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Posts posted by KDG

  1. Now lets say Hubert, that you decide not to include random events. At a minimum we should have this instead.

    Have an option to increase the range of readiness for the U.S. and Russia when neutral companies have war declared on them. If normal increase was country A 4-7% & country B 10-15% for two different neutrals, have an option to make that increase be "A" 2-12% and "B" 7-20%.

    This would make the cookie cutter Axis strategy slightly different. Do you attack that last neutral, and risk bringing America in, or do you wait, etc.

  2. If random events are included in SC2, just make sure they can be toggled on or off. This way anyone that doesn't like "luck" in their game, can exclude random events.

    You could even have a slider in options that controls how often you want special events to occur. It could be set to zero, minimal, average, frequent, & all the time.

    Thus you might have a range of special events happening anywhere from 0% up to 50% of the time.

    Now lets say Hubert, that you decide not to include random events. You could do this instead. Have an option to increase the range of readiness for the U.S. and Russia when neutral companies have war declared on them. If normal increase was country A 4-7% & country B 10-15% for two different neutrals, have an option to make that increase be "A" 2-12% & "B" 7-20%.

  3. Very nice Edwin.

    Since the editor is going to be more advanced, why not make the % rates of special events adjustable. That way if I think Portugal becoming allies should be 25% after Spain is invaded instead of 10%, I can adjust it myself.

    Or have a slider in options that controls how often you want special events to occur. It could be set to zero, minimal, average, frequent, & all the time.

    Thus you might have a range of special events happening anywhere from 0% up to 50% of the time.

  4. Wow, brought out some hostilities from this group.

    It should be noted that TimeGate has developed two awesome games, with very good AI's(that can be edited), that don't require a ton of clicks to play.

    This game would never replace SC or SC2. The hope would be that we might actually have a good Axis & Allies for the computer.

    I'd also recommend players that might be interested in RTS but didn't didn't enjoy clicking 100's of times to try Kohan(Walmart has a package with it and 4 or 5 other games available for $20). They also have a demo availalbe. This is the way RTS should be.

  5. TimeGate developed Kohan, the only RT game I can actually play(not a clickfest).

    Atari, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATAR) and TimeGate Studios, Inc. announced today a partnership to develop a new PC installment of Axis & Allies®, the popular World War II game franchise. Axis & Allies®: RTS (working title) is inspired by the game of war, strategy and economics found in the best-selling Axis & Allies board game, but features unique elements that allow players to change the course of history in new ways. Axis & Allies: RTS is being developed for the PC by TimeGate Studios, creators of the award-winning Kohan series, and is scheduled for release in fall 2004.

    In Axis & Allies: RTS, players will relive and experience the most epic struggle in the history of mankind, World War II. Players will be able to direct the military and economic destiny of any one of the world's most powerful countries - United States, England, Germany, The Soviet Union or Japan. Axis & Allies: RTS will not only capture the intensity of war but will also allow players to change the outcome of the major battles and campaigns of World War II. Confronted with the strategic and tactical situations experienced by the top generals and national leaders of the period, players will have to make critical decisions that determine the fate and the destiny of the world.

    "We are thrilled to extend our relationship with TimeGate Studios to develop a new interactive Axis & Allies experience," said Nancy MacIntyre, Vice President of Marketing, Atari's Beverly studio. "Axis & Allies: RTS will give gamers and World War II enthusiasts a chance to change the course of history as they haven't been able to previously."

    "We are very excited to be working on this project with one of the leading publishers in the industry, " said Adel Chaveleh, President of TimeGate Studios. "We have been fans and players of the Axis & Allies franchise for years and our commitment to innovation combined with the popularity of the brand is a definite recipe for a killer title."

    Axis & Allies: RTS will feature gameplay elements such as unique organization of units; command of land, sea, and air units in real-time; dynamic fronts and supply lines; interaction with Generals and Leaders of the era; and intense online play with a powerful random scenario generator.

  6. I believe its a bug. Looking at the attack and defense equations, you will notice that even units with 0 defense should still benefit from experience in both the damage recieved, as well as in the damage doled out.

    In the tests, did you notice if the jets were taking more damage as they attacked?

    You should also check other hexes(forest, plain, mountain, etc) and see if you get the same results.

    If it is a bug, at least it can be corrected for the next go around. We also might see more rockets being used.

  7. jon_j_rambo

    Thanks for the reply.

    I was using the cartoon as an analogy in an attempt to get you to see what you were doing. Attempt failed. Judging others on their sins is fine as long as you are truely a spiritual man. After reading your many comments here, I didn't think you were that man. I may be wrong(I hope I am), but your talk doesn't always convey that of the spiritual man.

    Quoting the bible doesn't make you a spiritual man, and quoting parts of the bible that wasn't written by Paul makes me worried even more when you use it out of context.

    In his letter to Timothy, Paul writes, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15) You must know what parts of the bible were written to us, and what parts were written for us. Those parts of the bible that you should be reading, quoting, and preaching are Pauls books.

    Christ said sinners must repent. He never said tolerate & accept sin.

    Romans 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one ...."

    Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4 "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel ... that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures ...."

    Romans 3:22-26 "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation (appeasing sacrifice) through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."

    If it ain't King James, it ain't bible.

    Agree with you on the Bible. Don't go to church on Sundays since finding one that is interested in Salvation and not making money or making their church larger is difficult. I do go to bible study every Tuesday night.

    The Church of America is a revolving door joke.

    Thats the problem. It should be Christs church, not America's.

    They steal money from old people, molest kids, & tell me I shouldn't be judgemental.

    Now it sounds like you are talking about the catholic church.

    Remember your job as a Christian should be preaching Christ and Christ Crucified, not "your a cheater you use the FOW sniffer".

    [ November 02, 2003, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  8. I have to agree that this is nonesense. I took his words to mean that he doesn't cheat at games, reiterating that he doesn't cheat at SC shows the extra value he shows for the game, as well as the fact that being as good as he is wouldn't require him to cheat.

    You should also realize that some people cheat at things in life not realizing that they are cheating. Moving a leaf from the top of your golf ball, not hitting a provisional when your ball might be out of bounds, etc. might not be known to all players, but would constitute cheating. Speeding is not following the rules of driving, thus cheating, and I think everyone has done this.

    The big thing though is why even play someone that you suspect of cheating? Its just a game. Our wives, family's, god, our country etc. are much more important. Remember as a Christian we shouldn't judge others nor make statements that could start rumors(if you had kids, you would have seen the show veggie-tales, with one story on the rumor weed, which spreads through a town causing damage.) Remember that we are all sinners, we all make mistakes, intentional or otherwise.

    If you think someone cheats, email them personally, don't post the info here. If your still not happy, ignore and avoid that person.

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