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Everything posted by Terif

  1. February 8, 1942: Russia defends the Riga-Minsk-Kharkov-Sevastopol line. Only 2 corps killed this turn. Russian scientists were really busy and developed anti-tank lv 2 in their 3rd turn. German tanks are useless in the attack now and are replaced by armies. West: Like expected Allies attack Bergen with air and carrier, corps landed near the city. Bergen survives at str 2. Axis reinforcements arrive around Oslo and Bergen. Subs raiding in the Atlantic Finally Germany catches up and reaches lv 1 jets .
  2. December 14, 1941: Odessa and Kiev conquered. A lot of russian corps. They already got anti-tank level 1 in their second turn (Germany has AT lv 2). Since Germany has not much air in the east, but a dozen armies and some tanks, they can at least damage some of them and kill 1-3 corps each turn. In the west it was cold war...now it is getting a bit hotter.. Allies moved their air to Scapa Flow, transport outside Bergen. Invasion in Norway expected. Germany uses its LR and kills together with italian battleships a free french cruiser and a corps transport in the middle of the Atlantic. Italian navy shows GLR lv 2 during the short battle .
  3. October 19, 1941: - Allies DoWed Portugal and Iraq: this gives Axis 20mpps/turn more and 2 corps, so longterm this is an advantage for Axis (+ they can use their units somewhere else and have no combat losses while conquering them) even if they don´t get the plunder - still both air armadas are standing face to face against each other in England/France. German scientists research LongRange like crazy (lv 3) but don´t manage to catch up in jets despite 4 chits since ages...(still at lv 0). Therefore they can´t attack the allied air in UK since without jets it is not possible to kill enough of them to prevent a counterstrike. Russia: All 9 border armies destroyed or cut off, 1 AF + 1 cruiser killed. Since nearly every german AF is in France, both tanks and 2 AFs survive. Grecce surrenders. [ September 01, 2004, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  4. August 1941: Second transport sunk. 5 US airfleets appear around London, 3 UK AFs stationed in western England. Germany also concentrates its air (~10 AFs) in France between Bordeaux and Paris. Germany still at jets lv 0, UK + USA at lv 1. Either this will be the biggest clash of airfleets in the history of war, or Allies will retreat. Let´s see which option they choose
  5. The germans decide to sink the transports... German air attacks and kills one of them. Germany still at lv 0 jets, the intercepting UK air at lv 1.
  6. March 1941: - Romania and Hungary joined - Spain under attack
  7. Sept./Oct 1940: - Sweden surrenders - Alexandria conquered, Bergen under attack - italian transport moves near Valencia in sighting range of the allied air in Gibraltar. This game allies don´t attack with ships, only with the air in Gibraltar and get intercepted from the HQ supported german air in Sicily. -Allies show jets lv 1
  8. July 1940: - Ireland surrenders to Allies - Norway and Vichy surrender to Axis - Brest axis, Bergen allied - Suez taken, italian transports outside Alexandria
  9. June 1940: - all 3 UK corps in France destroyed. Bordeaux axis. - Allies DoW Ireland - small naval battle in the Med, 2 UK ships damaged. Allied fleet retreats as 2 german air operate to Sicily and UK air abandons Malta. Malta axis.
  10. May 26, 1940: France surrenders. 3 UK corps still around Paris - will be hunted down the next turns. Bordeaux and Brest allied held. Allies attacked Sicily with Med fleet and 3 french ships, transporters standing at the coast. Germany sent some reinforcements to help the italian garrison. One french ship destroyed near Kiel, a UK battleship heavily damaged outside the french coast by german air. After the fall of France, one french ship continues fighting as free french.
  11. March 31, 1940: German tank reached the outskirts of Paris, Italy will join next turn. Unfortunately a french corps survives at str 1, so only one hex near Paris conquered. France will now fall one turn later in 2 turns.
  12. March 3, 1940: The suicide attack in the Ardennes sealed the fate of France...their main forces were destroyed or heavily damaged in the counter so they had to retreat and Allies had not enough corps to fill the gaps. Germany already conquered 6 french hexes and is now standing in a long front 2 hexes near Paris. The capital is expected to fall in 2-max. 3 turns. @Dragonheart: Yep, with such a bid a long term strategy is preferable for Allies. They have the long term advantage and should try to keep it. With risky gambles they can only loose a lot and can´t gain much - as the Ardennes attack shows [ September 01, 2004, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  13. Axis turn 5: Allies started a suicide attack on the HQ supported german tank in the Ardennes without any chance to kill it...all 4 allied armies get heavily damaged. Allies are extremely aggressive and UK even landed 2 armies in France. In the counter Germany only was able to kill 2 of the attacking armies...due to bad combat rolls (army + 4 air needed to kill a str 7 army...) - instead of the expected 3 kills. French mine taken.
  14. Axis turn 4: - Allies did not DoW Ireland, UK air around London, carriers estimated near France too... - french Ardennes taken
  15. November 29, 1942: ALLIES SURRENDER German elite forces from Russia smashed through their western defences like the knife through butter and before they were thrown out of Germany they prefered to surrender...
  16. And Dalmatia plays again Allies with a bid of 200 UK, 4000 USA and 4000 Russia. - LC and Poland surrender turn 2, Denmark turn 3. - subs found and sunk, only minor damage to a UK ship
  17. November 1, 1942: The last russian defenders wiped out. Sverdlowsk conquered. RUSSIA SURRENDERS West: Heavy battles in northern Germany. UK corps destroyed, several other allied units damaged. All allied air moved east to support their units, southern France is safe, allied corps line goes into defence mode, US-armies operated east. Naval battle near Portugal: US sub sunk
  18. October 4, 1942: Only 2 hexes to Swerdlowsk...axis forces concentrates in the north - not enough space for all of them (see below).. West: A too uncautious US army gets killed south of Bordeaux. Allies conquer Cologne via airstrikes. UK corps in Denmark killed. At the end of the turn the first veteran armies and tanks from the eastern front arrive in northern Germany.
  19. September 6, 1942: Voronezh conquered - all russian units in the center killed (army + several corps). German armies moving towards Caucasus and Sverdlowsk (Ural, last russian capital)- only 3 hexes away from final victory . Russians defend on a wide front between Leningrad-Vologda-Swerdlowsk. So Axis can bring their whole power into combat. West: Allies conquer another german hex at the coast near Hamburg. Finally Bordeaux falls to the enemy. 3 rows of corps are defending and entrenched in southern France - commanded by 2 HQs to provide supply since they have no city for this purpose any more...
  20. August 23, 1942: Victory in the east: Moskov, Stalingrad and Sevastopol conquered. Russia cut in 2 - southern Russia only at half supply. Russian tank, army and a lot of corps destroyed in the huge fightings. Siberians arrived at the end of last allied turn - heavy battles in the north expected. West: Allied air and carrier kill the defender of Hamburg - UK corps take the city and survives 4 counterattacks. Only slight losses in southern France since most air was busy with Hamburg. German rearmament program in western Germany - new defence forces built since Allies seem to go directly to Germany now after they could not advance into southern France.
  21. August 9, 1942: The last battle has begun... Dozens of german armies, tanks and corps attack simultaneously Vologda, Moskov, Voronezh and Stalingrad. Russian tanks cross all rivers in the east from north to south. Rostov conquered. Sevastopol under heavy attacks - will fall next turn. Nothing new in the West - Allies kill 2-3 corps each turn, taking damage too in the axis counteratttacks, moving slowly south. Only 2 hexes away from Bordeaux now and 2 hexes north of the french mountains. German transport sunk by US battleships near Canada...
  22. July 26, 1942: Both russian mines near Sevastopol occupied, Sevastopol cut off. Reinforcing for the final assault. West: Battles in the open field are usually not a good idea if the enemy has strong ground forces, but here Allies have only a lot of weak corps on the ground and not much armies/tanks. So Axis is fighting for every hex in southern France now after Allies took the french mine and reached the Rhine river.
  23. July 12, 1942: Smolensk and Kharkov conquered - preparing for Moskov and Rostov. Last russian units fleeing to the east. West: LC belongs now to Allies. One UK corps killed east of Brussel, another one survives at str 2 in the middle of France. Wild battles all around in France. The northern part of France (3-4 hex rows including Paris and Brest) belong to Allies, the south (Bordeaux - french mine)is defended by Axis.
  24. June 28, 1942: Some german forces in the rear are killing the encircled russian units slowly but surely. New prisoners (=cut off and encircled units) east of Leningrad. Smolensk under attack - russian frontline in the open field causes heavy losses for them...soon they will run out of corps West: Allies conquered Brussel for one turn. But the heavy axis resistance obviously took its toll...only a str 2 corps was able to liberate the city. So it gets killed in the german counterattack - LC surrenders again, this time to Italy . Allies consolidate their line between Paris and Brest.
  25. June 14, 1942: Despite the loss of Leningrad, Russia doesn´t retreat from its defence line west of it near the swamps. So German forces build an encircled area destroying 2 corps, closing the area behind the original front from north (Leningrad) and south (Smolensk), cutting off 4 corps. Another russian corps gets cut off southwest of Smolensk after a counterattack at the central mine failed (this time no russian HQ support after Timoshenko had been killed some turns ago ). Russian army, tank and several corps destroyed - german forces pour through the gap near Kharkov... West: A german comando raid occupies Scapa Flow. Battles near Brussel. Allied line now very thin since it has to cover the whole area from Brest-Paris-Brussel. Axis forces use the gap near Bordeaux...Patton HQ under attack by german corps forces.
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