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Everything posted by Liam

  1. From what I have heard of this little part of history, Nappy never got what he wanted, "A Grand Battle!" While Hitler had plenty of action all the way to the outskirts of the 3 Major supply sources of the USSR and had a good chance to take at least 1 of them pre-Winter of '41.... Now what impact that may have had on the War is undetermined and holding Moscow during the Winter would've probably been the Battle of the Century as the Germans would've probably lost or payed dearly to keep it and not been worth it.. Psychologically this would've been a major blow however and the true importance of Moscow is still unknown as it was never taken and noone will ever know.. Boneparte could've taken all of Russia if he could've survived the cold, lack of supplies, lack of deserters....by 1941 Cold wasn't the same factor it was before, as men travelled faster in Iron Beasts or did they really? Supplies were driven to the front, equipment was far better for cold vs a century and few decades previously.. just not utilized properly. German Arrogance. perhaps french Arrogance too, perhaps they could've taken everything but Moscow and instead of forcing a peace with the Tzar just dominated the Outskirts of his Domain never forcing a true 'do or die' type situation. If Hitler hadn't been flirting around in Greece and Crete and just executed Il Duce with his first Screw Up in N.Africa perhaps Fascism would've reigned supreme with a late Spring Offensive in 1941
  2. Any of you are capable of being first, there is no science to Terifian Theory, merely the fact it's the current thing. He Examines every move and thinks precisely what every basic possability is, sometimes he comes out short having cost him a handful of losses... The fact is in SC, it's the man who thinks ahead of the other that wins, and follows it with a level headed tactic and overall has a flawless strategy... Rambo and me fought hard last night after RAI, I would've have won but I made 1 error, Iraq Mountain pass. Did that with HR once I think cost me the whole game when I pretty much had it in the bag..... Terif is slower, because he takes his time and he thinks about, well, hmmmmm. that sub can only make this sort of move, and if you post in these 4 spots<units that are not of better use elsewhere> then of course that sub will have no chance to escape or inflict minor damage...<the minimal it's capable of giving me the greatest return on my movements, choices, strategies, tactics, MPPs, everything> We merely are too fast, all of us, we do not apply the fury of Terifian Theory. Now Rambo, he's whole other story... UberAggressive, comes up with knockout blows, more like Rocky he's got style and beware clashing with him and not being prepared for an aggressive player but once you know what to expect he's in trouble... He will be beat by shear defensive manuevering. Which I do all too well Only Terif and DH have beat him more than me. Each one of you has your Pros and Cons and who they face up to each player. One may do poorly against one and great against another.. It's hard to say and DH is right, 20 games is a minimum and within a couple months to know how someone compares up to you. We're all like Boxers and some of us just cannot be beat right now, but even Lewis got his arse beat in the end... Avatar DH newer fellows on the scene. Zappster Rambo, Terif older Dogs... HR very very new very very capable... I think capable of being one of the best players due to the amount of time he puts in I'm not patient enough to be the best, I put more time in EU2 and I'm still just a top10 player there but hell, that's like 5 Xs being the SC championship, just managing your Inflation is harder than SC
  3. Hmmm, I don't recall it too well.. I do remeber the one before that I was doing TCC and knocking you out pretty fast but we started anew I guess the one you mean
  4. For the players that I've played and how they compare for both Axis & Allies, for today and yesterday I will show a fairly accurate account on what I feel and what I've seen...... Axis Supreme Commanders: Terif, This man is good at Axis, he stopped me from ever even finding a D-Day until it was far far too late, he kept my Carrier-Fighter experience down and from what I've read in AARs he does it with everyone. Only usually quick strategies beat him or exploits... Dragonheart, he beat Terif as Axis, straight up, and this was when the system was lower so I must assume though I've never seen his Axis game he's nearly as good. Not certian if this still counts to this very day however. Rambo, he is aggressive, and has some old fashioned moves in the mix with his Axis game. All around I'd say he's very good Axis player, and I've never beaten him as Allies but came close once. HR, wild and crazy and when I had destroyed almost every Axis fighter he came back on me to knock me out with Super Subs!!! I haven't played him many games where I was Allied so It's hard to say. I think I could've beat him in the old days with my low rated Allied type game even still he was dilligant... As far as the rest of the Axis Supreme Commanders I need everyone elses comments as I am usually only Allied 1 in 8 times That means many of the best Allied players aren't even mentioned here, nor some of these guys given justice! Now for Allied Supreme Commanders: Terif, he doesn't miss a move, he comes up with very innovative strategies to keep the Axis from taking out Real Estate fast.. He uses the UK very effectively and though I wasn't all impressed with his Russia or USA the UK aspect he was a Monster at and that is a pacesetter for this game. I always manage to take him to Russia but he always has me beat down enough by this point where I can never win. You really need to do damage on his UK or surrender ultimately he is the best Allied player I've ever seen, and since I've seen 20-30 of em, in 300-400 games I know best <my best chance of ever beating him I was too foolish to capitalize on him and most of what I've learned that made me a decent player was in his strategy guide> DH: I've never beaten him, but at the time I was still a virgining player and incapable of really putting up much of a challenge for him, I don't know where he fits in my stats for today.. I pretty much see a lot of sound strategies with him. A very strong player. His track record proves it! Rambo, was a fine Allied Commander. I haven't played any other Ally as much tenacity even when all is lost. I have played him more than other man on here, and I average about 1 in 3 or 1 in 4...Lately I've improved even with upwards of 250-300 bids, only save this RAI strategy. Once overcome I can almost even up with him with my Axis 1 for 1 if Tech goes my way. If not He will usually beat me if he isn't too drunk or too tired Rambo has refined my Axis game and my numerous losses to him have showed me that SlowPlay is Axis Victory, FastPlay is an early exit against a cunning Allied player. We've had 80% of our games go into '43 and even '44 ... He is about likely Ranked #2 just due to the fact he's found the only ways to conquor Terif as far as I know ZappSweden, he is good and though loses his patience all too often, I've whooped him a few times and lost to him a few times as Axis. Mostly he made it hard to break France but usually he didn't have anything after this. Though I admit he is a good Allied player all around. Kuniworth, last I played him, when I get the chance he is actually a fair Allied player. He usually makes it hard for me to beat him but I always do and this just how it is. He would be much better if talked less, and played more and finished everything and probably would be a world class player. Avatar: Both Sides Avatar, he is very aggressive and was the first to show me the Axis Polish breakthrough in the South. I've got to give it to him here but I found when he first started I could beat him rather easily if he didn't succeed, he lacked patience to be a top notched Axis player past France not sure if this has changed?Avakin: RAI or fast plays Allies well, if not will probably be beaten fairly easily. He has some strong ways to kill Axis in France but if he can't do it there I haven't usually seen much of him afterwards. I think, though I can't say for sure after Paris he will be mine but we'll see! HR, not too strong an Allied player last I played him.. Though limited time in game to tell you, last time I was Axis I got Paris he was in deep trouble...but that was some months ago and I know he's been improving! Honorable mentions: Trapp was a decent player, always takes you a long way but he lacks certian fundamentals to knockout most the rest of the SC Community not in this list... I've never lost to him, but he always has stretched it far enough for me to realize he had potential. Condor in his day was our modern equivelant of a DH, not around anymore though. I've rarely if ever beaten him... This is just my tentative judgement calls, fairly objective that's why not mention of self but believe me the above is fairly up to date right now and what is availabe out there for a real challenge for tough players who want tough competition [ June 01, 2005, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  5. Not quite right, you can't rank the players the way you do in the above Kuniworth let me make a more accurate topic of currently active players
  6. Indeed HellRaiser, direct engagement with the RAF is the only answer
  7. we underestimated the last strike.. I think Axis may have had this situation with some more aggression to the South and less to the North... very good game. Egypt did fall and that would've been a major plus due to overextended Allied resources in France it is kind of hard to bounce back after losing 3 strong units, and pushing Feb France fall and USSR spike altogether some major errors by my part.. or possibly a tougher match
  8. well, with a rai come back, amazingly 1 tank 1 fighter downed. think my errors may cost i will try a little bit to see what i can do
  9. Algiers occuppied, Suez soon to fall, Allies are selling Battleships for scrap metal, is this a desperate act a mere gesture of their superiority, we'll keep you posted Seems the Emperor will fall soon
  10. the allies hold paris with a wedge now, from bordeoux to normandy, with 1 corps to give inbetween paris and me... the med is now being occuppied by Italy
  11. on the outskirts of Paris, July, German Panzers, decide not to assault the city directly, same say an error but rather engage elements of the French Resistance in the East of the Country both Carriers are forced to intercept
  12. 50 miles outside of Paris, who will stop the Axis juggernaut... so far the Allies have failed to stem our advance with anything they possess
  13. Elbow occuppied, UK Carriers retreat from the battle for now, fearing reprisals with their inexperienced Aircrews, more ALlied units destroyed, N and S being occuppied in a encircling action
  14. France is a battleground, Luftwaffe and RAF exchanges regularly, where we seem to have the edge, Royal Navy is evacuating before they end up at the bottom of the North Sea and soon France shall fall, everything is going as planned
  15. Another French Army bites the dust, UK is still forcing intercepts and attacking LC Ports along with Capitol Ships, the German High Command predicts a July or Aug fall of France max
  16. 3 UK Capitol ships damaged in the Atlantic some turns again first breakthrough in France, Ardenne Cleared entirely of Allied resistance, RAF has failed to dent the LW
  17. no dead French units yet but the battle is on, 1 french corps down to strength 4... UK intercepting, this is a mini RAI... Highly risky longterm
  18. Well, without killing another unit in Poland, Zapp learns an age old Sith Secret, below 5 strength Poles usually surrender, and they do as does LC, the game may not be over quite yet Axis calculate the extra 4 MPPs per turn from Denmark if France falls timely will make up for the loss in plunder and a free 125 MPP corps
  19. LC doesn't fall to a double assault from 3 air, 3 land units, Von Bock's failure will go noted and he will be dismissed from frontline combat after France Falls Denmark DOWed by the vicious and evil allies, Warsaw falls but no surrender
  20. turn 1: pole breakthrough, Axis operate over to liberate the opressed LC of their French Imperialists, no sub activity in the N Sea yet. we must've missed the liverpool line
  21. Zapp shall bow before me it's only natural
  22. Seems that the Legend has fallen to the onslaught of endless German Armies and Fighters. Experience was just too much in the end. UK too late on tech to make a difference... Game was over in 1941 and early 1942 RAI was not used but few interceptions were Now we will try to see if I can dethone this new strategy. Seems That I Count Dooku cannot be defeated by you mere Jedi, one of you will have to step fourth with the skill aside from young Avakin to stop me P.S. Whose that little laughing guy on the chair? wonder if our little Jedi will turn to the darkside? [ May 30, 2005, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  23. played terif this morn, i don't see anyone beating him with any strategy anytime soon unless they get some severe luck i beat rambo pretty much or tied up with a mini portion of RAI
  24. Rambo is busy working, we finished a few more turns, just to keep our fans updated Few German units actually martyr'd on the Eastern front, several corps smoked up on the Western Front. Rambo is building up his Airforce, USAF is Level4, UK still level2, no sign of the Red Airforce. Luftwaffe is very strong, at level4 along with gained experience on the Eastern Front, however these AT3 Reds are harder to kill. We're still mantaining supremacy on that front, still Kiev-Odessa-Kiev<mine> -Riga under Axis Domination.. Prippets are soon to be cleared and to make way to Leningrad-Rostov Line...<we will achieve this before a true D-Day is every accomplished we're fairly confidant> Western Allies still fiddling with research and have brought no real force to bare on The Atlantic Wall P.S. Real fun game this one is
  25. Kuniworth, ::yawns:: Rambo no way? 2 Pre-Paris? But you certianly covered 3 ATs in just 3 turns didn't ya? and are on Jets3 with USAF and is that LR 2 or 3?
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