandishness. A scroll-bar for the "save-menu"? Nope, you have to click through the "page" with the button on the right top. The programmer hasn't improved these main navigations for years, example: you still have to click on the right menu to reach certain functions in a second step. And you can access some of the more sophisticated functions only by right click (on the unit) and by a following, additional pop-up menu selection, like how an air unit shall act if an adjacent unit gets attacked. With this functions you can give subs the order to remain "still" or to "hunt" (which influences the speed and the danger of getting spotted) or you order paratroopers to prepare a jump. Those who are puzzled that their expensive air carriers is such a failure when it attacks a battleship has forgotten to switch in the right click menu from "CAP" to "tactical attacks". Do we have to say anymore? The handling is very easy to learn, but not very comfy , and it oesn't act like Windows- or the regular "game"-standard. Anyhow (at least): as long as you didn't spotted a new enemy, you can always undo-your last game-move." Conclusion: a challenging task We could write on many, many pages more about the intricate details of Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict. About the additional scenarios (1942, 1943, and a fictitious one, in which Germany and Russia are allied). About the multiplayer mode - the SC series is very popular in the circles of experts as a league game - a league game which includes a good replay function even if played only via email. About the deeper secrets of the supply system. About partisans. About the editor, which is truly hard to handle and which saves laughable slow, but which still and neithertheless allows the player to create all possible kinds of scenarios and map. About the behaviour of the AI, which receives (via two screws, which you can adjusts before you start a campaign) benefits in fighting and in the MPP-income, the AI units have a greater spotting range, the higher the chosen difficulty, the higher the spotting range. But even if the AI needs these benefits, because it attacks too violent and recklessly, especially with tanks and aircraft carriers, even if it can't compete with tournament players and can be outsmarted after a couple of games, the AI of Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict will stand its ground. Finaly, let us come to a point that will turn out for some as an advantage, and will, for many, be a huge disadvantage: the playing time. A typical turn takes, the AIs turn included, about 20-30 minutes. Each game turn stands represents 14 days, this makes, at a a maximum of about six game years of war, 150 game turns and 50 to 75 hours real time. Of courese, many turns will be shorte, in a quite game phase sometimes a turn might only take between five or 10 minutes. But you won't manage it very often to play through a complete game on a single long weekend. E-mail games against human opponents are accordingly often a case of weeks or months. Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict is no perfect game even besides the bad presentation. But it is still so catchy and simulates, despite the abstractions, the war period at a strategic level in such a convincing way that some sessions lead to acute sleep deprivation, deficits in human communication and sustenance deficiencies. "One more turn" -- only the Civilization series comes this close to serious addiction. Too much creativty with the decision events and to many scripted, free units denied this game the 8 grade rank. But those of you who strategy fans who are looking for a sophisticated challenge, which won't let the player suffer from micromanagement and an overkill from numbers, should download the Demo, or instead, immediately buy the game. --- --- --- --- first picture (china), text in the black box For years, we fight as Japanese Empire (Yellow) against China (blue). . But thanks to the (adjustable) MPP bonus the AI mass produces cheap troops. But in the West we wre able the reach India. first picture (china), text in the black box --- --- --- --- second picture (research), text in the black box We were obviously busy as Japan: four research fields are complete. --- --- --- --- third picture (china), text in the black box "laborious to order are the mode changes from carriers, fighterplanes and paratroopers."
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