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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. Since the visibility is so poor, you might want to split a squad, and send the half squad ahead of the rest of your troops to scout around. Keep them in cover as much as possible, and sneak them to edge of cover to allow them to look around, hopefully without being seen. A couple of Tank Hunter teams could also do this.

    If you have plenty of ammo, you might want to recon by fire. Have your squads area fire into suspected enemy locations, and try to get the enemy to shoot back, thus revealing themselves.

    Then you can suppress the enemy, and flank them so you can engage from multiple angles, finishing them off quickly.

    Also, don't be afraid to move very slowly, since visibility is poor, move or sneak from position to position very slowly, so if you are taken under fire you would be able to pull your men back while suffering a minimum of casualties.

    Remember that even though you can't see very well, neither can your enemy.

    I'm by no means an expert, but hopefully these suggestions prove useful in some form.

    Good Luck.

  2. John Kettler,

    Didn't mean to sound like I was disagreeing with earlier statment. Just pointing out that in game and real-life two separate things. (Thus agreeing with apples to banannas comparison, but in different way.)

    I had seen the arguement over flamethrowers in another thread, I was just trying to make the distinction that arguing whether flamethrowers can destroy a tank is irrelevant. The simple fact is that in-game, flamethrowers destroy tanks easily.

    I appreciate your reply, and I enjoyed the videos you linked to.



    I'm enjoying this during action report, hope to see more soon. I didn't mean to clutter up your thread.

  3. If I may break into conversation,

    While real combat instances of tanks being destroyed by FT's are non existant, in the game it is very easy to destroy tanks with FT's.

    I'm not saying it is realistic, but it certainly justifies purchasing Flampanzer III and expecting it to be capable of destroying tanks at close range.

    I built a scenario with different types of flamethrowers (manpack, HT and Tank FT's) hiding in ambush alongside a road and drove many different types of russian tanks down the road. The only tanks that survived were ones that had crew casualty causing them to panic and reverse out of LOS.

    It seems that in-game, flamthrowers can destroy almost any type of tank. This is probably a game design decision to make it more desirable to use flamethrower in certain situations, IMO.

  4. I'm building a medium sized static operation, and I had a question about sandbags. Specifically about their protection/cover aspects.

    What type of protection do sandbags offer?

    Is placing a gun (i.e. an AA Gun) inside sandbags better in some ways than placing one inside a trench?

    Do sandbags offer any significant advantages over trenches or foxholes?

    I tried placing Infantry inside sandbags (without foxholes) and they got shot up really bad. Did I do something wrong?

    Any help here would be appreciated, thanks.

  5. I think having both RT and WeGo is important.

    If all I have is a platoon of troops and some vehicles, I think RT is the way to go, as you can easily keep track of all your men, and RT make such battles quicker and more streamlined.

    However, if you have a company or more with supporting elements, I think WeGo is preferable so you can take your time to use all your men effectively.

    I don't really get drawn into pause and give orders stuff, because I tend to start watching the action and forget to pause and give orders. Thus the sixty second auto pause is useful for me.

    When I first got CMBO the cool little video playing option with play, pause ff and rew was the real reason I bought all of the CMx1 games. (I like to make my own instant replays of tanks and buildings blowing up smile.gif

    So for me, I would prefer having the option of using either RT or WeGo. Some form of hybrid PSCS is not desirable for me (good idea though M1A1TC).

    OK I'm ranting now, but what I'm getting at is there is no need to compromise between RT and WeGo, as it seems many people seem to like them exactly the way they are.

    (Although, I do miss being able to have shopping list of troops for quick battles.)

  6. HK USP in .40 S&W is my personal favorite.

    I also love shooting Desert Eagle in .50 AE. I have unusually large hands which makes it easier to not get hit in the head with spent brass. My sister likes shooting Desert Eagle as well.

    However, I think the best sidearm is a BlasTech DL-44, you know, the blaster pistol Han Solo uses. That thing is sweet.

  7. Well, I still play the close combat games, and all three CMx1 games are on my computer right now, I think I will be playing these games for a long time.

    The simple fact for me is I can make any battle I want, how I want, and play it however I want. Any game that allows me to do that is a game I will never get rid of. I will probably be sitting around someday playing CMx1 while my kids are playing CMx5 or something, and laughing at me.

  8. Hello, I have been reading up on what you are trying to do here, and I would like to volunteer.

    Unfourtunately I have no experience playing CM multiplayer, except for tcp/ip. I don't really have a preferance on what I'd like to do. I am good with the Germans, but I am a little unsure about the scale. I am not so good running a whole battalion, I can handle a reinforced company just fine. If there is something I can do in that regard, that would be fine.

    I also GM a homemade military strategy game and I can keep track of OOB's just fine. I would also try to be assistant GM if you need it. Not sure how good I'd be, but I'm willing to step up and give it my best shot!

    In short: I'm interested, but I don't know what I could do effectively.

  9. Hey thanks. I ended up losing 4 of the 8 Mark IIIN's in the battle, but those 4 that were left killed a couple T-34's and killed alot of Infantry. The highlight of the day was a MarkIIIL killing a KV2.

    I will play some more and get used to the role that the Mark IIIN plays in a battle.

    Thanks for all the info.

  10. I've got a pretty good book.

    'Panzer Tactics' by Wolfgang Schneider

    It's an overview of German small unit armor tactics in WWII, emphasis on Company level armor tactics, with a good section on combined arms tactics as well. I bought it at the museum at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. I don't know where else its availabe.

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