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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Oh my!! That's really rough talk there. Cat-hugger. Wow! Berli may never post here again after such a stinging riposte. No wonder he has such a bad reputation. How does he sleep at night? Seanachai has clearly outdone himself with this insult!
  2. Becket!!! Need a Grog here. All I can find for the Italians is an L6/40 with a 20mm gun (tankette) and a L40 with a 47/32 gun (tank destroyer). What would be a good mix against a British force of Valentine IV's and Matilda II's? It looks like the British force would be too powerful. Am I gonna have to use PzIII's to make it even?
  3. In an effort to try and understand the babbling of the wino I ran his most recent post through the Babelfish Universal Translator Means he never could figure out how to read the hands on a watch, so now he uses digital only. His clock has been flashing 12:00 since he plugged it in. Long line at the Beverage Castle. Trying to convert $1.96 into a case of beer. Vague reference to his using bricks to hold down the tent flaps on his luxery condo. Apparently, after a hard night of drinking, the empty bottles have the equivalent weight of 3 bricks. Apparently this is a recipe for turning a vinegar douche into something drinkable. The office is apparently short for The Office Pub. As it is the only place that still allows him to run a tab, he has to be nice. The work orders in question are work for beer chits. He is now obligated to work for the Pub for the next 1,000 years to pay off his tab. After this completed, I was notified that I am permanently banned from using Babelfish. Apparently, the translation strain has completely gutted their server. :mad: [ September 30, 2003, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  4. When Mouse said: I am unwanted, unloved, and unwashed. I will now take my dirty little rat feet and move to the General Forum, where being a rat is considered a positve. Goodbye forever MBT.
  5. Speaking of which. That incredibly inspired sig-line that Mike is sporting. Are you really the smartest hillbilly in hillbilly town? BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Classic!
  6. 1) CMAK-This must take priority! 2) House Move-No choice, already a done deal 3) AAR (marriage) to Edward-Long awaited 4) Red Sox in World Series............ I think I see an opening.
  7. Pre-View of Continuing Matches Just to update my gamey opponents, so they will be prepared for the slathering which will resume tonight: Becket Having been torn from his love affair with the KV, the Volunteer will now try and survive on guile and tactics. You are correct...he is doomed. We each have five tanks and eleven flags to capture. I shall start at one end and roll down the line of flags until the gamey maggot shows himself, at which time the Becket Barbecue will commence. mike_the_loser We have reached the point in our battle in which I have assembled the mighty horde within 50m of his position and have merely to give the order to advance in order to finish this one. The gamey_maggot has been firing random artillery at various points around the map, taking care not to come anywhere close to my troops. The best was when he fired a 60 second barrage that landed off the map!!! Soddball Silver Legged Git With machine guns in the corners and FO's (cleverly not on trucks) in every woodline, my force has still managed to move forward with little delay. We are currently massing for the first assault on Flag #1. The Russian commander has suddenly fled to Corfu, which will probably slow things down for a while. Dave H In the process of setting up another pure armor slug fest. Will send set-up tonite. I want to see if the Italians come with their own tanks. We might try a British vs Italian QB in honor of CMAK. Axe2121 WTF?!?!?!?!? We don't have a game going???? This is just........wrong! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Let me guess: 1) Liposuction 2) Lobotomy 3) Liver Transplant That was too easy!
  9. I suspect you might have something to say. I only wish English was a language you could use to express yourself. I'll just bet your 9'th grade teachers love reading the papers you write. </font>
  10. Okay Maggots I am back and you probably didn't even know I was gone, which is a good thing. My dear, sweet, precious wife dropped a 4-day weekend getaway on me Friday morning and we just got back last night. She somehow even managed to con my boss into giving me Friday and Monday off, and I didn't have a clue,(like most days). Ahhhh......Women!!! Anyway, I am back and there will be TNT flowing tonight.
  11. Finding out that mike_the_wino is moving in next door? I guess we could ask Axe, he should know. [edited to remind everybody] [ September 25, 2003, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. It'll last one night on the General Forum. So many enemies, so little juice By the way: Attention Grogs!!! If you're gonna lurk about the Thread looking all stylish, how's about ya put your collective heads (please note that Americans count as two heads) together and let me know what time period did the Russians have the Sherman, Valentine, and other Allied tanks and stuff. Would like to do a QB and simulate North Africa. What would be a good match between German and British Tanks? PzIII's? I NEED HELP!!!! please?
  13. Calm down thar just a mite. Unless you are in a real hurry to meet the ominous one (Moon). This SC Forum is the most respected Forum on the Battlefront Board. It has a boardwide reputation of gentlemanly behavior and interesting discussion. Be a part of it. Be open-minded. Learn. There is a higher standard required here. If that's not your cup of tea, then come on over to the General Forum. One can learn some real perspective there.
  14. kurt88 Maybe he hasn't seen the new logo? Classic! Comrade Trapp You are one of the most even-handed and fair guys on the Forum. Even though you did not know me from Joe Schmo, you were willing to put in a good word for a newbie. It will not be forgotten. Of course, you may have some regrets.
  15. Okay, I can read between the lines here. I'll have you know that my attitude is so perfect now, that rose buds pop into full bloom just by me walking past. I too remember with horror and trepidation the so-called newbie days. After spending the night in the slammer, I was ready to pack it in, but then I realized certain facts: 1) Do not be overly sensitive on this Forum 2) There are a lot of clever people who post here and sometimes the facial expressions cannot be read when they post and items are taken out of context. 3) Give the benefit of the doubt 4) Have a sense of humor That should do it, but if you're ever in doubt, check with Jersey John. He's one guy you can trust and is a gentleman from the old school. Welcome and enjoy! Oh and thanks to Comrade Trapp for helping to raise my bail money, even though I was a newbie at the time of my incarceration.
  16. May I remind you that for every one of these types of threads, there are Fifty "Help, I'm bogged and can't get up" Threads? Hell, even I got bogged in a game. It just seemed so wrong
  17. I believe that the ones who took Boo just curled up in a fetal position and tacked an I surrender sticker on their backside. There have been reports of an outbreak somewhere in Ohio, even as late as this year. Be alert!
  18. Nice logo there Rambo Is that from The Statue of Liberty? Somehow, I thought the torch was a lot bigger.
  19. It's spelled "femoral". Put a dictionary next to your pocket copy of Chamberlain's monthly "Hot Clankety Things With Gums On Them! This month: Flat Face or Curved Mantlets - Which is Better and Why?", ya person, ya. </font>
  20. You misunderstood. What I said was: "Reading your posts make me feel squeamish"
  21. Thanks for the update Dave H To the Brood: We are slowly being suffocated by those of a groggy nature. Here is the current list: Long Trousered Silver Becket Mike aka Stalin's Organ mike_the-gamey*** ***-Included not because he knows anything about tactics or equipment, but because he actually is groggy most of the time, unless he's sleeping. The Grog Alert will continue until all Grogs have been unmasked and revealed. Stay tuned to this Thread for further developments.
  22. Michael You are (of course) excluded from any negative connotations that may be inferred from the good natured kidding that I posted. I am a disciple of your Strategy and Tactics seminar and can honestly report that the Strategy part, I have down pat. I still need a little work on Tactics, however........oops, sorry gotta go, dressing 14 kids for school is a bit time consuming.
  23. Okay, this is from yesterday. What is up with all this happy, happy, joy, joy crap? It's not even Friday yet maggot. You have some serious explaining to do, so get to it.
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