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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Who will embrace thine Legend as he Falleth Undefeated, unfettered by petty Man Though One Man, he stands alone, to crush this Scourge brought by the Gods Yes, Tis I... My Lightning Armored Elephants will smoosh through Red Forest, and Red Marsh. My Jet Propelled Eagles will reap the harvest of much Experience tearing their Talons into the Red T-34s. The Western Powers will know our Wraith as well, we will not concede an inch to those Infidels Axis Forces capture Riga, Odessa, Kiev and not shoot for Minsk. The Mine North of Kiev is firmly in Axis Hands... German forces outnumber their counterparts and although the Reds now have superior Anti-Tank<13> we are killing them wholesale per turn. In the West, unable to break France in Brest the Allies move towards Norway and capture Bergen after 2 turns of Aerial bombardment and a large amphibious Landing... So far, the Germans have not lost 1 naval ship or 1 Army just a Tank who stepped for on the steppe to be raped by ambushing Red Armymen... <just a few corps here or there> The whole world is now under Axis occupation <Greece will convert soon and our MPPs now exceed the Allies> It's apparent that no matter the Bid Axis still Reign Supreme in many eyes and this is proof! "Hey I was Dracula in the 60s. You're toast!"
  2. I agree with some of the thoughts that John layed out. That adding in something for the liberation of countries for the Allies dependant on the nation would work well vs Plunder. Really, any invasion of France should include a violation of Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg's borders and automatically draw them into the war on the Allied side, which somewhat historical, no?
  3. I've already shown ways to counter this current strategy, although I'm not yet a winner in our current game Rambo is looking bleak, Axis plowed France early enough to sit and Tech and now have Jets4, and other goodies not yet to be publicly revealed the Reds got 6000 Base MPPs from the bid...Plus plenty of USAF comming into the picture I'm sure. This'll be a fun one.. Just goes to show, all-in, better not be half-in, to win. Fact of the matter came down to, I didn't get Polish breakthrough, nor Axis that cheap.. But I was patient and watched, and Rambo knew better than to try a pure gamble. He did do fair in Vichy strikeout, and Egypt defense and he still has Beruit... wish you guys could watch this puppy Live, fun game!
  4. don't got time to read but I will say 1 word, "Congrats!" "I sense a disturbance in the force."
  5. Definitely a pest of a strategy It annoys those of us who enjoy the Axis but trust me, no strategies comes without flaws as reiterated by all the greats in here I will tell you this, just once did I not take Paris in any of my games with this new strategy, and in all these games but 1 or 2 I slow played as I'm rather slow at learning counters. Once I have them downpat however, this strategy will be a flaw and I will eat the Minors more hastily than before<like Bratwurts<sp?> That will mean that the UK at best will be a pest, and then operate over before Barbarossa and shoot down the entire RAF or rape the home Island to death... Any Carriers, ships, units are going to be good experience for an Axis who can kill France in early June or better yet, May Point is this, Dice baby. 35% aprox to a Flush, it'll win a few times but in the end my Pocket Rockets will eat you alive! Or well, Terif's will I wanna see Rambo VS Terif, with new strategy no preparation I say 20% to 80% chance...I favor Terif and his Austrian Alpine Calculations, but give the young American Hotshot a bold chance with good Rolls and outright aggression!
  6. Last Night final Series in the Rambo and Liam showdown was to Rambo. Liam Resigns the series at 4 to 1! In one game I missed a decent opportunity to strike Rambo's Flank I played too tentative. I could've maybe taken UK or struck at Undefended Allied resources. He took out Scando and took out German superior MPPS... In another, I threw away a few German Fighters, and a Blow-Out of impatience... All I had to do was hold the line and wait patiently for my MPPs to raise up a notch. In the final double barrel blow from Rambo, this new strategy proved to be far too effective for my obsolete counters. One time I definitely had a Foothold on France and gave it up by being overly ambitious. The second in the series of the same "All-In" strategy I was just way too slow and by the time I got to France he was bristling with 3 UK Fighters that seemed re-uped every time I went to attack..<No Polish breakthrough and wise Danish defense by Rambo> I'll give some advice to new kiddies on breaking this all in strategy, Denmark-Poland-LC..... That's it friends, those nations must be cut quick and easy... No messin' around, you've gotta sacrifice German resources if neccessary in order to get France<and not play cautiously as you might normally> Though this throws me off, I will adapt and win from now on Just as I began to show Rambo the Spain strategy was obsolete I wills how him the same with this, before he knows it
  7. Did the British shoot a single Icelander? I highly doubt it. Did they loot their banks, museums, national treasures? Exploitation of their airbases, navalbases<they probably had to improve upon and spend their own cash to establish> is hardly plunder. Plunder in the dictionary would be on the vile things mentioned. And yes it is fun but it's not real... Allies didn't plunder they wanted to defeat Axis Tyranny not be just like it. Why were there no Partisans fighting the Allies? Why did the Germans have to station hundreds of thousands of men across Europe to defend it from the locals? You had the French Resistance, Yugoslav partisans, Russian Partisans and various groups throughout Europe working in every way possible to sabotage Germany for their independance<something the Western Allies granted every nation they didn't Occuppy they Liberated> However if the Allies wish to become Vile like the Axis<should we charge them for it? Make it harder for them than just some RR or US Readiness?> Since politics has entered the game I'm sure HC will implement some punishment for ambitious Allied strategies.. Perhaps even allow for some Nations like LC to be used as a Launching ground not as a nation to be stomped on..with strategic balance so it cannot be abused!
  8. Quebec vs American bid was 190 modest, typical rule set Avatar used the French and UK airpower<All in Strategy> he won with it.. The UK had a few bad dice, I had 1 or 2 very essential misses myself. Lost a lot of armies and a tank in LC... Avatar lost a Carrier, 1 fighter and his navy was pounded, and virtually all of his land units besides Monty and a few corps..Poland was delayed a little longer than I'd like and Avatar held off Denmark long enough to also keep me in check. Big error bump Russian Readiness 10%<I didn't see the clock and it was Feb or so before I caught Paris> I really was weak now and had little options, I pounded through Gibraltar, took Egypt and then headed right into UK...<late late move> 1 turn I captured Manchester and Canada, same turn USA and USSR joined. This was a very very close match. We gave it our all, I was investing all my hope in taking out UK. Soon after Red Armies were pouring through Eastern Europe and the Balkans, game was up. Great Game, proves Avatar is a notch above this puppy
  9. What Allied nation plundered a Neutrals bank for their own War Machine as Germany had done? Gold was one of the few valuable resources that built the Reich and the plunder she recieved as reflected in SC1 was part of what made Hitler's Empire. The Western Powers however were not the same as hitler and did not rob banks so to speak. So why in SC2 would we allow there to be Plunder when an Allied nation invades a Neutral? Unless we want to make the Allies as ruthless as the Axis...in Stalin's case perhaps we can make an exception
  10. Sweden and Switzerland were pretty vital for the import and export of some goods to Germany. She didn't really need to invade either. What would've happened? 200 thousand more Troops in Sweden to defend against possible Allied invasion and partisans? Switzerland would've been just bombed and there would've been no bankers for the German Plunderers to do business with. There should be a Minus Plunder for either invasion Germany got ballbearings from both nations and other equipment when her plants were bombed. I wonder the full extent of Spanish-Turkish-Swedish-Portuguese trade involved in the German war machine after she was cut off from foreign trade in 1939-40 by the UK... and how much trade was conducted with the Soviets until Barbarossa? I'd like to see all this added up...
  11. I suppose my sensitivite emotions would be bruised too! Expectations are a big pain in the arse
  12. Look like Zapp is making his comeback Kuniworth, you want a game I'll give you Allies with 300 bid on 1 condition. You finish the game all the way for once. But you still won't win and you have to publicly admit I am your Master
  13. HR, you were really playing well last game I saw action with you.<admittely after Fall of France I seemed to have an advantage much like vs Avatar> You must be gaining ground in this game fast unlike the rest of us The Learning Curb from the mechanics to being top notch is big and any one of these players if they took 20-30 HotSeats to practice the lastest strategies<wouldn't even take that> could be lethal players> it's all about patience and most don't have it. I remeber a game vs Kuniworth he took me to round 14 and I was dishing out punishment but he just didn't know what to do at this point so he ran.. or a game vs Avy, after France fell he disappeared for 6 months.. This reminds me much of myself with Terif after I take France, I just don't know what the hell to do to counter his aggressive UK action. You better not give him much of a bid ;)actually though I took those strategies employeed them VS Rambo and I notice I'm getting a lot more bang for my buck... Gotta give Terif credit for the real strategies and not these gamey Fast French strategies. He created the Air Egypt and delay pack MidEast. The Corp Naval blocker. The anti-Carrier training mines France and Norway. Also one of the best Russian smashes I've seen next to Rambo..<he has done quite an amazing job with Armor alone rushing into Russia!> You've still got awhile to come up to my Axis Game, but that's alright For now I'm quite happy to be in the top 4 or 5 in that category<even top3 since DH has retired pretty much>
  14. Last game was a Rambo Gamble He took out 2 or 3 Luftflottes with a wild UK defense and almost lost some Carriers was fun I have to admit after the 8-12 hour Marathons we've been having before. I played foolishly. I could've taken this game easily Rambo takes Game #4... 3 to 1 Not looking good for me, I have to win every other game now or I lose the competition P.S. Skill is nolonger a factor in these games, patience is and attention to detail [ May 16, 2005, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  15. Well, we do play some of the best Marathons I've ever seen. Rambo tightens up and plays conservatively in this match. I took Paris early enough, Sept I believe. Then from there I took the Minors and had plenty of time to throw in a Monster attack on USSR. Killing all but 1 army and their 3 fighters in the frontline first onslaught. I never lost a Germany Army the entire Barbarossa, I transfered over after taking the first 4 frontline cities, 3 mines, and holding Finland and killing off over a dozen Armies... and tons of corps... Reds were derailed due to a very fine Western Defense, no offensive possibilities Meanwhile Spain and France were both firmly in Allied hands but Vichy wasn't, so I used it as a base to launch a massive attack, cut the two forces in half near bordeoux and forced the Allies to retreat from France altogether... Since I got France to surrender I could garrison Brest and there was only 1 out for the Allied Invaders.. It was a slow retreat for Rambo and he did well in not losing more than he did.. I believe in the exchange at the worst we both lost 1 fighter.. Tech was as such, Brits Level 3 Jets, USAF level 2...<likely level 2 LR or 3 AT 2 for both> Gun Radar was Level 3 for UK Reds, Jets 4, AT 3 Germans, Jets 3, Level 2 LR, level 3 AT, 2 Heavy Tank Italy never got AT, but 2 Gun Radar Those heavy tanks were a definite plus when I transfered back to take out the Red Airforce they aided well with their strong defense near Leningrad and I wiped out the Red Airforce... Ultimately we could've just had a bloodbath going on for 'years and years' but Rambo surrendered. I think out of boredom. I do believe I had an edge, my Armies at strength 13 many were at 4 bars of experience and my HQs were close to it as well. Good possability at me capturing Moscow and holding Paris too.. German units were taking minimal losses in the West and virtually none in the East fun but at some point would be nice to see a different set possibilities Liam Wins game #3 luckily, I'm starting to lose confidence in myself [ May 16, 2005, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  16. we're up to this game folks, bid 270 Liam is Axis once more this is going to be hell, game 3 doesn't leave me much room now for error as I was sorta off my A game the other night invading Spain before Hungary joined up
  17. hmmm Zapp hasn't beat me in over a year and Avatar wasn't doing so well in our last game and I doubt he will consistently beat me as I lead the series 5 or 4 to 3 considering he backed outta a game I say the honest power rankings "last time I played 'em" honestly... 1. Terif 2. DH 3. Rambo 4. HR 5. Me Zappster and Sombra<haven't played these guys in awhilhe or enough times lately to judge how they compare to the others> bit likely to say Sombra 6th, Zapp Kuniworth tied, Dalmatian and Comrade tied with a slight edge to Partisan
  18. Really ?? we've got 6 more headsup to decide American Champion
  19. Reds and combined UK assault on France and LC<into Germany> could not be ignored. I had to operate back airfleets and precious units to kill off the invaders. They were soaking up nearly 100 MPPs per turn and any more headway would've meant my death. The Reds got off easy, the line was from Leningrad in the North down to the 2 mines in the South. 2 outta 3 Russian Mines still not yet liberated meaning we lost valuable time trying to headbutt the 3 deep units and had to retreat out as there is now 6 level3 red Airfleets... Scandanavia was invaded on both sides, the loss of the last German cruiser made it pretty much a breeze and Sweden is not yet lost but pretty much looks like that situation is bleak if not impossible for the Greys now... 4 UK Carriers is just too much to fend off, all 4 bars.. They had the assistance of USAF and UK Airfleets from Norway. On a happy note, Low Countries and France are now free of all Allied Forces and on the way out we killed off 2 or 3 full Strength USA Units. Plus the ultimate and final surrender of all Free French units... Riga, Odessa still Axis, the rest Allied. Norway and Sweden will fall soon.. Where will Fritz go now? Only time will tell..<anyone want a hotdog at yankee stadium?> p.s. the new bidding system is definitely more balancing but I should forwarn newer players it's not as easy with Axis and you 'require' TCC [ May 10, 2005, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  20. The English did well Pre Barbarossa, so I have just taken Gibraltar and freed up massive MPPs in the East and now also am moving in on Portugal. Brest was finally taken after several rounds of Carrier and Air attacks along with bombarding battleships and couple Allied Armies. I have very little in the West so far, but you can feel Rambo's urgency to step things up so he's circling Paris already and I assume Allied HQs came via Normandy Beaches that were undefended. In the Baltic I lost 1 of my German Cruisers but well entrenched level4 German Corps doesn't make it easy to try to steal Norway<what Rambo attempted to do> I haven't any punch for the Western Allies the moment but Greece,Portugal, and Iraq will change that In the East Germany missed 2 Armies in the South foolishly for a Red Tank. We advanced through Odessa Kiev and have made no substantial gains but the martyring of another Red Tank near the Kievan Mine. In the North we've taken Riga and we step forwards now to capture Minsk and clear the Prippets... Even though Finland was lost and the Reds have caught on with 1 AT we still have a destinct advantage and nearly 10 Airfleets all pointing Eastward. With Paris still in Axis hands there is just a bit of time to sweep the Steppe..the Reds are in places 3 units thick and lost of pesky armor. It's quite a battle folks The Reds are unprepared for me..this may be the Best A game I recall from Rambo.. I'm giving him close to my best as well, this is Terific level SC Germans Jets 3, AT4 Brits, Jets 2? catching Germany Reds AT 1 No other tech is known
  21. UK Reveals Jets 1, all those early chits went into Tech<he's learned from our past experiences together not to be too aggressive with UK> France was a bloodfest, and I lost more than I'd of liked and he escaped well, however, The UK Navy did take a few hits and overall I'm not unhappy with the outcomes, save losing any German units at all... There are plenty of Luftflottes now 7 Now time to convert some of Europe to the Cause of Socialist Freedom<god forbid you gotta rely on those evil Limeys who kill off the coot whittle pattys >
  22. Sept 29th 1940, France Falls... Italy Joined the month previously
  23. Another Brave attempt by the BEF and mixed forces from under the banner of General Weygand free up the Elbow killing a 2nd german Army......and again now with a Panzer we lock down the elbow for Germany...bitter & bloody battles for France now ensue August, Panzers arrive at the outskirts of Paris, all looks lost for the French People<they should've listened to DeGaulle
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