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Shaka of Carthage

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Everything posted by Shaka of Carthage

  1. August 20, 1944 Submarin pack U-005 (Itl) attacks Hood CABG (UK) from Gibralter port, reducing it to str 4 (as well as itself). German submarine pack in the Baltic, attacks Marat CABG (Russ), reducing it to str 2. 30th Army (Ge) withdrawn to recover from the air strikes. 41st Army (Ge) attacks UK Corp (down str 4). Italian 1st Army (Itl) attacks US 4th Corps (down str 9). While the Axis powers have no fear of any ground Allied campaign, at this point, Allied ground units are nothing more than spotters for Allied Air. Axis lose at least a unit for each turn due to Air. (I've had my Iraqi nightmare, so I guess this is my Vietnam nightmare). Despite pleas from the General staff of all three services, the Fuhrer has approved the plans to invade Turkey to gain control of Istanbul port. While the General Staff was in favor of this plan months ago, the recent Russian buildup along the Turkish border and continuing buildup of Russian units had given them pause. Yet the Fuhrer, unwilling to negotiate a peace settlement, envisions a conquest like that of Spain. Army Group Asia has been formed to invade Turkey. Three (3) Luft units, two (2) Italian Aero units and one (1) German rocket detachment open up the offensive by bombarding the Turkish Corps outside and in Istanbul. XXXXVI Panzers and 5th Army (Bulgaria) break the Turkish Corp outside of Istanbul. 40th Army (Ge) break the Istanbul defenders. I Corps (Bulgaria) occupies Istanbul while XVI Panzers cross the straights into Asia. Generalleutnant J. Rambo, commander of the XVI Panzers reportedly then looked towards Russia, and said "Bring it on!"
  2. Comments Has the Axis bought carriers? ... No. For two reasons. At this point, even before Norway/Sweden fell, the Allies were bleeding me thru losses and I was finishing my investing in tech. So I had no MPPs to spare. The air exchanges cost the Axis quite a bit, since replacing the losses, not to mention replacing a unit, was expensive since I now had green units going against experienced units, meaning I lost. Second reason is more emotional. The carriers represent everything I dislike about SC. Since I'm not playing for blood, rather to have fun, I don't care alot if I win or lose. If I was playing to win, I would have invested in Axis carriers since my attempts to eliminate his carriers failed. Remember, only way to counter air is to invest in air. No more normal air units, so buy carriers. But thats why I dislike normal SC, because its all about MPPs and Air. I've also run into some bad luck on tech. I've invested two (2) chits in Indus Tech, for the last two years. I've made one advance. That makes my Air units expensive to replace losses. I've maxed my chits out (ie invested 10), so I can't do much else unless I want to take chits away from other techs. My chits in Radar and Rockets are a waste, and would be better spent on Indus Tech, so that may happen in the future. I was too bullheaded to take them out earlier. Stalemate Oak is correct that we have reached a deadlock. I can't, for various reasons, make an impression on the Eastern Front. I can't overcome the Allied Air superiority in the West to try an invasion of UK or something like that. For the same reason I can't take the North back. Matter of fact, though Oak may not realize this, the loss of the North has lost me any chance of winning the war. Why? Because Oak can now operate UK and US Air to Russia, the one thing I can't afford. With those eight (8) units and the Russian manpower, he can overwhelm my Eastern defenses. I can't stop him. And I don't have enough time to overcome the three (3) Carriers assuming those are what he left to cover the UK. So, that leaves Turkey. What I've been trying to goad Oak into doing, is attack Turkey. Somehow, someway trick him into thinking that I was going to attack and have him invade to get it first. Been doing that since I invaded Spain, hoping he would jump on Turkey then. Why? Because I don't want Turkey per se. What I want is the port of Istanbul. That port and access to the Black Sea, has just extended the Russian Front by 700 miles. He has to garrison for the potential of a amphib operation. While Turkey, other than me having to guard against coming south, provides a problem for Russia because of the mountains, hence his supply lines are weak. He didn't bite, I lost the North and now its too late. The Russian manpower (ie units) and MPP reserves are just too great. However, it wouldn't be fair to concede to Oak, and I am not interested in playing just so I can get a draw. In the spirit of the Battle of the Bulge (from Hitlers viewpoint), I am going for a win. Hence, the actions I took this turn.
  3. August 6, 1944 Coastal watchers spot two (2) Russian transports moving thru the Baltic Sea towards Denmark. XX Volksgrndr, stationed in Copenhagen, moves NW towards the coast for a recon. Finds 2 Russian Armies, 1 US Corp and 1 UK Corp possibly preparing for a amphib invasion. OKM orders two (2) submarine packs, U-589 and U-590 to attack the Russian transports. They reduce the strengths to 6 and 5. Western Europe is still being bombed from the sea and the air. [ August 26, 2003, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  4. July 23, 1944 The Rocket exchanges continue from both sides. Allied air attacks against Western Europe now include naval bombardments.
  5. Gentlemen, when your lady friends start to play SC, you know have a perfect situation. Challenge them to a hotseat game, where certain conditions apply to the loser. The victory conditions are only limited by your imagination.
  6. July 4, 1944 Army Group West reports that UK CVBGs have launched air strikes against Paris. Army Group North reports Russian rocket detachements are bombarding Konigsberg. Army Group South reports it is bombarding Odessa with rockets.
  7. June 25, 1944 Konigsberg is being attacked by Russian Rocket detachments. Army Group South has its Rocket Detachment attack a Russian Shock Army. UK CVBGs strike at Brussels, while UK strategic bombers and fighters attack the mine in France.
  8. June 11, 1944 The last resistance in Norway has ended as it falls to the Americans. German submarine pack is sunk by American bombers and a UK BBBG in the North Atlantic. Russian rockets are fired into Prussia.
  9. May 14, 1944 The remains of the once proud Army Group Nordic are huddled in the shattered ruins of Oslo. Unable to receive reinforcements or even evacuate the wounded, the survivors prepare for the end. Army Group South has it Rocket detachment fire at the Russian Shock Armies that are creeping up on the Romanina border. OKH believes the Russians are building up for some sort of offensive, as Russian bombers try and take out the Command & Control elements of Army Group Center. RAID removes the last Yugo partisan faction.
  10. April 16, 1944 Army Group Nordic no longer exists. Boch HQ has lost contact with OKH. Reports from the remaining three (3) German armies indicate that four (4) Russian Armies have encircled the eastern most portion of the defensive line. A new American Corps arrives on the western most portion of the line. The Germans strike at the Americans but cannot eliminate any of them. RAID eliminates a Yugo partisan faction, then goes in search of the remaining one.
  11. March 19, 1944 Amid sounds of gunfire, Army Group Nordic reports that two (2) Russian Armies have engaged Bock HQ. The other elements of Nordic have engaged the Americans, but cannot report overrunning any units. Boch HQ has fled to the Mountains, while the remaining German Armies defend Oslo. RAID engages another Yugo faction, while reports of a second emerging further south.
  12. February 6, 1944 Army Group Nordic reports that Stockholm and Sweden have fallen to the Russians. Despite overwhelming odds, I Fld Luft Corps (Ge) was able to survive after three different ground assaults. Then the Russians ordered thier bombers in. The Germans had nothing left to stop them with. Stockholm fell. In Norway, X Volksgrndr Corps (Ge) was shattered by multiple air strikes from the Allies. 2nd Army (Ge) and 16th Army (Ge) have been sent to Norway and engaged the Americans as soon as they arrived. American front line forces consist of Esinhower, Corps (5 str), Corps (9 str) and a Army (1 str). There are at least two (2) American air units in Norway, and then there are the three UK CVBGs. German forces consist of 2nd Army (Ge) at 10 str, 16th Army (Ge) at 8 str, 15th Army (Ge) at 9 str and Bock HQ. Russians in Sweden have at least four "Armies" (ie Corps) plus any additional units and air that will be sent in.
  13. December 12, 1943 Army Group Nordic loses another army, the 12th Army (Ge). X Volksgrndr Corps unloads in Oslo port and engages an American Corps. RAID eliminates a new Yugo Partisan faction.
  14. November 14, 1943 Army Group Nordic reports another unit, the 20th Army (Ge), has been destroyed by Allied Air and ground strikes. AG Nordic refuses to reinforce the weakened units, since they will only be eliminated next turn by Allied Air. Norway is projected to fall before the end of the year. The Russians may take Sweden as well, once they decide to land. All other Army Groups are quiet, except AG Afrika which continues its border clashes in the mountains.
  15. Allies had attacked Portugal. Spain then declared for the Axis. That is how Spain became Axis.
  16. October 17, 1943 Army Group Nordic moves the 12th and 20th Armies against an American Army and break it. UK Carrier "wolfpack" is running amok in the Baltic and there isn't much Germany can do to stop it. (I am in some sort of Iraqi version of hell right now, watching the carriers pick my units off one by one) [ August 24, 2003, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  17. Too many units on the Russian border will cause a readiness jump of +10%. Not having enough will cause a 10% readiness increase. But this isn't the case here.
  18. Iron Ranger One more thing about your Siberian Transfer House Rule. Why don't you just use the "Siberians already transferred?" option in the campaign editor? Would you still get the same couple of thousand MPPs in units?
  19. September 19, 1943 Army Group Nordic reports that the Albanian Corps (Itl) has been shattered by Allied naval and ground air strikes. The "Offensive" of 1943 has come to an end. Unable to make any impression upon the Russian defensive line, AG Center and AG South have both withdrawn. German High Command is extremly concerned. Both Eastern Offensives have been complete failures. The Russians are armed with anti-tank weapons that have made the Panzertruppen ineffective. Perhaps there can be some relief provided by the Atomic Energy program? Meanwhile, the anti-air missile program, known as Redeye, is being accelerated to counter the F-84 aircraft of the Allies.
  20. JerseyJohn As long as I get paid for every use of the term, not a problem. Liam You are so right about the flak weapons. Just that one change, having the Radar Tech increase the Air Defense value of units, would be a easy and viable solution to Air being so powerful. Because now there would be an air counter, and no software code changing wheter it kills a unit or not would have to be done. [ August 23, 2003, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]
  21. Hi Mr H, No problem, at least I know of a "free" operate move to Ireland.
  22. Edwin P To answer your question about an "interception" air unit only, no. If you are gonna have units that perform a specific mission, then what you are really after is a seperation of the Air unit into a Fighter and a Attack (ie Fighter/Bomber, Dive Bomber, Tank Destroyer, etc) aircraft unit. Then your Fighters can assign missions to those units. But once you start doing this, you realize that its alot more work and you haven't really gained much over the way SC handles it. What most people don't like about the way SC handles the Air (or HQ also), is that you don't have any control over what they do. There are some times you don't want the air to intercept, but you don't have the choice. Personally, at this level, I like the way SC does it, since trying to control the type of mission each unit takes (or what HQ its assigned to) is too low level for the people we players are suppossed to be representing. But thats personal preference. But the one thing thats kinda related, is when you reach Jets (tech level 4), your range should be reduced (around strike range of 3). That would reflect the short range of the early Jets. Long Range should be reset to zero (0) as well, since Long Range development on propeller aircraft had nothing to do with Jets. This would make people seriously consider if they want Jets, since they have just lost any range advantage they may have had.
  23. Yes there has. Arby, KDG, etc have broken down and analyzed the combat system. I believe one of them even has it setup on a spreadsheet. I've recorded the incremental effects that adding strength points have on the experience bars. The above is why there are statements about problems with the Panzers and the combat results in general. Its also the basis of why German units, if they are given the proper experience bars at setup, can't be "bleed white" by Russian corps later on, since they have very little chance of receiving damage. Unit limits, aircraft ranges, amphib ranges, etc are all based on the historical counterparts. If a aircraft has a combat radius of 300 miles, then you can assume strike range should be 6 hexes, not 9 or 12. Some of the House Rules and suggested changes are based on valid data. Not a "seat of the pants" lets change this because it will make it more "balanced". So while Jollyguy has a valid point about the ripple effect of "fixes", it has been considered by some of us. Thats one reason why other than the map changes suggested by Liam and JerseyJohn, I don't support any other map or MPP changes.
  24. August 29, 1943 Army Group Nordic reports that the Waffen SS Corps has been shattered by Allied air strikes. 2nd Army (US) has been reduced to 6 str. Army Group Central and South receive replacements, while mounting a limited attack on a hinge in the Russian line. Hinge was reduced to 3 str.
  25. I looked at the ground combat. One did 4 str damage, it was lucky. The others did 2 to 3 str damage, which is average, a little better than average.
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