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Dr. Rosenrosen

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Everything posted by Dr. Rosenrosen

  1. I tried to get Blitzkrieg at Scenario Depot. It had a listing for it, but there was no download link. Where else can I find it? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen [ March 03, 2003, 04:41 AM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]
  2. Oops, you guys are right (of course). I spent lots of time browsing that site and got mixed up on my ammo types. Or perhaps I was just looking for a reason to post that awesome shot of the helicopter getting whacked! Dr. Rosenrosen
  3. I'm no tank expert, but I found a website which indicates that they use HEAT with a proximity detonator to take out helicopters. Here's the site with a nice shot of a helicopter going KaBlammo. Actually the main site has lots of specs and images of modern US military equipment. Dr. Rosenrosen
  4. Question for general discussion: Has anyone found a good way to make use of the extra fallback foxholes that the defender against an assault receives? Perhaps it's just my usage of them, but I don't really understand how to make them work well. By the time a unit is in enough danger to require a fallback foxhole, chances are the safest place for him is to stay put. It is much safer to weather an attack of any type by taking cover rather than running (advancing, withdrawing...) back to a different position. Moreover, any fallback position that's close enough to get to quickly is probably under the same threat as the original foxhole (or will be very very soon). This issue is especially more important since it is one of the only additional advantages given to the defender of an assault (compared to an attack), while the attacker is given a considerable point advantage (compared to an attack). If it can't be utilitized effectly, assaults become very unbalanced. So if anyone can give me tips on how to use these more effectively, or if there are any good stories describing their utility, I would love to hear about it. Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  5. Thanks for the great advice! AAR: I tried a 1250 pt meeting engagement as the Soviets. Gave the Germans 4 regular Tigers, a Panzer IV/70 and a King Tiger. I got 6 veteran T34/85s and 2 regular IS2s. I zipped under cover to the flags with my 6 T34s and left the IS2s in reserve. I was attempting to stay under cover with my T34s to wait out the Tigers, but they found me. The ensuing exchange cost them one Tiger and cost me five T34s (ouch). With my remaining T34, I zipped around the right flank and engaged them from the side and rear as I move my IS2s into a more threatening position. From the flank position, the T34 killed the Panzer and one more Tiger. He also routed the King Tiger with a couple side penetrations. Meanwhile one of the IS2s duked it out with a third Tiger at about 400m. The IS2 was routed briefly (front penetration, one casualty), but the Tiger was knocked out. The final Tiger made a dash for the flag. He and my unrouted IS2 played a 2 minute long game of "hunt in the village" at about 40m while I brought my flanking T34 into position from the rear at 200m. Finally the IS2 and the T34 fired simultaneously, at the side and rear respectively. The Tiger went up in flames and victory was mine. You guys are great! I'm ready to challenge my PBEM buddy now! Thanks again, Dr. Rosenrosen [ February 23, 2003, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]
  6. Hi there, I'm experimenting as the Soviets in a pure armor match. I wondering if others have some suggestions about equipment or tactics to use against German heavy tanks, such as the Tiger or King Tiger. I've had some success with the IS3s, but those feel so gamey given the ridiculous rarity of these beasts. What Soviet tanks are effective in a pure armor game against the German heavies? If you were going into a blind pure armor game armed for bear, what would you pack? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  7. Based on my extensive testing of this subject (I did a "Mortar Golf" scenario with lots of immobilized vehicles for targets), 81mm mortars can take out open-topped vehicles and anything with top armor of 10mm or less (such as a Valentine). Armor penetration requires a lucky shot, so don't expect immediate results. Open-topped vehicles are much easier targets. Dr. Rosenrosen
  8. Thanks for the great responses! Funny that you should mention the Battle of the Bulge movie, Mike. I just saw that the other night and it was part of what got me thinking about this in the first place. I heard that the movie has quite a few inaccuracies and I was wondering if that aspect was just Hollywood romanticism. Thanks again for the info. Dr. Rosenrosen
  9. Question for the grogs: How well did the guys in a tank crew know each other? Was it typical for a crew to serve together for a long period, or were crews mixed and matched regularly since all drivers (for example) have the same training? Along these same lines, how much variation was there in the quality/personality of a given tank of the same model? Were they pretty much all the same, or did some of them have flaws or other traits which made that piece of equipment more or less desirable? Did a soldier serve in the same tank with regularity? Thanks for any insight you can offer. Dr. Rosenrosen
  10. In order to work around the flag problem, I tried to make a map without flags in the editor. However, when I tried to load the map as ME QB, flags magically appeared on the map. When I played a flagless map as a scenario, the flags stayed gone. Obviously this removes some of the unknown elements of a QB, but that is one solution. It would be great if you could do a QB without flags, at least for MEs. Dr. Rosenrosen
  11. I recently played a QB in which the enemy had 2 guns. I wiped them both out, using a combination of mortar fire and HE from my T34. Interestingly, the mortar gets credit for killing 2 guns and the tank gets credit for killing 1. Since there were only two guns on the map (and in the AAR), it must have double-counted one of the kills. Has anyone else seen this before? I have the Save Game if it is of interest to anyone. Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  12. I have it on the best authority that it was raining frogs. Can CM model that?
  13. On a similar point, although CMBB is by far a superior game, I liked the fact that Close Combat gave medals, etc. to your men if they did something exceptionally brave/stupid. Sometime my men in CM do some really outstanding things: taking out tanks, a bold dash through MG fire to take a building, obey my orders no manner how misguided, etc. It would be cool if the engine could evaluate such heroics and provide an honorary medal in recognition. I didn't play CC enough to know how sophisticated their algorithm for this was, but it's a neat concept. Perhaps I've just been reading the descriptions of Medal of Honor recepients' heroics online too much. Check it out Dr. Rosenrosen
  14. I know that you can generate QB maps in the scenario editor, but I'm wondering if you can go the other way. If I start a QB and happen to like the map, can I save it and open it up in the scenario editor? I've tried opening save game files in the editor and it just beeps at me. I also think this technique might be a good (read, lazy) way to generate a starting template for a scenario: I could start with a map (generated or created), let the AI pick and place troops (it does really well with gun placements at least), save the game, and then open up the whole thing in the scenario editor for further adjustments and fine-tuning. Any one know if this is possible? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  15. Yeah, and when the temp is set to Extreme Cold, then I think you should see the bodies shatter and the blood crystals sprinkle across the white ground. What a cool effect!!! Perhaps in the 1.02 patch.
  16. It is, in fact, "A Night on Bald Mountain" (or "A Night on the Bare Mountain") by Modest Mussorgsky. It has been used in many films before, most notably for the demon sequence at the end of Disney's "Fantasia". Dr. Rosenrosen [ January 21, 2003, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]
  17. After trying quick battles in some of the more mobility-restricting weather conditions, my PBEM partner and I have concluded that some conditions favor the defender to the point where it is incredibly unbalanced. In snow, or deep mud, for example, units get so tired and advance so slowly that it is almost impossible to gain ground. Even on meeting engagements, each of us tries to grab terrain close to the flag ASAP, knowing that no flanking manuever or other more mobile strategy can succeed in such conditions. How can we play in these conditions in a way that the defender isn't always the winner? I've tried adding ski troops for snow maps, but the skis disappear just as the men need mobility the most, when they are under fire. Has anyone experimented successfully with handicaps, different troop allotments or other methods of dealing with this imbalance? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  18. If I had time I would do that, now that I realize that his presence is a complication. Unfortunately, by the time I move him and am able to issue orders to my mortar, his tanks will probably be long gone or right on top of me. Dr. Rosenrosen
  19. I was trying to use my 81mm mortar to educate my enemy about the thinness of his tanks' top armor. I moved my Company HQ about 5m within a bunch of trees so that he could spot enemy tanks for my mortar guy (lousy weather). He is now 16m from the mortar. Unfortunately, as soon as the Company HQ moved a little further away, the mortar (who did not move) transferred command to some lame platoon HQ who has no LOS on anything, simply because the platoon HQ is 15m from the mortar. The mortar is in LOS of both HQ units. I wish there were a way to pick an HQ for mortar spotting when multiple are in range. Any tips? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  20. Hi all, Although CMBB has spoiled me to the point where I can't play CMBO anymore, there is one setting from the old game which I miss and would be quite compatible with CMBB. In CMBO "medium" troops in a QB purchase were either regular or veteran, depending on how many points you wanted to spend. I liked being able to get a good set of regular troops for a decent price and then spend a little extra on veteran troops who were more important to my battle plan. In CMBB "medium" troops are either green or regular, and I need to go up to the really expensive troops to get any veterans at all. Unfortunately, that would require that ALL of my troops are at least veteran and therefore quite pricey. Is there a way (apart from doing unit purchasing in the scenario editor) that I can purchase mixes of both regular and veteran troops in CMBB? Any insight as to why this was changed? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  21. Well, I whacked the assault boats and can now load the game as single player. I also tested and confirmed that you can play single player if you select the side with the boats. Why would I want to put my own troops in one of those death traps anyway? Thanks again for the help! Dr. Rosenrosen
  22. Assault boats!!! You guys nailed it right out of the gate. (Or some mixed metaphor like that.) I'm amazed at this forum. A simple but obscure question answered accurately within 11 minutes of the original post... TWICE. Thanks for the help! Dr. Rosenrosen
  23. I just created the beginnings of a static operation and want to test a couple of points before continuing. However, when I try to start the game, I am only presented with multiplayer startup modes (PBEM, hotseat, TCP/IP) and not the single player mode. Another similar operation I created doesn't have this limitation. What conditions in the operation will prevent me from launching the game in single player mode? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
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