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Everything posted by DBaron

  1. I was towing a 50mm AT gun into postion with a 251/1 halftrack, when the halftrack got taken out. AT gun survives, as well as 1 member of the 5 member crew. However I was still able to move the AT gun around afterwards. I was under the impression that once you were down to your last crew member that it would become immobile, same way a HMG team acts. Is this a bug, or can some of the smaller caliber guns be handled by just one crew member? Posted below is screenshot. You can see the knocked out halftrack, yet I am still able to move the gun.
  2. T34's short or long? If this question is in regards to the Tiger Tiger scenario, than short range would be better I guess, though I am not really sure what is considered 'short' range? I used mine at distances from 600m to 300m with mixed results, though I would have liked to be closer. Otherwise, if its a general question, than I would say it would depend on what year you were using the t34 in. I would use them in long range in 41 early 42, then probably short range after that. T3485's I would use in long range. Rune thanks for your response regarding the outcome of the scenario.
  3. Laxx I played this scenario over christmas. I know its a little late to help you out, but just for comparisons sake I thought I would post mine. This is the setup I used: The idea was to have the two tank groups hide behind the hills, and pop them up when the germans got close enough. The AT guns were to remain hidden until the last minute, while the infantry were to hold the town along with the t-60's. As the reinforcements came in I moved one group of T34's and the matildas into the town, one group of t34's and the KV-2 went to the left side, and the last group of T-34s I ended up hiding behind the church, since by the time they arrived, I wasn't having much luck and I didn't want to waste anymore tanks. The hill on the left turned into a graveyard for soviet tanks. I ended up getting a draw out of the whole deal, though I got my butt stomped. I had big problems with command delays (one up to 75 seconds for a T34!). As it played out, the main german forces came down the road from the right, and I waited until the last minute until I attacked. I did ok intially, but after that I kept having to send my tanks in piecemeal thanks to command delays, and the staggered arrival of reinforcements. I placed great hopes on the KV-2's and was sorely let down (such a slow rate of fire and they didn't hit anything anyway). I managed to hold off the germans, but if the battle had lasted longer, I don't think I would have been able to hold the town, since I had no real answer to the tigers, and a few german squads were on the outskirts The blue line indicates the german tanks, the dashed line the german infantry, the red x's are tanks/at guns that are knocked out , pink D's are tanks that damaged, yellow I's are for immobilized, and green are for tanks still ok. The tank in the upper right is mine, I sent it on a suicide mission to try and tank the germans from the rear (it got spotted anyway). I am curious as to the actual outcome of this battle, if it really occurred? [ January 07, 2003, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: DBaron ]
  4. Do you have to be in LOS of sight for an enemy to use seek hull down, or can you do it at anytime anywhere on the map? I never use that command b/c well I just don't really understand it. I am under the impression that you use it when you see an enemy tank and you want to get into a hull down position to engage it.
  5. Whoops had not consider that. My mistake.
  6. Quick background: I recently finished an unnamed operation as the Russians. It was raining and foggy(I'm assuming the ground condition were wet though I am not sure). In the first battle of that operation I stumbled across numerous German minefields. Today I started it again as the Germans and saw the extent of the minefields on the map. I was suprised to see alot of minefields that I didn't even spot or have them go off, even though I had whole platoons running/advancing right over them. So my question is do the ground conditions play any factor as to whether or not minefields are triggered/detected (wet ground, rainy conditions) or did I just get lucky?
  7. What hosting service did you end up using to create your website?
  8. I just played this scenario as well, and I will post a brief AAR just for comparison. My writing is not as eloquent as mattmans so bear with me. I was playing as the Polish. I sent all my platoons immeadiatly west of the setup to the top of a tree covered hill at the bottom of the map. The hill commanded a view of the three of the four victory flags, so I left my HMG squads and spotters there while I advanced my troops farther west/northwest to a patch of trees under the cover of a smoke screen. The idea was to work my troops west, then north through tree cover to the SW victory flag, then across into another large patch of trees and assault the 2 story house with the large victory flag. I was just after the large victory flag, and I also wanted to push the enemy troops north as the scenario said. When my 85's arrive, I sent them to the hill beside the spotters and HMG squads, but an AT gun positioned in the SW corner got one of them, and I had to pull the others back to safety. The 76's were sent NW to a patch of trees overlooking the open field and the houses to cover the infantry. The infantry worked its way to the SW victory flag, where I found 3 enemy AT guns and a few infantry which were quickly dislodged. While my infantry was taking the SW flag, the remaining two 85's took out the AT gun in the SW corner then headed north. The 76's were chased off by Stug III that was lurking around the NW victory flag. That stug got two of the three 76's and chased the third pretty much all the way back to SE corner of the map. Around this time I decided to use my 132 spotter to plot a fire mission on the NW flag. Much to my suprise there was a 15! minute delay (this was at turn 20, of a 35+ battle), so I didn't know if it would come in on time, or if it would even be useful at that point. On the other hand I have never seen a rocket barrage though so I figured what the heck. (I usually play QB and never have enough points to spend on the really big artillery) My infantry got into a firefight with the infantry across the woods from it, and after a few turns (and a failed smoke screen) I got a few platoons across, then a few more, until eventually everyone was across. The 85's had moved up and taken out the StugIII, then two more which showed up right after it, so I brought the 76 back in. Between the 76 and the 2 85's I leveled the 2 story house and took it with some infantry. From there one platoon went west to deal with Hungarian stragglers which were routed to the western end of the woods, one went to the north end of the woods to finish flushing out any enemy infantry there and to cover the NW flag. The other two headed out into the open area north of house, where there were a bunch of craters which they used for cover. The other 76 worked its way up beside them. By now there was hardly any resistance, and the only Hungarians that posed any threat was a group which showed up in the NE corner and were moving west to the NW corner (were they retreating? or was the AI just repositioning his troops?). That 132mm strike came in all over the NW corner of the map, doing more damage to me than to the remaining Hungarians. One of 85's was immobilized by it. At least I know not to do that again. The game ended around turn 40 or 41. I think my score was 81% to 19% for a Major Victory. I lost 3 tanks with one immobilzed and a small number of men, but I held all the Victory Flags, and there was hardly any enemy oppostion to speak of by the end. Was this a historical scenario? And if so what was the actual outcome. EDIT: I played this on full fog of war settings. [ December 16, 2002, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: DBaron ]
  9. Was checking out your website, but now I can't connect to it anymore. It was looking good though. Edited: Now I can connect so ignore this message, sorry. [ December 06, 2002, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: DBaron ]
  10. Walpurgis, I'm pretty sure that you can make minor adjustments to the units waypoints after you have plotted them in by right clicking and dragging them around a little. My suggestion is to roughly guesstimate where you want them to go, and once they get close and you have a better view of their destination then go ahead and fine tune the waypoints so the endpoints are not so close together. I don't think this adjusting of the waypoints will affect their command delay either but I have never bothered to check.
  11. Red Storm Rising did give kill stats? I seem to remember getting stats after and individual mission, but not after you finish the campaign. It's been so long now it's hard to remember.
  12. Since this has switched to everyones favorite game I thought I would go ahead and list mine. X-Com definately was one my favorites. Why won't anyone remake it? Or at least make a real honest to god sequel. Underwater aliens, & aliens from another dimension just don't cut it I heard sid meir bought the rights to it though so maybe theres hope yet Red Storm Rising. I remember playing that game forever, purposly losing missions just so I could raise my kill count, making the war go on for years. My only regret was that they never included some sort of stat to see just how many ships you actually sunk during the game. I swear I must have sunk the entire Northern Soviet Fleet 3 times over. Command HQ. I swear it was the first real time strategy game. Mule. Simple but insanely fun trading game. I remember the bidding screen with that damn bar, trying to keep it as high as possible and seeing who would blink first. Fallout 1,2 & Wasteland. Who knew that a post apocolyptic world could be so much fun? IL-2. Probably the best WWII flight sim game ever made. I just wish I had the money for a high end system with a fancy joystick and rudder pedals so I could get the most out of this game. Goldeneye & Counterstrike. Goldeneye is still fun today and as far as counterstrike goes don't flame me but it was just so much damn fun in the begining running around de_dust with a bunch of noobs not really caring who won, now its been ruined by cheaters and people who are so good at getting headshots or awping its pointless to play anymore. Civilization 1 & 2, and Colonization. Colonization was the best of these in my opionion. Don't much like the new one though. And of course CMBB, last but not least.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. I got the full version of the game now, and spend most of my time playing quick mission battles. I'm having better luck moving small mortars and LMG's around, though I still have not mastered getting my HMGs in position just yet. I'm thinking of maybe using some halftracks for bringing them into combat after I have advanced my main body of infantry, instead of trying to move them around on foot? I now have all sorts of more pressing concerns like learning all the various tanks/guns (imagine my suprise when i found out that an 88mm pupchen was nothing like an 88mm flak gun) and learning what are the best way to balance out my forces for a succesful attack, or for a succesful defence. Anyway, this is a great game, and thanks for th help.
  14. I intially used the move command on all my squads when I first started out after setup. However a german arty strike pretty much disrupted everyone in the first turn. After that I had a hard enough time getting the regular infantry to move forward, let alone the HMG and mortar squads. I tried moving an HQ down to rally them, but it didn't have much effect. I have never played CM before so I am not sure what is effective and what is not. When should I use the Move to contact order instead the plain old Move command?
  15. Hello, I've been playing the demo version of CMBB. Yesterday I played the Yelnia Stare scenario using the russians. I beat it, but I didn't get any of my HMG squads anywhere near the fight, in fact most of them didn't even move 50 meters from the start line. They were all in the back pinned down, or exhausted, along with the majority of my mortar squads. I would try reissuing orders to them to get them closer so they could support my infantry, but they just wouldn't move, or worse go backwards. What is the trick to get them moving? I realize that they are carrying quite a bit of weight between the guns and the ammo, so I guess my question is which of the various movement commands works best to both keep them moving and to keep them from tiring out too quickly?
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