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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. UFC #2 goes into a mirrored rematch. Turn 5 already played and sent away. Poland fell on the second Axis turn, and in France we sit the war our for now. The French Navy blockades the german ports and got attacked by a sub from the Kiel area and a Stuka dive bombers based at the Reichsgebiet. As always, Herman Göring promised the Führer that his mighty Luftwaffe will do the job alone, while Admiral Raeder ordered the Graf Spee CA into the wide oceans to conduct Raider work. Dönitz, not wanting to stay behind, ordered his subs out as well. In China nothing much happened. 2 chinese armies were brought to the sword, but these things tend to happen in war.
  2. Just send my axis turn 001 in the classic 1939 campaign. I haven't downloaded Nupremals mod yet. jjr, if you want, we can do play the mod instead. I don't know nothing about it though, if you ignore that i once (on my now retired computer) downloaded the first map (which was HUGE) just to see how it may look like. If you prefer the mod, let me know, than i download it and start a new game. Your decision.
  3. I assume that this option has gone after you recent game start wirh Crispy. Dunno, stumbled about this pic and kept it for later usage. 100% agree, else there is absolutly no or nearly no need to play a game to the end.
  4. At least it is always nice to have a final look back, after all, you spend much time playing the game.
  5. If the HQ helped, than it was a supply issue. Btw.: Yummy, Sauerkraut and Bratwurst! Now i'm hungry.
  6. Maybe one or two thoughts after my first mutliplayer game of SC Global Conflict: - i think tech advances should be a bit more connected to the tech level of your opponent. One step ahead is fine (that is the goal after all), but 3 or 4 steps ahead should be much more expensive to develop and to equip. - CVs should lose their ability to execute airstrikes when the hull strength has fallen below a certain strength level. In my game a UK CV got surrounded by 4 italian BBs and CA, and after surviving their attacks barely swimming with a hull strength of 1. But the next turn, this CV could launch 2 strikes against two BBs, sinking both of them, and escaped for an ice cold beer in Alexandria. - The american pacific coast needs some targets for subs and raiders as well - The panama canal is closed for allied ships as long as the USA is not at war. Was it truly this way (i simply asking as i don't know anything about this historical issue)? - a surrender / resign option would be nice
  7. So what we need is in truth a "surrender" or "resign" button to end the game. Sending passwords to your opponent can't be the solution. Could work like this: click on the resign / surrender button the game saves this turn you send the turn to your opponent he gets a question like "do you accept" if yes the game draws away the fog of war, you see everything, maybe even a nice animation and song & dance you save your opponent get the info "surrender accepted" and again: open map Right now it is a bit dissapointing not to get the chance to take a last look on the map and into the statistics and summaries.
  8. Good game with some a brave decision from your side: no Hitler-Stalin pact and no Vichy. Russia was pretty soon stinking rich, i could always buy back all my losses and more. The UK had the time of their live as the war in the atlantic was decided after a short fight, after this all convoys came through for years. In the Pacific the americans had lvl 5 jets pretty soon, that helped too. My china game suffered from my mistakes i made there. I'm not sure it my earlier offensive was a bad decision. But i know that later in the game my movements out of entreched positions were simply stupid. Now that the game is over: where did you hide the italian black shirts? :confused: Just write if or when you want a rematch, switched sides or same setting as before.
  9. Europe Goetterdaemmerung? / dawn of gods? Axis controled Europe seems to be empty when i comes to military land forces. Example: since ages no axis tank to be seen on the battlefield.
  10. I know how you feel. Maybe air units should be allowed to attack in bad weather, but with a high percantage of not finding the target and start and landing damages.
  11. I think this is easily explained: jjr didn't install Vichy and ignored the Hitler-Stalin pact. No french plunder for the axis but free and excellent north african forces for the allies (and some french units in the pacific as well) make the difference all the way. This has nothing to do with your or my playing skill, but with jjr decision to try something different in our game. At least thats the way i see it.
  12. Europe, Western Front Brussels was taken without any combat. Through the port of Antwerpen the Tommys poured in reinforcements, advancing into unoccupied fortifications. In Russia the first attacks were made against the rumanian capital Bucharest. In Asia we sent a new corps into Borneo, advancing on the japanese air bases. In the Pacific Midway was freed.
  13. Europe Russia Minor advance in eastern europe ended with the three axis corps gone, and all of them lost their lifes in the weak southern belly (2 german, 1 minor). At the norther front i'm stuck. Asia Landed with one (two, three, four, i love the) marine corps at Midway, but wasn't able to kill the defenders. Damned bushido codex. In Thailand i lost a corps. and this won't be the last one, i stand no chance against the japanese crack forces. Still thinking about a quick solution. I need a GOOD and FAST idea. NOW. Same goes for Balikapaan. Sigh.
  14. Last turn jjr killed a russian army near minsk, mostly with air strike. Time to conduct the rain dance, i guess. In the pacific i freed the christmas islands. On Borneo on of my two defenders was killed after 3 battle hardened special units attack it with a little help from the japanese air aces. Near Bangkok one of my corps died in the line of dury. I still haven't build up enough firepower there to return the favor. Nothing new in Turkey, even though 1 understrength corps of mine tries to run into Byzantium.
  15. Europe, Russia Mannerheim HQ moved out of the mannerheim fortress to a position west of Helsinki. With no entrenchment bonus an easy and very welcome kill for my russian corps. No advances on the northern front, i'm stuck in front of Minsk and Riga. In the south there is no more oposition in sight, my tanks should be able to regroup and advance further. Ploesti again in russian hands, while Tito still holds out, waiting for the russian cavalary Turkey Bulgaria is still neutral (79% axis), so the turks are cut of and have to face the Britons alone. Asia My UK minor corps are no match for the japanese elite soldiers they are facing in Thailand and Borneo. No fleet actions
  16. Nice pics again! Its alway hard to find a balance between showing the audience whats going on while trying to hide vital informations from your opponent.
  17. Btw: i showed this thread to my "younger" brother (age: 36) and he instantly laughed and said after reading these very first lines that you truly gave a very accurate description of my gameplay stile. Laughing as in "oh boy, that is soo true!". Dang, i'm obviously an open book.
  18. Just - do - the - math, mttodd99. How many chits are actice. How much money are they worth. How much money are you allowed to use. Ignore your ballance, check you maximum allowance. And welcome to the forum, dear newbie.
  19. Europe, Russia Lost last turn at least a russian corps and a russian army due to heavy air attacks. Keep on the sunny side of life, hah! In my turn i used my tank forces again, killing once more HQ Leeb. jjr showed europe wide lvl 4 aircrafts. Russia and the UK are at lvl 1. North of Riga, in front of the axis eagles nest, is a solid line of german units. A not so solid minor army died under my attacks. Turkey joined the axis. Great relief that they did at the end of jjrs turn, so i was able to use my UK army in Iraq to kill the turkish fighter while a UK carrier sunk the turkish CA in Constatinopel harbor. Pacific jjr evacuated the Christmas Islands, but i wasn't able to find the transport. Still don't know where the italian black shirts have gone to, and here we are with a second ghost transport. Flying dutchman. Somewhat more westward the battle between his subs and my CAs and DDs ended in heavy losses for both sides. I fear that his carriers might arrive to the battleground to finish the job. We'll see.
  20. Yeah, you're right. And it is a nice pleasure to sink transports with a hidden sub as well.
  21. A russian CA was sunk in the mid pacific. Call it what you like.
  22. Europe, Russia I miss the rain. A tank and 2 corps were slaughter by air attacks. My own efforts killed a corps near Kiev. Turkey Still neutral, but the clock is ticking. China Yenan partisans have been slaughtered, but the good old fortress is still held by loyal chinese civilians. Another partisan pop up next to Hong Kong and freed the unoccupied city. They found the DD Kashima moored at the docks, and with sticks, stones and molotov cocktails they damaged the lvl 3 naval unit from 10 towards 8. The Ghurkas died in my turn with a last, desperate attack against another japanese HQ in Nanning. Both side suffered one hit. Sorry, fellas. Pacific, Hawaii Free at last. Now its time to rebuild those precious docks again. I stirred up a nest of SS and DDs near the japanese fortress island. Im in over my head with DDs, CAs and BBs. This might turn out ugly for my side.
  23. Europe With the end of the bad weather season i will soon come under the strikes of jjr stukas again. Turkey at 94% toward the axis, will probably join next turn. Sunk an U-boat and a DD in the Skagerak. Not sure why they were sailing there, probably to prevent a naval invasion of Denmark or Norway. Asia Iraq surrendered. Next turn the UK will have to go north because of Turkey. The King is not amused. 2 UK CVs barely survived air and naval attacks near Manado. A CA won't survive the following naval battle. Pacific, Hawaii Landed another corps, which suffered from bad weather during the journey. Killed the HQ, but the japanese marines are still alive and kicking. Yenan now under control of chinese partisans, so welcome back, my little chinese friends.
  24. Europe, Russia Can't get through those iron german units, darn. But was bale to free Kharkow again. Better than nothing, i guess. With his air force taking one step back from the front lines i hope it won't become such a bloodfest when the sun reappears. Pacific, Philippines He killed my american bomber next to Manado. I attacked his BBs (showing naval tech 3!) with my own british naval forces, BBs, CAs and CVs, sinking one BB and reducing another one to strength 1 His revenge will be a tough one though, with land and naval based airpower arround. Hawaii I landed two Marine units and a HQ at Pearl. The defenders (1 HQ, a SF unit, a fighter and a Bomber) took some damages, but his land forces survived without to much losses. Maybe my lvl 5 fighters shocked him as much as his lvl 3 tech disturbed me. The seas around Pearl are infested with his subs and DDs. French-Indochina Somehow my Ghurkas hunting his HQ Tamauchi toward Nanning, reducing the HQ to strength 4. Wasn't able to bring back the Ghurkas due to lack of supply, so i had to march into Mordor with them. Thailand Stalemate, my Corps can't attack without major help. Irag Attacked from Lebanon with 2 UK armies, 1 corps and a HQ. Wasn't able to kill the Bagdad defenders, they survived the inital attack with strength 1. Turkey didn't take the news to good, jumping to 79% toward the axis. My SS 42 stumbled into a transport northeast of Wake, troops where lost with the transports, but only 4 out of 11.
  25. Europe, Russia I need mud and rain, not cold freezing snow. Again, nothing worth mentioning. Several attacks here and there, but no good results. One turn of good weather and i will suffer, big time. Tito commands his fortress Belgrad, invincible Yugos. If jjr wants to achieve something here, he has to send real troops, not those poor rumanian peasants in uniform. Asia My airforce attacks China out of India, with VERY little success. Pacific Killed (at least thats how i remember it) a japanese sub in the south pacific. Philippines Bombed some ports, but where is the the imperial navy? This uncertainity paralazyes my decisions.
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