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Nelson 1812

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Posts posted by Nelson 1812

  1. Trying to adapt one of my maps to AI game, normally only do tournament maps (H2H) and it struck me that one reason for the large terrain objective, together with there being one or only two terrain objectives is that these game were designed more to cater for the AI, than H2H.

    Reason for bring this matter up is that any budding map designers may in future think of creating and posting the same map twice... one for H2H play, the other for AI play.

    Differences being, small and more terrain objectives for H2H... Singular and larger terrain objectives for AI use.

  2. knocked out a couple tanks... and bunkers, with satchels.

    Most times set up an ark range 6-8m, Thought this helped them to keep low, and is about the right distance for satchels, in the game.

    Although, no guarantee of success... can end up firing, throwing grenades, can only assume their sandwiches are in the satchels.

  3. Play testers for tournament game.

    Not sure if this posted in the correct forum.

    Currently planning next tournament round over at the Band of Brothers.

    Have a new scenario (small to medium) needs some fast experience players to help with the balance.

    Non Bob tournament players only.

    CMBN CW version 2.01 Brits vs SS, 40 minutes, fast and furious but needs to be fun being tournament game.

    Brits expected to lose… but to what extent.


    Contact address: petermk5 at yahoo dot co dot com

  4. A tweak I would like to see added perhaps to all modules is the reinforcement times at the beginning to include the first five minutes ie... 1 minute, 2 minute and so-on.

    Reason for this is to enable some scenarios to introduce units gradually at the very beginning.

    For example if a scenarios starts with a scouts meeting.... the scenario can then have an increase delay time for the first response by defending headquarters.. ie couple of minutes.

    I understand the units would remain invisible, until the reinforce times, but it would allow attackers a little more bite, in their approach.

    Just a thought.

  5. Morning George

    Not to certain whether these are the correct answers to the questions raised, in that they are numerous reinforcements. I have a tendency to overlook the obvious, and at Bobs I am probably known as the "blunder king", or if there is a bug he (me) can find it.

    I take it... the beaming in are those that arrive at the château five minutes into the game and those forces covering the right hand corner.

    If these are the reinforcements you refer to, this is intentional. I tried to give a reaction of troops responding to an alarm being raised. They are already there in the building but not ready for action. So from the first contact with the scouts to the alarm being raised and pass back to the troops stationed at the château, I allowed some minutes to elapse.

    I have not made this as clear as I intended too as you are the second person to raise it.

    The squad on the other side I though were covering an important junction, with no knowledge when re-enforcement would arrival that would be a necessity, with limited forces.

    Hope these are the two points... and my answers are helpful.

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