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Everything posted by kurt88

  1. Oops,thought you were talking about JJ's campaign.Sorry about that.
  2. I played that one against the ai and also found that the Allied air was a bit overstrenght. But then that's the way with custom campaigns,you got to get to know the map and units first.And if you start out aganst a human opponent you could very well end up losing the game the first couple of times.
  3. Blashy and me decided to restart the game. When Paris was conquered by axis,3 British units in Vichy territory were lost to him.Also plunder for Germany (over 800 mpp's) was not really realistic. France would have never surrendered in WWI when Paris would have fallen.They would have fought on.Thus the cities of Brest and Bordeaux would have to reamin French. Blashy made some excellent modifications to the scenario and added a bunch of houserules to prevent this from happening again. WWI starts all over again
  4. Spain and Turkey are both neutral.I was considering Turkey but I'm glad I didn't.If Jordy would have invaded then with most of my forces in the east... I also was planning on Spain but then he invaded so that was cancelled as well. A few minor mistakes Jordy but eventually your Dutch will be straight!
  5. Jordy, You may think you'll lose this game,I'm thinking I'll lose the game Decision will fall in the west,I'm sure. It's like Iron Ranger says,if you're able to land and build a bridgehead,Axis will be heavily taxed,if not you'll have lost too much to attempt a second try. I'm anxious to see things develop.
  6. Just wondering if anyone ever won a game playing the axis building fortress Europe in the west and the east. Say Germany starts very well,taking Poland,LC,France,Norway,Sweden and Vichy (except North African part) real fast.Their minors join.Yugoslavia falls,Italy takes Greece and Egypt.Then finally Iraq is conquered for Axis. Russia enters the war and because of a high bid is putting up a red wall.Axis take Odessa and Kiev and then dig in,creating a double line supported by three high rated HQ's supported by 4 air.Finland is also Axis and dug in supported by armies,HQ and 1 air.Mpp flow is slightly in favor of the Axis. Then German player sets about preparing for an Allied invasion of the west. Is it possible for Axis to hold? I'm currently in such a position in a game against Jordy and it's real interesting.It's nov 1942 now and the situation in the east is good.Russia is not getting through,even losing units.Axis is taking moderate damage.Russian HQ's can't come near the frontline because of the German air (Zhukov was already killed).A good rotating system in the frontline armies keeps me from having to reinforce too much. In the west the Allied med fleet (UK,Free French,Vichy and US) took a real pounding from Axis air and Italian subs losing 4/5 expensive units.)Tobruk is American but they're quite stuck there. US forces are now invading France and will probably succeed to take Brest but Axis forces are in position to strike back. UK and Axis air are both Lvl 3 and equal in numbers. I'm curious to see how things will unfold. Any comments? (I could send you the save if you want)
  7. CP's Turn 21, The Russian forces in the east keep attacking full force.German High Command is confident that the Russian economy is struggling. Commander von Hindenburg is rotating his forces and conducting counterattacks over the whole front. The Russian 13th Army was brought down to 20% by attacks of the Deutschland Army and the 2nd Warsaw Army.The Kaiser Army and the 2nd Austro-Hungarian Army attacked Russian corps along the frontline doing moderate damage. German elements resisting a Russian Cavalary attack. In the west Paris has become the major objective.The French capital was attacked from 5 directions this turn.'Die Grosse',Red Baron Airfleet,1st Cologne Army,4th Army and 3rd Army all contributed to the attack.The French corps defending Paris was brought down to 20% and lost it's entrenchement bonus. Battleship Hannover took out a UK Battlesship along the Channel coast.It will probably be destroyed next turn but maybe British shore bombardement will be less for a while. French medical troops at work in the suburbs of Paris. Will the proud capital of the French hold?
  8. 1.07b is the patch players of the German version need to install if they want to multiplayer against US version 1.07.
  9. Bumping this back up so more players maybe can express their view.
  10. CP's Turn 20, Russia is attacking with everything she gots.German lines hold well enough.In local counterattacks a Russian Army was brought down to 10%.Other units or reinforced. In the west the CP are now going for Paris.The French corps there started out with strenght 8 and entrenchement 6.Attacks by 'Die Grosse',Red Baron airfleet,1st Cologne Army and 2nd Koningsberg Army brought it down to strenght 6 and entrenchement 3.The British are attacking along the Channelcoast,so far the lines hold.South west of Paris 2nd Army atacked a French corps bringing it down to 50%. The war is going heavy now.German resources are taxed but the end of Paris comes near.Can't wait to see how things develop. Oh,a Russian Navy Cruiser was destroyed by the Goeben and a Turkish Cruiser near Odessa.µ Back to Blashy.
  11. I talked to Curry about the terms for inactivity and the activation of the houserule. We both feel that 6 months (inactivity) and 10 days (rule can be called upon by players) would be fair for all players. I guess this will take effective when no one objects to it. So if you got still some remarks,wishes or suggestions please let us know.
  12. I agree with Les here.I got slaughtered on more than occasion by seasoned Allied players.Axis don't guarantee anything.The game can be over before France falls. Besides the bidding system tries to compensate some of the Axis advantage between equal players.It makes for a different game every time.
  13. See your point,but I can see some games last over half a year. Maybe a compromise,8 or 9 months?
  14. Good point Rannug. Ofcourse it would be totally unjust if you were removed from the league. I think Curry best set the inactivity period to a year or so. PBEM takes time,and since everyone should be able to play at their own pace I think 12 months will do the trick. I'll contact Curry about it. What do you suggest yourself?
  15. To give a more impulsive and slightly ignoring response: BUUUUUUUUUUYYYYY THEEEE GAAAAAAMEEEEE!!!! Seriously,if you like strategic wargames SC will give you your money's worth,especially in multiplayer.
  16. Probably best thing to do is invest in airtech. But if you do the LC Gambit sending corpses to France could help delay the fall of France several turns.
  17. CP's Turn 19, The war on the eastern front began a new.The Tsar is apparently attacking with all he's got,doing some serious damage. German forces remained quite defensive.Only the 2nd Warsaw Army and Conrad's forces saw some action against the 11th Russian Army that was brought down to 10%. Secret operations behind the frontline will ensure further defense. On the French front the offensive was tempered to reposition and reinforce our forces after a heavy counterattack.Only the 5th and 2nd Army went on the offensive attacking a UK Army southwest of Paris reducing it to 20%. A new player arrived at the front !!
  18. Thanks Jordy, Great,your Dutch was excellent I'm sure Curry won't object to the change from 7 days to 10. But when you and your opponent agree (by e-mail or just in silence) to take longer,that's ok,no rule will apply.The rule is just there to make use of when YOU feel it necessery.The admins won't check (they can't) the frequency of turns. Ik ben blij dat je ons werk apprecieert!
  19. Well,the purpose of this rule is NOT to push players to play in a certain frequency.If both players are fine with doing one turn per 2 weeks for example that's fine.As long as both players agree they can use and do anything they choose. Curry and I just felt that by adding this rule it would be possible to give a player who suspect that their adversary is quitting because he made a wrong move,the chance to report this. The admis would then just inquire why he's not responding anymore.And if this keeps happening with the same guy,we could remove him. But Blashy is right,this league should be laid back,no hastle.And I think most people on the league will cause no problems whatsoever. Besides if you're playing someone and he abandoned the game and you don't mind,...that's ok.We're not here to play policeman,far from it. We just want a good sportmanship on this league and this rule will eventually weed out players without honor. Maybe the rule should be :'In case of problems,contact the admins ' Maybe we should vote on it? Thoughts?
  20. A houserule has been added to Curry's league. Check the sticky by OAK on top!(1st post) If you have any question regarding the new rule you can mail them to me (kurt_vanlooy@hotmail.com) or Curry (ForDiplomacy@msn.com).
  21. No problem. We'll meet on the battlefield one day,I'm sure
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