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Shaka of Carthage

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Everything posted by Shaka of Carthage

  1. February 2, 1941 ... US 50%, Russia 55% Romania joins the Axis Alliance, followed a month later by Hungary. Army Group North reduces XXX Corps (UK) to str 2. Hostilties against Vichy France commence. AG Afrika overrun Syrian Corps (FF), capturing Beirut. 16th Army (Ge), IV Corps (Itl) and 5th Army (Itl) eliminate Algiers defenders. XVI Panzers and 10th Army (Ge) eliminate Marseilles defenders. Fiume CABG joins bombardment on Malta. Free French Air on Malta attempts to intervene in Algerian regime change. They get the worse of it from Luft, down to str 3. Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants (5 MPPs).
  2. December 8, 1940 ... US 30%, Russia 50% Army Group North reduces XXX Corps (UK) to str 1. Vittorio Veneto BBBG replaced by Andrea Doria BBBG in the bombardment of Free French Air on Malta (str 7). A new type unit, the 1st Rockets, joins the Malta bombardment. Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).
  3. November 10, 1940 ... US 30%, Russia 50% Army Group Nordic attacks Bergen (Norway), reducing the defenders to 4 str. Army Group Afrika captures Alexandria, after eliminating the last defenders. Caio Duilio BBBG joins Vittorio Veneto BBBG in bombarding Free French Air on Malta. Vittorio Veneto is down to 5 str. Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).
  4. October 13, 1940 ... US 30%, Russia 50% Remaining Swedish rebels surrender. XXX Corps (UK) in Bergen (Norway), reduced 2 str. Vittorio Veneto BBBG bombards Free French Air unit in Malta. Army Group Afrika Panzer Group overruns Gibralter Corps (UK) as UK bomber crews flee Alexandria in thier aircraft. 10th Army (Itl) reduces to 4 str XIII Corps (UK). Italian sub pack sinks British merchant ships (5 MPPs).
  5. September 15, 1940 ...US 30%, Russia 50% Luft attacks on XXX Corps (UK) located in Bergen (Norway), are oppossed by a new British fighter aircraft, the Spitfire (tech level 1). XXX Corps (UK) after air and ground attacks is reduced to str 6. Army Group Afrika attack Alexandria from both sides, with naval gunfire support. Swedish Army unit surrenders. Italian submarines sink British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).
  6. August 25, 1940 ...US 30%, Russia 50% 3rd Army (Ge), 8th Army (Ge) and 10th Army (Ge), supported by Luft, enter Stockholm and seize control of the Swedish government. Swedish military refuse to surrender to the Germans. 1st Army (Itl) engages the Gibralter Corps (UK) west of Alexandria. 10th Army (Itl) engages XIII Corps (UK) east of Alexandria. Guzzoni and Rundstedt share joint command of Army Group Afrika. Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).
  7. August 11, 1940 ...US 14%, Russia 45% XXX Corps (UK) in Bergen (Norway) reinforced to str 8. VIII Corps (Ge) and I Nordic (Ge) attacks supported by Luft, reduce XXX Corps to str 3. UK Strategic bomber in Alexandria takes parting shot at Andrea Boria BB (down to 3). Syrian Corps (FF) surrenders, Suez falls to Italains. Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).
  8. July 28, 1940 ... US 14%, Russia 45% Bergen (Norway) assaulted by two (2) German Corps, XXX Corps (UK) down to str 4. Brest is abandoned, 6th Army (Ge) moves in and occupies city and port. 5th Army (Itl) lands and assaults Syrian Corps (FF), reduced to 1 str. Malta Air flees, Strategic Bomber stays. Italian Navy withdraws. Italian submarines sink British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).
  9. July 14, 1940 ...US 14%, Russia 45% VIII Corps (Ge) and I Nordic Corps (Ge) engage in combat with XXX Corps (UK) outside of Bergen. UK Corps down to str 7, German Corps at str 8. 6th Army (Ge) receives reinforcements outside of Brest. Luft reduces fresh 2nd Army (FF) to 5 str. Caio Puilio BBBG limps away for repairs. Fiume CABG and Andrea Doria BBBG reduce Malta air to 3 str. 10th Army and XXIV Corps (Ge) reduce Syrian Corps (FF) to 5 str. Italian submarines sink British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).
  10. June 30, 1940 ... US 14%, Russia 45% Bergen (Norway) invaded by XXX Corps (UK). 6th Army (Ge) with Luft support, reduced Brest defenders, 1st Army (Can), to 1 str. Italian Navy bombard Malta Air located east of Alexandria. Alexandria itself has a strategic bomber, west of Alexiandria is Gibrilater Corps (UK), and east of Malta Air is XIII Corps (UK). Syrian Corps (FF) is NE of Suez. XXIV Corps (Itl) north of Suez in transports, 10th Army (Itl) N, NW of Suez in transports and 5th Army (Itl) in transports in reserve. Vittorio Venetio BBBG (1str) retreats for repairs. Italian submarines sink British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).
  11. June 16, 1940 ...US 14%, Russia 45% Norway has become a protectorate of Germany. 8th, 10th Armies and I Nordic Corps enter Oslo to assume thier new duties. 6th Army (Ge) supported by Luft, engages 1st Army (Can) for control of Brest. Italian Navy probing Egypt has found two (2) UK Corps, Air unit and a Strategic Bomber around Alexandria. Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).
  12. May 26, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 40% West is still quiet and the Canadians are still in Brest. Italian Navy sinks British cruiser battle group (CABG) south of Turkey. Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs). [ August 12, 2003, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  13. May 12, 1940 ...US 7%, Russia 40% All quiet in the West. Brest is still held by the Canadians. Denmark surrenders. Leave is issued for the veterans.
  14. March 31, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 40% While the French press may describe the attacks by some French Corps as "a fit of passion", it may be more appropriate to describe them as "drunks who tripped over Rommels HQ". Army Group West uses VII and XII Corps to penetrate the Paris fortifications. XVI Panzers and 8th Army use the assualt lanes created to overwhelm the Paris defenders. 4th Army enters Paris and hits a defending French Corps from the flank, while 8th Corps and XIX Panzers hit them from the front. France falls. XI Corps (Ge) is shattered by naval and air strikes outside Brest. 3rd Army and naval gunfire pound the Danish Corps, but they are still holding on (str 1). Italy joins the Axis alliance and enters Marseilles and Toulon. [ August 11, 2003, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  15. March 3, 1940 ... Italy 85%, US 7%, Russia 40% XXIII Corps (Ge) captures Bordeaux. XI Corps (Ge) meets resistance in Brest from the 1st Army (Canadians). Two (2) French Corps North and Northeast of Paris are overrun. Paris itself attacked and has three (3) Corps defending, South, Southwest and Southeast of Paris. Paris is defended by an Army. DoW upon Denmark, followed by naval bombardment of the Danish defenders. [ August 11, 2003, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  16. January 7, 1940 Italy 81%, US 0%, Russia 35% Army Group West sends XXII Corps (Ge), XVI Panzers (Ge) and XI Corps (Ge) in an encirclement of Paris. Captured within the pocket are six or seven French Corps. The French replacement frontline Army was eliminated in combat. The second and last German sub pack in the Atlantic has failed to report in. [ August 11, 2003, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  17. November 26, 1939 ... Italy 76%, US 0%, Russia 35% French defensive lines collapse and some units flee to England while others defend Paris. Army Group West probe along the coastline was successful in pulling units away from Paris front, but resulting front line attacks by two (2) Panzers, one (1) Army and two (2) Luft still see French defenders (str 1). Army Group East eliminates the Warsaw defenders and the last of the Polish Air. Poland surrenders. Lost contact with one German sub pack while the second has been pinned against the US coastline.
  18. October 29, 1939 ... Italy 76%, US 0%, Russia 35% Army Group West, with Luft support, eliminates a French Army. XI Corps (Ge) leads a race down the French coast, ending up 100 miles Northeast of Paris. Army Group East eliminates another Polish Corp, Warsaw is almost completly surrounded. German subs in the Atlantic continue to sink British merchant ships (13 MPPs).
  19. October 1, 1939 ... Italy 71%, US 0%, Russia 35% Army Group West rolls over Benelux, XI Corps (Ge) races for French border. Newly transferred Army from the East is left to take the Benelux surrender. Army Group East eliminates a Polish Corps and Army outside of Warsaw. Three (3) Polish units left, one is in Warsaw, one North and one South. And the Polish Air. German submarines in Atlantic sink British merchantmen (18 MPPs). Irish receive no help from Germany.
  20. September 3, 1939 ... Italy 65%, US 0%, Russia 30% Army Group West has been formed on the border with Benelux (aka Low Countries). Rundstedt is in command of XIX and XVI Panzers, XII and XI Corps. Luft IV and II are available for support. Army Group East, under Bock, has opened hostilies against Poland. 4th, 3rd and 8th Armies (Ge), with Luft I and II support have overrun Pomorze Army on the border. VII Corps (Ge) attacks Modlin Corps, causing 2 damage, none in return. 10th and 14th Army (Ge) attack Lodz Army, causing 7 damage, each taking 2 in return. VIII Corps (Ge) attacks Krakow Corp, causing 3 damage, 1 in return. II Corps (Ge) trips over the river and bumps into Lodz Army. German submarines in the Atlantic proceed to sink British merchantmen (26 MPPs). Canada DoWs against Germany in support of United Kingdom.
  21. The drums of war sound once again. Here are the House Rules for a "Limit" game. We are playing with Free French ON and Carriers. Limit House Rules Unit Limits Nation ......... Air* ..... Ground** Germany ....... 4 .......... 35 Italy ............. 2 .......... 08 British ........... 2 ......... 12 (1 less if Free French On) French ........... 2 ......... 14 US ................ 2 ......... 16 Russia .......... 3 .......... 41 * Ground units are only Armies and Corps. ** Air units are only Air Fleets, not Strategic Bombers. Standard Options except Free French option Off Optional, as still being worked on UK Carriers are replaced by Battleships. An additional one (1) str point Strategic Bomber is given to UK. PS... my compliments to Iron Ranger. You are correct, the Free French option should be off. I've tried it and it works. However, I still have a hard time getting around your Siberian Transfer option. We will see. Based on additional analysis, the US totals will be reduced to twelve (12) at a later point. [ August 10, 2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  22. I don't like the idea. "Minor" tech advancements are something we should not be concerned with (since we represent the leadership of an alliance). If you want to include those type of advances that have been listed under "Minor" tech advancements, then have the possiblity occur as an "event action" (a term someone here used). Each turn a Minor advance is possible, with the type of advance being randomly determined. We as players don't have to do anything.
  23. Got your e-mail, tried to reply, same message failure. Sometimes certain domain names are locked out from other servers or services. I don't think there is much we can do about it. Sorry.
  24. I'm willing to do PBEM. Tried to e-mail you, but got a message delivery failure. You should also contact Oak. His e-mail is: reid@pacific.net.sg
  25. Iron Ranger In late 1941, the US had five (5) armored divisions. Four (4) of these went to UK. When the First Army was formed in 1942, it had twelve (12) infantry divisions and four (4) armor divisions. Those sixteen (16) units where in the US in '41. By 1944, there were forty-three (43) divisions in ETO (2 Airborne, 10 Armor and 31 Infantry). Another sixteen (16) were in-transit to ETO. The ten (10) German Panzer divisions would be 1940. Pz III, IV and 38 were used as medium tanks per blitzkrieg doctrine. Hence, tech level 1. This allows the inferior Italian tanks and the Pz I and II to be represented by tech level 0. Thats basically how they doubled the Panzer divisions for Barbarossa. Panzer divisions tanks were reduced by half, but that half were the Pz III, IV and 38. Not many new tanks were needed to fill out the original ten (10), allowing the new units to be formed. The Pz I and II's that were removed from the original ten (10) were used as command vehicles, arty FO's and reconnaisance vehicles or retired. Pz IV with 75mm (which is better than M4 w/75) would be tech level three. The upgrades to the 50mm (long barrel) and bolt on armor, I consider tech level two. Training and experience are reflected in the SC experience bars. Thats why even though I would bump up the German and some of the UK experience ratings, the US and Soviets would always stay at zero (0). The "disorganized" US command is best represented in SC by lack of a HQ. Just like the French. Means that the only units the US have that can have immediate effect are the Air and Naval. HQ's are the leadership advantage. Equipment and doctrine are represented by tech levels and unit types. Thats one reason why the UK should never be allowed to build a Armor unit.
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