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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Asia Chungking is about to fall, as the defending (sigh) HQ is reduced to strength 5. Without some free reinforcements (bring in the reserves!) there is not much hope left. Europe Axis forces masses near the german russian border. Time to bring in the russian reinforcements. Royal Airforce bombed the Normandy, only to get intercepted by the fighter hiding in Paris. On the other hand, where else if not in the central of wine, women and delicious food would you expect the flyboys to stay? Africa No further advances on Tripolis this turn, only the compulsory french air raids (strat. and tac bombers). East africa is still a very dangerous place to stand on the map with this Stuka and black shirt units. Darn.
  2. Have you already declared war against the USA? If you do, Pearl pops out some naval units (dimension door, whatever). As long as the USA is not at war, you can't see them even though they will appear the second you declare war.
  3. Asia Under constant most heavy losses we were at least able to give one hit back, as one japanes Armie in the south got slained by the desperate defenders of the rest of the precious chinese soil. Japan received his elite reinforcements, so this shouldn't help the chinese the tiniest bit. Europe Most the the Kriegsmarine has gone fishing, ahem, i ment to the fishes. In a short fight near Bordeaux we sunk without own losses a sub, and the bomber south of bordeaux is nearly dead with 3 points remaining. The Royal Navy rules the sea, even though some ships tooks some hits. One german sub swims around the South African cape region. Africa We took Benghazi and bombed Tripolis. JJR obviously doesn't care about desert sand. So what are his plans? Poor russia, i smell trouble.
  4. Europe I stumbled into a german sub which tried to block the Channel. The only good thing: my naval unit was a destroyer. Send the 2 strength point remains of a german cruiser in bordeaux to the bottom of the harbor, after a Swordfish biplane did what several shell bombardments weren't able to settle once and for all. Africa Lost the dar-es-salaam corps in East Africa after a deadly Stuka attack. The UK attacks the italian from the east while the french started to pound Lybia on their own. The italian fleet withdrew towards Italy. Asia Sigh. Asia sees Chinese soldiers die like dayflies, last victim: the 18th army, near Sian. ... Meanwhile at the german-russian border:
  5. Asia China gets washed away as billions of japanese crack units kill everything blocking their march toward the chinese capital. I need to be very brave now. Sigh. Europe Nothing. One sub in the south atlantic. Africa Tobruk fell, all hail to Italy. The entire italian fleet tried to help, but with no success whatsover. East africa saw the italian loss of the ethiopian city, as those blackshirts moved southeast to help the HQ and the Stuka divebomber in their fight against the approaching allied forces. Seems like we will see here a quicker end of Mussolinis dreams than i dared to hope.
  6. Asia With Nanning fallen and japanese forces around Sian, it was vital that (with the loss of the Nanning port) the Allies decided to continue their support via rail. This brings probably more trouble with Nippon. Europe JJR showed the pride of the Luftwaffe: lvl 2 fighters. Death'n dreck. While one fleeing sub was found and filed near canada, another one is obviosly out there, as my Rhodesia convoy were bleeded dry to 0. Annoying like insects, these U-Boote. In North Africa the UK started aothers slow and tender offensive against Tobruk.
  7. Europe The DD Niagara was sunk in the North Sea near Antwerpen. The victors fled into the Baltic Sea, or should i spell it the german way: die Ostsee (the East Sea)? In the northern atlantic we ran into one of the fled subs, strength 2 points. This lucky son of a -beeep- dived away, escaping my anger once more. America still slumbers at 16%. You guys really want to stay absent until you get a Pearl Harbor, i guess. Wake up, you beautiful sleeping giant, we need you over here! Asia The japanese combined forces killed the defenders of Nanning. The cities has been declared an open city, awaiting the boots of their new japanese masters. Next turn the metamorphis will have been completed.
  8. Asia Japan is on the prowl. EVERYWHERE. In the north they punched a corps out of this game, in the south another offensive. Europe The Bismarck is back. Unable to achieve anything worth mentioning against her there is not much to report here anymore regarding to the subject on hand. Or to say it another way: Nothing new in Africa. As to happy endings: Sweden saw the light, coming 13% nearer to the defenders of democracy. This should reduce certain ore deliveries a bit.
  9. News, news, nnn- ahh, shut the -beep- up, for heavens sake! One chinese corps destroyed. Asia The japanese amry is on the move again, the north won't survive too long now, as they have here the numerical and technical upper hand, so wr can assume for sure that they WILL conduct their bloody business to those poor chinese farmboys. Europe The Bismarck escaped. Oh shame. Churchill made his First Admiral eat some of his older cigar stumps as punishment. One sub escaped into the atlantic, another one dived away, but was found south of portugal again, unfortunatly to late to bring it to the sword, as it was the nearly sunk french BB which moved last of all ships who found it. Africa This sicilian rocket means nothing good. Have to think about this a bit more. Nothing else to report. Stay tuned, this isn't over yet.
  10. Fishy or not, i think you make a valid point here. Maybe the UK navy shouldn't be allowed to provoke Japan without some kind of penalty. The USA should react, and maybe even the Anzacs. Diplomatic effects, something. In case our game-creators (Hubert / Bill101) are reading this AAR: if possible, please think about this. I think this would be a worthy addition to the game, if the "not at war with Japan" UK / Commonwealth would have to pay a price for showing up to too near to Japan and her colonies.
  11. News, news, news! Europe & the war in the atlantic With the naval war raging everywhere here some short infos about what has happened: In the british channel the german sub was encircled and sunk, Bismarck tasted some french baguettes, ahem, i ment french torpedos. The poor Warspite got herself trapped, and with no hope for relieve or escape, she attacked with her one point strength left the italian BB, going down in flames, taking down with her only but all of her men, but no enemy. In the atlantic the fight is still undecided, but the german subs get encircled tighter and tighter: ############ beeeep ################ Sorry, but this area is still to hot regarding the fighting status, so all picture from here remain classified. But to give an ovarall impression: summed up both side have lost quite a bit: UK & France / Germany & Italy 3 BB......................2 BB 3 CA......................2 CA 0 DD......................1 DD 0 SS......................2 SS This turn all convoys reached unmolested the british island. Hip-hip, horray! Asia Some skirmishes, but nothing new under the Emperors Sun.
  12. News, News, News! Atlantic Well, the bloodshed has started. With Malaya and Perth gone, we sunk the Scharnhorst with our return salvos. More news as soon as they come in. Europe Enough is enough. With the battle in the atlantic started, there is no more time for cuddling in the harbor, the order is "all ships at sea!". When we approached the Normandy coastlines it turned out that the Axis airforce was not so strong as we feared, i would dare to say that a fight in the british chanal is far from impossible. Africa East Africa with its HQ and well equipped italian special unit is a tough nut to crack. Looks like i will need a century to get results here. North Africa went silent, with both side not doing anything of importance. Well, of course, one could mention the Italian BB and CA, sneaking toward Gibraltar. Obviously to catch fleeing allied ships from the ongoing battle in the atlantic. Nice idea, if there wouldn't have been a french Bomber in Algiers, shadowing each and every move of them. The French Navy and Airforce attacked, the italian BB is gone for good. Asia With the fall of Yenan (?) we await the next major offensive in the chinese north. Everything else is pretty quiet. edit: here the link to the classic sinking video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiWYP4rKgJQ
  13. Europe: 3 Axis fighters positioned at the british channel. Mmhm, makes me think about the reasons behind this placement. His Subs and raiders hitting my convoy lines. Again. Through a surprise contact we stumbled once more into the Graf Spee, reducing her in the end with superior forces to strength 2. The USA swapped DDs against some naval bases. Much appreciated. Nothing else happened. Africa: The axis withdrew into harbors and cities. The Italians Bomber and fighter are positioned in sicily. Asia: some halfhearted attacks from the japanese forces, but this time no kills, no advances. Japans navy has naval tech lvl 2. Expensive, but surely effective.
  14. @ jjr Sorry, my bad, i somehow forget to send my savegame file. :eek: Check your email box, should be there any minute now.
  15. Sound likes this game took up some speed. Very interesting and good reading stuff. I like it!
  16. Even if not: it survives an enemy attack which would have killed an 10 points CV. Regarding the damage question: even with no intercept it is possible that accidents (loading, take off, landing) occur.
  17. Europe France went into exile to Algeria and all its colonies. With a new hope, a new HQ, Fighter, Bomber and army suddenly everything looks much better than before. Italy paid the price for the Axis decision to not create a Vichy vassal, as one BB, not soo very careful alone in front of Algiers, gets shelled and bombed to the ground of mare nostrum. The germans subs went into action. One was spotted but dived away from the approaching UK DD. After this, they did their bloody work on Churchills convoy lines In Africa the UK tries to weaken tobruk, but on the other hand doesn't react to the italian fleet shelling the UK attackers. Near madagascar the Italian DD was spotted and sunk through 2 carrier strikes. Asia: China spent its money to strenghten those worn out land forces at the front lines. Bad weather prevented the formidable chinese air force to puncture the japanese side. JJR playes a brave game with slapping Russia into the face (ignoring Hitler-Stalin pact) and hard conditions on the French (no Vichy). You have to respect these descisions, that he dares to go this way.
  18. @ Bill101 Doesn't looks like he is losing, sigh. But back on topic: Europe: France is entirely occupied by the Axis. Well, not entirely…One maginot corps of indomitable Frogs still holds out against the invading Germans. And with all the germans in France, they decided to crush the westwall while it is undefended. The Axis has really EVERYTHING of France short of the rest you can see on this stamp. But isn't it heart warming to see those little maginot buggers finally invading the Reich? What do we learn from this: sparing your french fleet MIGHT get usefull when Axis forces finaly start to conquer France in a jiffy. So never waste it until you really want to. Naval activities: The german subs dare a channel dash toward the atlantic. Battle smell is in the air, especially as there is already a brand new axis CA sitting in Brest port. Asia: after the most heavy losses since Ghengis Khan the Chinese were at least able to kill on japanese army in return. A drop on the hot stone after losing an HQ, a Fighter and the appetite for further chinese offensives... All in all the Allies have suffered about 9 times more than the Axis (June 1940), while the asian ratio alone is about 1 : 4 against the Allies (and please, dear reader, be so kind: don't ask about the current european loss ratio [help, help!]):
  19. France is lost, but still alive. It will take the first days of June to break la grande nation. German subs preparing their march into the atlantic, Kiel and the Nord-Ostsee Kanal are bustling with activities. Inspired by the approaching enemy and with a last hooray a french sub started an desperate attack against the german CA docked in Antwerpen port. Same goes for one of the french armies from maginot line, which attacked an nearby station german stuka divebomber, bringing this overstrengthed air unit from 11 back to 9 points. Meanwhile, at the german general staff, plans are discussed how to continue from this easy won victory. In Asia the chinese try to fight off the japanese with local attacks here and there, but without achieving anything worth mentioning and very limited success.
  20. Europe: Norway leans already 67% towards the Axis. Heaven help! Paris fell without much fight, so its true: history repeats itself (when military leader make too many mistakes, darn!). So its only a matter of days now before the french will surrender. Italy entered the war, and the italian HQ stayed down in east africa. No naval activities whatsoever. Nothing. Nada. Nichts. In Asia, Chengchow was conquered by happy japanese, who destroyed the newly formed 4th army within its city wall. In the south, the first japanese army was wrangled down by combined chinese attacks, and this at the very same place where already one turn earlier the japanese corps went down as well. The happy allied days will be over now, very soon, very harsh, very brutal. JJR is on the march.... edit: oh, i love happy endings: at the end of my turn Norway tumbled for 39% back towards the Allies.
  21. Europe: the french tank unit and another french army were wiped from the map. A german tank unit pulled back from the front lines with 3 points of life left. Unable to go for the kill, as bad weather helped the Axis, covering the Ruhr under clouds. No joy. Italy is about to enter the war as well, those April fools. The oceans remain peacefully, with no sightings, no fights, no trespassing. In Asia the Japanese lost their first blood, as one storming lvl. 2 corps crossed the river north of Changsha, only to get knocked up by three angry chinese armies with sharpened woodsticks in their hands.
  22. Asia: with two chinese armies lost, this time there was no second opinion about retreating into the the old, well prepared defense lines. In Europe Germany cut through belgium without any problems, killing a french defending army on their advance. With the Low Countries gone, there won't much left to stop the german advance on Paris. Neither the Kriegsmarine nor the RN tried to fight it out, both oviously waiting for better opportunities (and better equipment). The Raider HC and the Sub have disapeared. Frustrating for those brave British sailors. Stalin burned his tongue on a hot german sausage, enough to push Russia to now 27% war readiness.
  23. Bad weather over most parts of France and northern Germany prevents any German attacks, even though our recon planes brought prove that the attack is very likely to start now every day. And while they were in the air, they were so kind to drop their monthly bomb load over the Reich. Raider and subs are hiding again, driving their hunters mad with the run and hide tactics. In Asia, to the horror of the chinese High Command, more and more of those excellent equipped japanese land forces showed up, reducing the options of further attacks for the chinese armies. Another chinese corps was destroyed in the north, though the Japs took some losses there as well, even port based carrier planes were shot down twice. Stubborn the chinese army refuses to accept reality, ignoring the somple maths and presses on some more attacks. edit: JJR, feel free to contribute here again. An AAR, told from only one playing side, is doomed to bore the audience pretty, pretty soon.
  24. Bad weather again in Europe. The silence before the Hun will attack. The Graf Spee eluded its opponent, excaped into the endless South Atlantic. Where another unwelcome guest dived up to attack those poor south afircan shipping lines. In Asia South China was swept clean by japanese lvl 2 Armies, already used in force. Probably only bad supply hindered the Axis to march fast forward. In the north the overal situation is a bit better for the Allies, as we found out that the japanese forces here were not as well prepared to take up the fight. Still, China is in trouble. Big time. Lvl 2 Infantry weapons against lvl nothing, tough luck.
  25. During a routine check we stumbled near Libreville into the german pocket battleship Graf Spee, which instandly returned our salvoes. The Hunt is on. In Europe the german Dachshound is on the prowl, preparing his final steps for the Invasion of the Low Countries. All else there is still quiet, catching breath for the fights to come. Of course, our flyboys did again their duty, with moderate success. In China the japanese Army pulled back back one step, probably only because the new, deadly lvl 2 inf weapons are about to be distributed, which isn't possible next to an enemy unit. Hard times are coming.
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