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Posts posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Originally posted by Hunter:

    Like Battlefront, we expect that not only will be support the game once released, but also provide patches and new features to enhance it and generate as much fun as we can.

    A Pz VIB for CMAK and more Marder-versions for CMBB, now that would make you REALLY popular, Hunter! Sorry, couldn't resist it.
  2. I think in the CM-series we already found something else, Spartan1, and I think the CM-community will stay strong and alive for a long, long time.

    I didn't mean to start another 'How could they...'-thread, MikeyD, but I don't understand how you fail to see the source of people's disappointment. Battleground is the only company that makes decent WW 2 games, so we will have to wait longer. Like I said, I don't mind since CM has enough power in it to keep me gaming until the end of times, but still....

  3. I've swallowed my disappointment. Besides I'm getting used to the fact that people who make games seldom give us what we want. They have their own agenda and well...I don't like it, but I can respect that. Apart from that I think we may call ourselves lucky that Battlefront already gave us what we wanted with the CM-series. I probably won't buy the new game, like I did with T-72 (haven't even installed it yet...), but I hope they will do well with it. It makes the chance for more fine games in the future only bigger. Combat Mission forever!

  4. Perhaps interesting for scenario makers. Schneiders Panzertaktik will soon be released by Stackpole books for only 19.77 USD, instead of the normal 94 USD. It will be a softcover, but who cares. Check Amazon.com. I haven't seen this book myself, but from what I've heard it's worth the (new) price.

  5. While making a scenario I did select units for the Germans and the Russians. Placing the German tanks is no problem. I select the HQ tank, double click on it and can drag the whole platoon to the spot where I want to place them. Trying the same with a Russian HQ tank doesn't work. I can select the three of them, but as soon as I open the setup phase dialog to 'place' them, the selection of the three tanks is gone and only one tank is selected. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

  6. Dey, the problem wasn't that they weren't good enough,the problem (to my humble opinion) was that they were too good ;)

    They looked too bright compaired to other winter mods. Your work is great, simply great. Please don't think otherwise. I consider you to be one of the best modders around.

    I'm very curious about these mods, so please post them as soon as you think they are ready.

  7. I like it, but it looks too white and too bright/clean compaired to most other winter mods. But let me immedeately add that I'm a great fan of his mods and consider him to be one of the best modders. His Pz IVH and J mods of the 28th of July 2004 are my favorite winter mods for these two Pz IV-versions, but I would love to see a balance between those mods and the bright ones as posted on the 11th of June 2005.

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