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Posts posted by KDG

  1. Actually its the same amount of turns. Each player would have 13 turns, for a total of 26 turns in a year(2 week system). This is the same as we have now(13 turns per player) based on the 1 week summer, 2 weeks spring/fall, 4 weeks winter set of rules(26 turns per year).

    I would only change the turns to 2 week cycles if we add weather. Thus during winter weather, everything that can be done is reduced(movement, attacks, etc.) This would last for a total of 6.5 turns per player.

    If we keep the same turn sequence, then we should make sure that weather has some affect in the fall as well as in the Winter.

  2. I agree with you on Siberian transfer. I'd also like to see the Russians ask for the transfer early, if they want, but at a penalty.

    I also agree on having war readiness go up exponentially as each country was invaded. Maybe something like this: War readiness up 2% for Poland, 3 Denmark, 5 low countries, 8 Norway, 12 for Sweden, then 17 for Vichey, 23 for the next country(70% so far), with some randomness thrown in there, of course(thus it could have been between 60-80% so far).

    I think the bidding system for games should be based on war readiness instead of adding MPP's. This way the early game isn't influenced with England getting too many MPP's. I could see some axis players bidding up to 40% for the right to play axis(that would make things interesting with the U.S. & Russia already starting the war at 40% war readiness.

    Maybe future tournaments should also allow the players to bid on the game to choose sides.

  3. Edwin, give Ireland to the Allies, then just bump up the aircraft carriers of the allies by either adding experience or giving them long range tech of 1(which also increases carrier strength). This should achieve what you are looking for.(I'd give them Iraq also).

    If you are looking for a good game vs. the AI, try not declaring war vs. the Russians, let them declare war against you - this gives them a turn to free up their units, extra MPP's, and keeps you from transporting in an invasion force.

    You could also give Russia a MPP boost of 400-600 MPP's and attack as normal.

    [ June 18, 2003, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  4. We don't need to make the changes for this tournament. For me it is a matter of perfecting your scenario (I feel like one of those commercials - We don't make this product, we make it better).

    The real question on a scenario is: Who would win, Terif as Axis or Terif as Allies. Any scenario that you make that has equal victories on both sides, then you've done a good job.

  5. AI Improvements

    I’ll take any improvement on the AI, with additional strategies.

    Improved FOW

    I completely agree with this suggestion. I’d also add an option that gives the AI complete view of the map while the human has FOW on.

    Diplomacy(Night Suggestion)

    More Diplomacy is a good thing.

    From being able to influence when a country joins you(if at all);

    to providing aid(which would be non refundable, of course, thus if the country isn’t invaded, they don’t get their units back.


    I’d go with equal turn lengths throughout the year, with reduced movement, supply, transports, and visibility in Winter.


    I wouldn’t add the units you have mentioned except maybe a parachute unit. Bombers already spot subs just fine, and I would just have an option that allows fortresses to be built, along with increasing entrenchment values of cities. I wouldn’t mind a third ground unit though. Not sure what it would be.


    Definetly like these ideas. I’d have the A-bomb effect 3 hexes (1 main hex, plus two random adjacent hexes. Max 1 bomb a year. Resource improvement is a nice feature. If winter rules changed, then winter preparedness is good.

    Unit Commanders

    Don’t like unit commanders, but I would like to see HQ’s range from 1 to 9 at varying costs (300-500)


    9. Random

    I love random.

    Map Changes

    Agree. More map on the edges, more distance from U.S. to Europe. Two hexes into Iraq. More Africa. I might change scale to 40 miles instead of 50 to allow a bit more fighting, units, movement, etc.

    Improved Naval Warfare

    I actually like the existing system.

    Random Starting Locations

    Yes, yes, yes. Just make every unit be able to start from one of 3 spots with equal chances of happening.

  6. What would happen if you just gave the LC to the Allies to start(with just one unit, in the Capital). Thus once Germany takes the low countries they get the MPP bonus(which prevents the Allies from declaring war and getting the MPP bonus). Put an extra German Corps on the Western border, thus Germany could move into position on the 1st turn, attack in mass on the 2nd or 3rd turn just after conquering Poland.

    I'd also go with a no amphibous invasion of Russia immediately after declaring war house rule.

  7. In the standard game, Russia would normally enter the war in late 1941. With less DOW's, you can keep them out until 1942. With more DOW's, middle 1941 is a possibility.

    When every country is at war, 1942 shouldn't even be a possibility. With Axis taking Turkey, they can have endless amount of units waiting to invade the shores of southern Russia(which I know JerseyJohn you don't like about the game - i.e. Riga invasion).

    I'm still not sure why you didn't leave Russia at 30% to start the game for this mod.

    I really hope Russia is pretty powerful in this game to make up for the early German advantages. We will see.

  8. News flash....

    Russian leadership has been found asleep with bottles of vodka all over the floor.

    As the war creeps into late 1941(I guess it would be 1944 for the scenario), with every country on the map having been invaded(except the U.S.), Russian readiness is only at 45%(I think Russia should start at 30% at the beginning of the game, like they do in the original 1939 scenario).

    One wonders what will force the Russians into the war(destroy supply of Vodka maybe? where is that production plant. Maybe the British could sabotage it).

    [ June 16, 2003, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  9. Rockets and HQ's should have a air defense of 1, giving them some protection.

    Rockets can also be used to defend against ship attacks. Put one behind a coastal city, those ships will stop attacking.

  10. Thanks for the input. I agree that all non resource hexes should have a MPP value, say 1/2 MPP or 1/4 MPP.

    The problem with 25 mile hexes is that we would have twice as many units to move, thus each turn takes twice as long. I wouldn't mind seeing 40 mile hexes, thus 20% more of everything.

  11. Here is a recent quote from Hubert in another thread.

    "Thanks for the questions and comments in this thread from everyone, and while I don't disagree with most if not all of the ideas found here and in other threads, unfortunately for SC, other than the final release of patch v1.07 there will be no more changes to the current game engine. There are a variety of reasons for this which I won't get into here , but I accept everyone's patience until the release of SC2, thanks!"


  12. I second the question, what are victory conditions?

    Another suggestion/comment/question:

    England, France, Italy, Germany were given extra chits for research, I assume because the game is starting 2 years later.

    Did you give bonus chits to the U.S. and to Russia? In the normal game they get 3 chits(USSR) and 2 chits(U.S.) I would suggest that Russia get 5 chits and U.S. get 4 chits(both countries get +1 chit bonus per year).


  13. JerseyJohn

    I show that the Russians get a 650 MPP bonus. You mentioned 850. Please clarify(I think it should be 850).

    I also think the Russian and U.S. readiness should have been started at around 20%(We are starting 2 years later, thus each country would be slightly more ready for war as they watch other countries build up their armies).

  14. These are my thoughts from a gaming point of view only:

    I wouldn't bump jets since they end up being all powerful anyways. With a bump they become all powerful even sooner, which we don't need.

    I'd put Russians IT at 4(lots and lots of cheap Corps, the only way to stop the Axis juggernaut), and the U.S. at 3(only way to simulate increasing production for the U.S.).

    I'd also give Russia AA of 1, which would have a mild effect on Jets damage for the Axis when they attack Russia, once again slightly(very slightly) slowing the advance.

    I'd also like to see a 2 chit max investment per tech, thus slowing advances (no super units or super jets by 1943).

    Just my opinions.

  15. I don't expect any major changes on SC(except maybe the release of a full fledged editor). All new ideas I believe would be used for SC2

    25 mile hexes would be too much micro management. If hexes were going to be changed at all, I wouldn't go any less than 40 miles while also extending the outer boundaries of the map.

    An editor that can change the cost of units, their stats, as well as the techs would be great.

  16. xwormwood

    Yes I did play, and I think I still have it somewhere on 3.5 floppy.

    I was making suggestions based on the fact that Hubert might not have the man hours to do everything that we would like. It would be a nice function for some, but isn't a game breaker/maker, and should be last on his list of programming priorities.

    Iron Ranger

    Is it a direct, one to one correlation. Level 11 sub does 11 MPP raiding? How many subs max in the Atlantic? The med is a .5 to 1 correlation, correct?

    I'd like to see level 0 subs do 5, then level 1 do 10, then level 2 do 15, etc. to level 5 subs doing 30 MPP raiding(This may be too high, so it could be adjusted and play tested). Thus going subs would be a well funded alternative for the Axis, as would using the navy for the Allies to combat this.

    Most players let the Axis use two subs in the Med taking away 10 MPP total, and think nothing of it. With level three subs(after 500 invested for two chits), we would see 30 MPP per turn, a significant resource raid(almost pays back in a year), and something that would require the Allies to react to.

    Just my thoughts on bringing back subs and ocean warfare back into the game.

    [ June 10, 2003, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  17. Do we need it for SC2 or don't we...My analysis.

    - Weather effects

    Add for SC2. Affect any or all - supply, movement, FOW.

    - special Blitzkrieg rule for the Low Countries

    Don't need

    - limited amphib. Transports

    Need to modifiy - Lose readiness each turn while on the ocean

    - Mulberry harbors

    Don't need

    - limited air units

    Don't need if air is nerfed just a bit. Or go with ever increasing costs for each additional unit.

    - History record (animated)

    Don't need

    - Russian Winter strike

    See weather effects above.

    - production tree (pay now, get your army 3 rounds later)

    Need - delay placement for 1 turn

    - politics (press countries in your alliance, Balkan pact)

    Some improvement would be nice

    - U-boat system for strategic warfare (incl. Raiders)

    Don't need. Like current naval system. I would modify u-boat tech to increase raiding (each level u-boat goes from 5 to 10 to 15....etc)

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