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Posts posted by Richie

  1. I've been forwarding a push at We Band Of Brothers.

    Simply because there's over 300 commited CM gamers there who love to play and such a fabulous resource has just vanished, regardless of who designed the scenarios or where else they may be hosted, if we lose the concept of The Depot, I fear CM as we know it will suffer.

    I'm not pushing for a scenario library just available to BoB members. I just want to save the resource and scenarios we ALL have for ALL CM players.

    Wherever, whoever can host the new library I will gladly help sponsor it for the community as a whole.

    I think it's time for the community to consider some sort of pooling of resources to save what we have? Without a tool like The Depot we're all a little lost.

    Something has to be done soon.

    BFC will not sponsor anything like this IMO. It simply isn't in their interests as far as I can see...

  2. Rune,

    I played this recently with GreenAsJade and enjoyed it immensely. I played the Germans and won, I'm waiting for the rematch as the Allies. GaJ has the opportunity to get his own back...

    I think it's a great interpretation of a historical event and I agree, regardless of play vs the AI or 2 player, not all scenarios need to be balanced anyway.


    PS, please send me the scenario you wanted testing recently, I have a little time and I always enjoy your work! ;)

  3. 'For those who want to share, or relive the horror...'

    Across Moltke Bridge

    Marshal Zhukov's troops of the 3rd Shock Army have reached the River Spree in the heart of Berlin. The Moltke Bridge lies before them, defended by the last remnants of the Third Reich.

    It has taken days of house to house fighting for the Russians to get there. Late this morning, German positions on Washingtonplatz were over run. This afternoon the barricades on the western side of the bridge were cleared and at 6 p.m. the Germans tried to blow it up. They failed.

    Attempts to cross the bridge have met with stiff resistance. Casualties on both sides are horrendous. The guns of the Zoo Flak Tower have taken a fierce toll on any Soviet armor brave enough to venture onto the bridge, but with the daylight going, they will cease to have any effect at all.

    Remaining German positions have been pounded, but one of the two pillboxes on the eastern bank still covers the bridge. Every time the Soviets mount an assault the German troops throw up a fierce wall of fire from the Interior Ministry and the nearby buildings. The corpses are piling high.

    Night is falling. The Soviet buildup of men and equipment continues.

    If the Russians cross the Spree they will only be a few hundred meters from the Reichstag...

    But first, they must make it Across Moltke Bridge.

    [ July 04, 2005, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]

  4. * Golf Clap for GaJ 'n co. *

    That really is an excellent achievement, well done fellas.

    The AAR's don't have to be 35 pages long with play by play screenies. (Though it's nice for the designer)

    You can get your message across by detailing the score, your plan, how the battle unfolded, exciting bits with a screenie, what worked for you, what didn't work for you, what you did or didn't like about the scenario, and a screenie of the AAR is nice too.

    You don't have to be Arthur C Clark or Jane Austin.

    You're free to say you didn't like the scenario. Please explain what about it didn't work for you though... If you didn't like it and a designer never get's any feedback there is no chance for improvement!


  5. Having read through people's AAR's for Moltke...

    and I'd like to thank all those who took the time because the standard of reviews is excellent, plus for a designer, this stuff is gold I tell ya! (the few words put forward by Grog Dorosh helps too)...

    I'd like to address a couple of other points mentioned. You fella's have taken the time so I'll take the time to respond...

    One reviewer asked about the 'fords' on Konigsplatz. These are due to a collapsed U-bahn tunnel that was under construction and then flooded after it collapsed. In places infantry and armour were able to wade across. It was also an obstacle for the Soviet troops storming the Reichstag. (Just so you know, Battle For The Reichstag was designed first. I decided to design a prequel at a later stage. Because both scenarios utilize areas of the same map, I was utterly determined that I would maintain the integrity of the map between the two scenarios, although some damage on the Reichstag map is evident due to the prior battle for Moltke Bridge, which does not appear on the Moltke map.)

    One reviewer mentioned the possibility of assualt boats being used by the Soviets. Indeed in other areas the Russian troops eventually made it across the Spree by other means. The Soviets at this point were determined to storm the bridge. It was more or less intact although sagging from the demolition attempt. The Spree at this point also had steeper sides than I was able to depict using the current CM engine whilst maintaining asthetics and playability. That alone may have deterred any attempt by troops to cross via those means.

    One reviewer mentioned the lack of names on the map. I don't like to overcroud the play area of the map too much. The street referred to as Himmler Street (immediately west of the Interior Ministry, or Himmlers House) by one specific reviewer is 'Herwath Street (strasse)'. The area just off the bridge I believe was referred to as Moltke Platz.

    One reviewer mentioned the sewer movement for the Germans. The Germans spent a lot of time in the cellars, they used Panzerfausts to create doorways between cellars and in rooms. They also used the U-bahn tunnels to move about extensively. I would not deny the German player the opportunity based on those facts, although having used sewer movement myself I doubt it would have any major effect on play considering the time it takes to orchestrate an effective sewer move.

    One reviewer pointed out that Captain Neustroev was indeed a Captain and not a Major. CM assigns a rank when you insert a name regardless... If I'd typed in Captain, he would have been Major Captain Neustroev for the Soviet battalion commander...

    I hope this helps.


    [ July 01, 2005, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: Richie ]

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