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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Brave BEF efforts free up the Elbow and allow the retreat of some British forces from there with the destruction of a German Army<the first land casualty of the war for us> but in retaliation LW pounds and nearly destroys the same BEF Army and cuts off the elbow again trapping a British corps there.
  2. UK battleship sunk in the Baltic, and 1 cruiser nearly halved in strength. 1 of our brave U-boat Units gave their lives in defense of our Waterways... France is getting hit hard few more turns of frontline combat then she'll retreat
  3. the LC is cleared of all but 1 BEF Corps, 2 French Armies bite the dust and 5 Luftflottes make the AirMarshal proud. There is a rumour that Air alone can now win wars<seems this may be proven true> we let Ireland fall, no need for the Allies to gain anymore experience at the cost of the poor souls of Dublin
  4. Dec 10th 1939: Denmark, LC and Poland all surrender the same turn. Germany is now set to unleash fully on France with the full brunt of the Wermacht and Luftwaffe
  5. Our Invasion force into the LC is surrounded by freed by Relief soldats from the foderland, 1 French Army reduced to strength 4, both U-boats decorative corals, Warsaw captured, Danish corps destroyed...
  6. deep trouble, LC failed to fall... German armor was out of place for a Southern Hit... although just 1 LC corps left. Poland still stands with 3 corps an a missing AF in the Eastern portion... Rodney nearly sunk at strength 1 in the Atlantic. Ireland is still holding from massive RAF attack
  7. no polish breakthrough, Axis forces pound the rest of the nation into oblivion, Poles hold Denmark DOWed, typical along with 2 raiding subs sucking out more than 20 MPPs in Allied shipping
  8. Rambo and Liam the two best American players now face off. Rambo Discovered the Rambo Rome Invasion and RACK Carrier knockout blow on The Limeys.. Take on the only player in SC to sink every Royal Navy ship of Terif<aside from his 3 Carriers > Aside Rambo has again proven only DH/Avatar/Terif to be a challenge. Likewise with me including tough time with HR<but we both can chop chop Avatar> here we go 235:2350:7050, monster bid. no AA no Amphibs on Majors I'm Axis and believe folks we fight like Gunther Rall vs Chuck Yeager in our SC games
  9. EE2 so far is a bit reminiscent of it's ancestor EE1, i'm certian entertaining as the original on certian settings.. like WW2 era only it's very demanding and nitpicky however the hex, board game section is empty right now. Aside from WAW and it was neat for a week or two I finally beat the computer on impossible and I didn't bother to sack Moscow too boring.. The problem with PBEM is I sent my first turn out and didn't get a return ;( I'm a little discouraged to spend an hour making turns for no returns... and the game is quite complex I'd prefer to have it in IP as they actually run faster and smoother for me.. ages will be the best by far I imagine, I hope they stick to the 'old formula' don't try anything new to the point of crucifying a decent RTS game.. that'll make me a happy camper as the original was good and only needs proper modification to make it up date.. an RTS, which can be boring unless you know how to get into other aspects of it.. although anything can be boring including a boardgame without good friends to play with overall at this point I'm very dissappointed in current wargames period in whatever genre. all this cash we all have to spend and there isn't diddly but lowly simulators that are repetitive, there 56 WW2 dogfighter sims and most aren't that great. There aren't many good WW2 sims, and the #s are dwindling. When I found SC i nearly puked, I was like no way, a real modern IP WW2 hex wargame... Now I'm very eager for an SC2, and SC3. And duplicates, clones, etc... [ May 07, 2005, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  10. well I'm not sure SC2 will be out when we expect as it will likely be postponed, HC isn't got an army but there are some other goodys I've been reading on comming out. Civilization 4, Ages of Empires III and Empire Earth II<which is already out> Two out of three are RTS but Civ4 will be greatly enhanced above Civ3 I hear and you'll not feel as if you're playing a hyped up Civ2.. I've seen the screenies and graphics for Ages and it looks very interesting. Much more focus on the Native Population of America and that 'age'... I love that age personally... I would love to be the Creek battling out vs the Colonials... RTS isn't what we want but still it's juicy and all that eye candy can make up for what's missing in your hearts no? These new games have monsterous requirements BTW World At War definitely requires an IP function to make it playable, does anyone have definitive proof that will ever come? I hope so, I will play it if does for sure.
  11. Terif is the sort I'd ask to beta my game. He is very meticilious. Who else in our SC community has pointed out the amount of exploits, flaws, bugs, etc... in SC? When I studied his guide, my game improved 10-20%. I asked another player, DH about HQ support the following turn and at the time he didn't know himself anymore than me. Here goes a question for newbies to add that will help their game. Do you guys feel it's honestly worth buying an Italian HQ? Figure this, what does a rated 4 Italian HQ buy you really? Western Europe when in defense is large enough that if you move units from Citys and use Amphibious transfer hits you'll get more bang<readiness> for you buck than you will usually from an Italian HQ...Aprox. a unit on a city gets around 65% readiness, a 4 HQ gives a unit in the open around 70%... question would be why bother? The French HQ is a bit different those units don't have the room to manuever from citys or close to them to get the added readiness to use in combat. Also<increased AT increases Readiness is a preferable purchase to an HQ for Italians...> The only reason I'd buy one is if Western Allies allow you plenty of MPPs and time to get it Experience. Korut, Rambo has developed no cheesy strategies.. Rambo Rome Invasion is merely using your brain to win fast as possible. Rack, is really not worth it MPPwise if you allow the man that much MPPs you're a weak player.. Rambo is the 2nd best player in SC I play. He is impatient or he'd beat me more often Avatar isn't doing anything all that original.. Plenty of an aggressive French strategy or a sneaky Norwegian hit, there are plenty of counters and after 5-10-15 games you'll never lose if that's all that man has in his grab bag.. He's a fairly decent player though... not patient enough to be the best however [ May 04, 2005, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  12. Rambo seized the opportunity of a German attack on Vichy and for my foolishness managed to halt Nazi MPPs early.. I wasn't too thrilled toward the ending with the trenchwarfare but we were having some fun. My LW was way too powerful for the RAF-USAF-RedAF to contend with... At least Mins -8 Allied Airfleets during the game not including the Swedes and Poles which gave me the ability to survive with less than par MPPs for a bit there. Also the fact that I was capturing pieces of Russia that went directly into my bank and I kept Reds outta Finland... Altogether the Allies had some great early offensives but they bogged down. Along with the Axis we had a thrilling comeback. Overall I spent too much on Chits and would've been better off having invaded Russia late and not taken out one of their armies if I could've taken Iraq IMO... Tech definitely made it impossible for D-Day to every really break out for the Allies and came much too late for the Reds to contend with me before experience became a factor. Overall this is just to show do not mess with Me as Axis I went for a new strategy here it sorta hurt me but I enjoyed it for a bit...we need SC2 and a new set of strategies... I am confidant if I had good percentages now I could perhaps give Terif a match worth playing maybe even win 1 in 50
  13. We were forced to answer the Western offensive with a strong offensive of our own. A literal Battle of the Bulge at Sea to break the backs of the Bloody English and Tyrnnical Americans... Der Fuhrer Liam Von Gutz Issued orders to smoosh the Allied Air Power of Western Europe After the fall of LC, we liberated them along with this nasty treatment < the brilliant Erich Von Manstein with 4 Stars headed this expedition> Rambo would pay for is misunderstanding of German Superior Technology when Level 3 subs launched a surprise assualt on a US Carrier near Denmark, along with the old and trusty Scharnhorst and Gneisenau who both had near 3 Experience Bars going in to this Naval Battle. The Luftwaffe would also assist full pronged Naval Assualt. Claiming a US Battleship, a 2nd US Carrier and 2 USAF fighters... Also badly weakening the US and UK Fleets and Airforces after just 1 turn forcing them to retreat to regain breath. Although during this engagement all Axis Naval Forces in the Baltic were sent to the bottom...the comparetive cost was worthwhile This expensive operation of Wermacht forces was of little consequence as the the Soviets Launched their Assualt on Finland and were also stopped cold in their tracks there.. Their losses were extreme, the last Red Figher at Level3 right before of any use was destroyed over Leningrad... the new evolved ME262 with drop tanks is unstoppable<not 1 LW fighter has been lost yet to either Carriers or Airfleets of the enemy> The MidEast is still firmly in Red Hands sadly and the MPP Balance is almost divided 50/50 however the Italian MPPs are of little meaning at this point... Reds are weak, Minsk poised to fall, amphibious Italian Domilitionists took out Mines South of Rostov via Instanbul Port. Turkey has been quiet once Soviet forces transfered to Finland to attack our defenseless brothers there... Another Soviet mine was captured North of Kiev, and it looks as if it's possible a Front collapse could be in the bigger picture as superior German Experience has the upperhand here now and AT Armies. German AT Tech is Level 3, so is Russias All across the board Level 4 Jets except Soviets, LR is now raising as well<uncertian precisely at this time> perhaps level 2 for Allies Germany has all techs and experience.. Now much relies on the tactical decisions on both sides.. This battle is stretching into 1944, Axis Forces determine a Late 1945 Total Axis Victory Viva La Axis
  14. i played it, honestly.... with IP it would be Axis & Allies "advanced" sorta boring vs Strategic BECAUSE you can't trial the IP aspects which fast paced allow for 1000 Xs the strategic possibilities.. A&A had more capabilities in that regard and was more pleasurable a game.. sadly.. <<Puts WAW up for soon>>
  15. After the initial Soviet invasion of Syria-Iraq-Turkey and total domination of the MidEast and Western Allies lost a Major defeat in Portugal<though committing to the new Western Front as Stalin had asked> Axis forces battle it out in Eruzum losing that city and many Panzer divisions in Russia. Nearly collasping our front but the Wermacht holds firm, kicks back the initial Russian Assualt and Instanbul and Ankara remain in Axis hands. Iraq is now occuppied by the Brits however and the MPP balance is shifting Russia claimed many German tanks paid in nearly losing 2 HQs<1 lived on at 1 Strength somehow> some Red equipment was destroyed and later the Front transfered back North, where 3 Red Airfleets were destroyed. Riga has fallen after numerous assaults. Finally German Technology still reigns supreme overall... The West Brits and Americans have caught up nearly Luftwaffe RAF USAF have been battling it out in 'mini battles' very small committment of LW forces till just now a few errors on the High Command in this regards. Reds still very much in tact, Minsk poised to fall... Red Mines still pumping lots of juice into war machine... Axis Do delay D-Day that has nearly 7 Carriers now due the time bought by the Red sacrifice... Due to our superior tech, we prevail, superior AT and JET and now some other goodies revealed... Though Allies have MPP advantage and no mainland Euro city is taken aside from Brest so far, Paris could fall any turn now, just will take a full Allied assualt <Allies have more units than Axis overall by a 1/4th margin Axis units are still superior in experience FOR NOW>
  16. the new bidding system 1:10:30 aprox 215-220 bid.. Liam the Axis Supreme Commandante I kicked through Polacks, breakthrough miracle. Danes fell quick with LW help.. Ripped of the Danish and Polish Treasuries to finance Manny only 4 LWs bought for France LC was delayed and lost to the Allies, Allies lost France regardless USA Readiness pushed. We managed to kill 1 cruiser, damage 2 French ones and halve a British Battleship as well as kill some Allied Merchants. French lost their Armor, escaped I assume with a Ton of Goods... They focused on the Italian fleet killed our Brave Frogmen and damaged Italian navy but took a tiny bit of damage and immense operating costs there.. British Industry and Science falling behind with this. No Ireland.. Mostly Brits retreat whenever I turn up the heat... Germany dominates early game... Italy is a weak partner but no major losses. and no major gains for Allies against her. still 3 battleships and 1 cruiser many corps CookieCutter Aside from Vichy, was stocking up on my readiness... I took direct hits on British Bomber Command South of London and no kill, Battle of Britian was delayed, Germany lost a few hundred planes Allies lost 500-1000.. Germany held off late on hitting Sweden, Norway reserving the cost of invasion till fully prepared... Spain fell, Med Fell ubereasy due to Early Italian Entry and Il Duce Claimed a 2nd Rome till Hitler ordered all Suez/Egypt Possessions return to Grey Control Barb launched late in '41: We managed to leave 1 Red Tank in tact halfway damaged no Red AFs, all but 1 Red Army killed North Line holds, German Army Group North with the Kriegsmarine Pounds the Coastal Defenders in the Baltic...Riga holds... 1 Red Cruiser left in the Baltic after a surprise Germany smash hit. Army Group Center leaves Prippets alone, and Army Group South smashes through to first Northern Kievan Mine... Reds won't hold if full brunt of Axis Superiority is unleashed anywhere here now... Just worry about the Ant Theory is all Americans launch a dummy assault on Spain but it's a good diversion along with Stalin's hammering blow on Turkey..<i'll let Rambo do commentary on his offensives> We took Vichy a little late due to being overextended in tech...but Germany has a wide erray of Super Weapons including the ME262 in 1941 and noone else in the world can compete.. USAF and RAF are cannonfodder hiding from our master race Airfleets Despite a decent initial hit, Russia isn't too damaged, and Iraq was never fully conquored just DOWed and occuppied a outskirts before Turkish and Red Tanks poured through Northern Mountains to liberate her... This is the current situation. Iraq-Mid East falling to Reds, Turkey Ify... Western Allies wussies disbanding and surrendering to the Greys rather than fight like men<just as Der Fuhrer would have guessed, Yanks ain't got what it takes but to be a diversionary force> Lucky bastard got into Iraq before I could setup.. That diversion is making my Red offense weak.. He's hittin and running with his West, and trying to get MPPs for Russia conquor Mid East and Turkey he won't succeed my Iron Fist will crush him<in a Arnie Swartzneggar<sp> voice> Rambo you just don't have these Muscles ::FLEXES::
  17. that was an intense amount of action! Rambo is good for this, very aggressive.. Seems Scandanavia decided this game ? Am I wrong to assume
  18. agreed with les and jon now we will have diplo chits in this new version so we can better influence certian nations though I'll probably guess influencing Turkey and gaining their allegiance<even if very very expensive which it should be> will cost Russian Readiness so what would be the point for the Axis. The Mountains in Turkey shouldn't be so easy to supply. they should be cut down so the rich southern Caucasus can't be taken without a decent chance for Russians to fight back. Greece seems in my opinion more likely to resist Axis pressure along with Yugoslavia. Bulgaria and the regions of Romania-Hungary being more portions of AustroHungarian Empire. Bulgaria being more interested in her Med Sea connection lost after WW1 or the Balkan Wars..Serbia the Major portion of Yugo would be resistant to the aggressors from WW1 that inforced their will upon them before OE nonexistant and dead after the coup there after WW1. However hateful to the West due to their attempt at seizing portions of their country after the war. Wasn't a huge portion of Anatolia occuppied by France until kicked out? I forget, 15 years after I read on Turkish Pre-WW2 History
  19. heh Rambo lost a bit on Tilt<was playing tired> retiring for awhile, my dreams of a seat at the world series will have to wait. we'll play, i'm ready to storm Russia
  20. Yeah, Rambo had this trouble with me last game, he bought too many AFs for Russia, I did nearly lose an HQ but in the end my superior German Jet and LR Tech ate the Russians Air. Zapp usually does that with tanks... both I find ineffective against a competent steady and cautious Axis Barbarossa. Meaning good Armies good Experience and AT... A lot relies on the luck of Reds getting Jets if you buy fighters with it I notice, that and a weak Wermacht so that means that you had to have mowed down a good amount of Germans in France. Seems as if Rambo did perfect in the West, aside from a weak Fodder Navy. That happens though, who can predict how dice will roll with those expensive ships and if you lose a few or damage a few you badly need the MPPs elsewhere! PS good advice for newer players, in the game I beat Rambo, despite it being only a 20 bid, I missed killing frontlines Reds due to pushing RR beyond the 86<squeezing every inch yanno> and still won due to good and wise invest on Land units. I had 7-8 tanks... Lost all of them but won by wars end... Red Fighters never payed off.. I think if the Reds can afford an AF, Axis have lost already
  21. BRB, HEY DO NOT SAY the Yoda man has converted.. he's gotta fight the Sith soon in the upcomming sequel of Star Wars Hmmm<will miracle tech effect this game's outcome?>
  22. I like the fresh influx of Ideas and by the more educated Historians here. This is World Politics. I do not know what motivated Franco not to join the Axis<other than he was smart enough to wait to see who really won the war> The Sea Lion Invasion I suppose makes it apparent in the West Anyways of an Axis Victory altogether and pretty accurate for basic Politics. Italy was hardly a World Power, she had a decent Navy but that she'd of likely failed to conquor Switzerland as she had also failed to conquor Greece by herself and was actually losing Albania ;)In SC she should be phazed down as most Games phaze her down to a satelite capable of merely transporting German Goods and reinforcing her own losses Turkey? If one of us knew of the leadership of theirs at the time, would give a lot away as to why they acted as they had<i'm guessing fear of the Soviets> and what they would've done had things turned out differently in The War. I do know after their Civil War the OE was overthrown and a lot of that expansionist attitude was too I read a book on it. So I don't think they'd of ran offensives into Iraq, Egypt, Russia nor could they or would Germany/Italy let this happen. One thing is true, these were weaker nations, with lower technology, equipment, supply, cash, etc.. the a Major like UK/USA/USSR/Germany and wouldn't have the Uberness or the power in combat that the others had...Same for Italy really, so making Minors phazed back a bit would be wise<in their combatant abilities> Now the Politics, it is always the same<they're always educated 1st rate> PS. Swiss being hit by Italy? oddness total oddness, I can hardly believe it.. PSS. There should be a X Factor for Italy as Il Duce was a poor leader who royally slowed down Germany's Progress towards Barb.. Had ole Adolf hit Russia when he wanted I'm certian things in WW2 could've gone different. So unknowningly the Old Italian Dictator may have influenced the outcome of WW2 for the Allies<greece delayed Barb a bit I know>
  23. Complete and utter oddness, when I don't take LC so easily I really eat it for awhile SO far action packed match at least, this is no a conservative sounding game. I feel that Yoda has the Force on his side meanwhile Rambo is going to have to pray for a miracle somewhere
  24. Turkey joining the Axis? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, why? I'm curious, after the civil war there and the upheaval since WW1 and Italy's desire to carve up Turkey for herself why would Turkey ever join the Axis for any reason? no reason is my thought but I do not know much about WW2 Turkish Neutrality and Political Stance towards Fascism and Nazi Germany/Socialist Italy. I think all this would depend on Italy's Hungry Desires which with their unpredictable leadership would've probably frightened the Turks to which end, I don't know. I think what the game represents in the end with Ultimate Axis victory of Russia, Turkey's inability to defend herself and becoming a puppet and being carved up. Not a military power on her own conducting a War! I think it's safe to say just this much extra, spending a load of Chits on Turkey as Germany with Italy's over expansion fever for the Eastern Med being a safe assumption in the only way you get an Axis Turkey, either that or a Turkey fearful and practically caving in like Austria to avoid being invaded? Correct? Also lets worry more about Spain, a bigger player with a direct route to Gibraltar, Canaries, and other valuable resources for hammering the Allies at sea...She was doable, with the right sort of resources spent on her, perhaps Minors should have War Readiness<not just a Pro Allied Coup in Yugo> not like all of them were unsuspecting ;)but then again that could be extensive programming, but then again we're already creating political chits for these guys, perhaps camping out too many units just like USSR readiness pumps up should also influence, making Cookie Cutters slightly more difficult, especially WITHOUT good intel tech so that it's harder to camouflage one's intentions... P.S. to prevent Allied A-historical neutral training missions for their troops, Political chits should be effected by DOWs.. DoWs of neighbors or same Ideology Nations should cause a lose of a chit per DOW or some RR Minor Punishment. Oh lovely, a whole other subject to work on!!! :eek:
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