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Posts posted by KDG

  1. I'd remove one carrier from the Allies to start the game. I'd also bump max air fleets for the Axis to 6.

    I would then, as the Axis, purchase a couple carriers to help pound northern russia, as well as defend vs England.

    I agree with you Shaka that tanks need some sort of minor improvement, either by dropping their cost, or bumping up their soft attack by 1, thus prolonging their importance until Russia gets advancement in anti-tank.

    Thanks for the AAR's, makes for good reading while at work waiting for the computer to update.

  2. I believe the most important part of this thread is Hubert saying "In due time" as well as being the first response. Makes me believe that something is pending, and soon.

    Additionally, beta testers should come from the better players, but only the better players that know how to find bugs, errors, etc, as well as give constructive criticism. Lastly they should have no lives so that they can devote untold hours to the beta testing. :cool:

  3. Thanks for the info, Hubert. I know some people would like a toggle switch to turn off the ± 1 in combat results.

    The big question is this though. If a 3 exp. army attacks a 0 exp. corps., the expected combat ratio is 4.3 : -.6 How does this relate then with the randomness of combat.

    Does this mean that equation can be either 5 : 0 or 4 : 0, with no chance of the army taking any damage?

    Or do you set the equation at 4 : 0, then use randomness thus allowing the results to be anywhere between 5 : 0 to 3 : 1?

    I think almost all players believe that the army should be able to take 1 point in damage during the attack.

  4. Then again we PBEM's believe in friendship first, we build bonds with the people we play against, and trust that the other person isn't cheating.

    We also have lives that only allow us to play an hour or two a day. Even if reloading was allowed, spending all day reloading to get a perfect turn wouldn't be worth the time or effort.

    Sorry about your distrust in PBEM, your just hanging with the wrong crowd. Oak has put together a nice list of PBEM's, with quality people throughout.

  5. This is old news. One of my current PBEM opponents did this to me way back in Feb. Here is my original post from back then.


    Member # 11842

    posted February 04, 2003 05:12 PM


    What do you do when the French take Belgium on turn one? The city was hit with two airs, then a bomber, then two armies. Med air was operated onto south Magniot line. I had 3 jets and a HQ defending, didn't help. I imagine I'll just keep plugging away.

    Is the gambit any different than this?

  6. For the PBEM league, the basic game isn't the one we will play everytime, mods will also be played. The decision on what to play is up the players involved in the match.

    The main reason for the league is to provide a large subset of players that were interested in PBEM, allowing a list to be formed of opponents, and a way to figure out who were advance players, thus the ability to group players by their skill level, with the bottom line being having fun.

  7. Civil War, Civil War, Civil War.....Oh sorry, didn't mean to jump up and down begging for this game. I guess many of you could care less about this period of time.

    I forget that SC has many Europeans playing. I'd like to see a Roll call put up and see where everyone is from.

  8. So what you are saying is that someone that is at .500 has a good chance of having 0 points, thus being Fresh Blood? or even worse, possibly be considered a sacrificial lamb?

    I like a point assessment for wins and losses, but think the system needs some more tweaking. I'd suggest adding at least one point to every victory.

    Based on playing 6 games at once, you might finish a game every two weeks. Thus after 6 months, you might have finished 14 games.

    Assume a record of 8-6, with a variety of players being played, you might have only 2 points after 6 months of playing. By adding one point to every victory, that same person would have 10 points.

    I'd also have 10 levels, with a change every 15 points.

  9. Since this is for fun, and given the fact that we are PBEM and I doubt that we will face everyone on the list, I think if two people want to play with a house rule, then so be it. Let them decide what the house rule is going to be. Additionally, if they want to play with a custom scenario, once again, so be it.

    Have the list, keep track of wins & losses(I'd like to see this broken down to Allies and Axis), and allow individuals to decide what they want or don't want.

    I'd take the list one step further, and have each person state preferences(i.e. house rules, scenarios, axis, # turns per week, etc) and include this underneath a persons name.


    KDG Overall 1-5 Axis 0-3 Allies 1-2

    House rules fine, scenarios fine, either side, 8 turns per week.

  10. Don't you just love it when your watching your opponents turn, and in comes your daughter, and she wants you to read her a book. Or the wife comes in and expects you to pay attention to her :rolleyes: . Now was that a transport that just went by, hey, where did all my units go :eek: .

    One of the difficulties of PBEM is that one turn may see two units transported somewhere, and the very next turn see them go back home because you forget what you were doing from the previous days PBEM turn.

  11. I will say that I've played both Tigleth and Reepicheep, and both players beat me more than I beat them, and both are very even, but Reepicheep seemed to win easily as Axis vs. Tigleth, thus why I've mentioned minor tweaks for future games.

    I like the following: House rule of no LC invasion, as well as no amphibious attack on 1st turn of Barbarossa, combined with 30% Russia readiness.


    All are simple to implement. Being one that finds concentrating at home a problem(wife, kid, puppy, etc), these are simple rules that need to be remembered only once, and if accidently broken, you could go to the previous turn and replay.

    They are also a mild change, and we don't want the pendulum to swing to greatly, thus the minor tweak.

    Since I will be out of the tournament soon(Russia MPP down to 300, being attacked from the west and the south), all I can do is make suggestions.

    By the way, would it be useful to have the computer be able to play itself in SC2? We might learn alot about the AI, and see ways to tweak the game.

    [ July 01, 2003, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  12. Here are the war readiness factors based on DOW's by Axis, as posted by Leopard in another thread.


    Ireland 4 6 10

    Norway 5 8 13

    Greece 5 8 13

    Denmark 6 8 14

    Low Countries 6 9 15

    Portugal 4 11 15

    Sweeden 4 15 19

    Spain 5 15 20

    Vichy France 5 16 21

    Iraq 18 18 36

    Baltic States 33 7 40

    Turkey 36 9 45

    [ July 01, 2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

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