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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. Greetings Gamers, anyone still around? It's only been 11 years since the first tournmanet, but I still hold the Championship Belt since Terif retired in '07.

    Let me know if you're looking for a game: Zappsweden, IronRanger, Kuni, JerseyJohn, IrishGuards, Hellraiser, ComradeTrapp, Liam, Dragon, etc.


  2. I buy most of my games from Gamersgate. Before now they only had Strategic Command European Theater which I already have the cd of. Now I looked again to see if they had any because I found out I can't download my SC Pacific theater or SC2 (lost the main game cd) I bought a few years ago, and also I have been wanting to buy SC WW1 and Global Conflict (both of which I haven't bought because I didn't want to buy the download version, and I don't like cd's and waiting for things in the mail).

    Now you've added all of your main games but World War 1, but I can't buy them as you haven't added the expansions!


    I would like to buy Global Conflict and WW1 with expansions if they were ever added. So will WW1 and the expansions for the games be added later on or what?

    Also, strange how the Pacific one has been priced at 45 when the others have been priced more sensibly, and Pacific is the least polished and arguably the worst. (Still wish I could download it)

    Yeah, Pacific version had issues, first time Hubert went to the seas. Let it go. That mission is over. $45, sure, if you're dumb enough to bite, git bitten hard.


  3. Really? SC1? You guys surprise me, you don't "get it" or is the nostalgia BS getting in the way of rational thinking?

    SC1 was what it was, it'll never be the same, it was a breakthrough investment of simplicity with dynamic gameplay, we've moved on. The youthful enthusiasm, the passion of the "first time" cannot be recaptured, as much as you try, you know I'm right.

    Realize it, you old coggers and get on down the road, it's time for SC3, your lame brains can handle it, don't worry, more fun it to be had, don't look back except to remember how good it was. It can be better, just not the same.:D

    The funeral was over 10 years ago, SC-1 died. We were all there, we cried. Now we live, to a new creed of gaming. Our loss was Heaven's gain. It's forgotten.

    Only Elvis Presley and the King James Bible have survived the test of time.


  4. Mr. Rambo, hey how are you m8. It's me, yes, in the flesh...

    Liam...Survived the Devil and Closest thing to Marriage on Earth(Marriage is tougher than the Devil)

    You bet on French Open Tennis without consulting the Master of all that is Tennis :P I suppose you lost without consulting meh :P

    Where are the Old Guns? I went through some of the postings and what are the newer games like, how do they compare?

    Yo, how goes it Liam DarthSkywalker. Glad to see you're still alive & have survived the guiles of the female gender of the species. I only bet the majors when it comes to tennis, need to avoid the laydowns & withdraws of the smaller venues. Hey, that sounds like my SC play, it's only about big matches. I got into SC-Global, played quite a bit during some business traveling. Played Jollyguy alot. Also like Vypuero's mods, he's a natural for development. There's many Young Guns these days, couple of Bunta (Yes, Germans) that have mad game, like Terif risen again.


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