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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Instead of a greater cost, why not add 3 turns to the time it takes to produce the unit. Thus an elite unit with say 1 Bar would appear 3 turns later (ie on Turn 4). A normal unit would appear on the same turn (ie on Turn 1).
  2. You forget China. They tied down the Japanese Army. Perhaps the best way to handle them with only six sides is to have China and France be the same country and have the capital move from Paris to China when France surrenders. Then china could continue to produce units. In addition for china, I would create a new corps unit that would cost half the price of a typical European corps unit. Due to their guerrilla network the Chinese corps I would also give these Chinese corps a spotting range of 3 instead of 2 hexes. The only problem with this solution is how to handle Vichy France. Could a script be written to activate the Vichy option and disband French units in France if Paris was taken by the Axis? [ April 26, 2004, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. Any chance of convincing HC to increase the number of minor countries to 24 so I can sqeeze an independent Egypt and/or the Urkraine into SC2? IE What if Germany had treated the Urkrainians better. So they start off as a Russian Ally. Germany Conquers them and then has a choice via a script - 1) Deal harshly with them and get plunder & partisans or 2) treat them with respect and get no plunder and no partisans. Similarly with Egypt. Kick out the English and then face a choice 1) Retain control and deal with Partisans or 2) Withdraw and then Egypt becomes neutral - aka Vichy France. or with England - 1)Conquer England and Grant them Vichy status so they can't be used as a base by the Americans or 2) Plunder the isles and deal with Partisans and an English countryside that must be occupied. [ April 25, 2004, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. Excellent points. As for the naval blockade, say a lend lease routes to the UK and France with US Ships able to interdict these routes - ie can Surface ships interdict lead lease routes. The surface ships would also beable to bombard ports. The UK and France would be be neutral nations that can't produce units only send lend lease to the confederate states based on the the Contol of various States and diplomatic efforts. If the CSA loses control of too many states then Europe stops shipping to them. Also, over time the Northern Economy would steadily grow stronger, from say 50% to 100% this would reflect. Whereas the southern economy would be relatively static. Cavalry units would also see a higher spotting range, perhaps 3 hexes (TILES!) and Army units would see their spotting range reduced to 1 hex (TILE!) as both sides during this period used cavalry units to spot the enemy forces. NO Air Units Ship Units - Ironclads, Warships, Privateers, Transports Land Units - Army, Corps, Cavalry, Engineer HQ Units Ideally the South Would have build units that vary based on the number of cities that it controls. I agree, if Richmond falls then the capital relocates to Atlanta. But the key problem as you confirmed is going to be HQ units which need a rating for initiative or as you said allow the North to invest in Mechanization.
  5. I agree Shaka of Carthage that renaming the Side to United Nations and Communists would be much better and your views on developing this scenario is most insightful. And the impassable terrain address a key issue. I just wonder if terrains can have one cost for armor units and another cost for infantry units? Now I will have to start looking for circa 1950 maps of Korea or use some exisiting Korean War Game maps.
  6. Will the US Air Units be able to spot German naval units within range? Or can this be a triggered event to reflect US assistance in guarding merchant ship convoys while still Neutral. For Example: IF Germany Attacks Spain then neutral US air units can spot enemy units within range. (ie They can't Attack but they can spot them).
  7. In the new SC2 you can set Post Surrender Partisans on a country by country Basis. So to force the Axis player to guard the UK you would turn this setting on. As for the Dutch resistance it was quite minor as Denmark is a very small country. The French did not resist on the same scale as the Yugoslavians. The French resistance was mainly sabotage. The Yugoslavian resistance was actual assaults on military units. I think that SC portrays the French resistance in a realistic manner and the Germans must keep units in France to guard against an allied invasion, thus eliminating the need for partisan units in France.
  8. I like this idea as it would also give the Americans time to bomb their ports. I would also increase the cost of transporting troops for North Korea to reflect the fact that they had few transport ships.
  9. Historically N Korea attacked S Korea with a massive attack over land where the Allied forces fought a valiant holding action until reinforcements could arrive from the States at Pusan. I would hate to see N Korea player instead send all of those units south via transport to Pusan, The S Koreans and the Americans, even with the Navy ships in the area could never stop them all and at this scale you would not be able to Operate units.
  10. If SC2 were to be used to duplicate the US civil war it would definately need rail roads as a terrain type. Moreover, HQ units should be rated for Initiative, Speed, Attack and Defense as some generals of the war just didn't advance their troops when told to do so and others were much better on the defense than the attack. Inititiative - % that units under the generals command will follow orders and move. 10 - 100% to Move 5 - 75% to Move 1 - 55% to Move Speed - Covers the speed with which a commanders units move. some generals were more cautious and advanced their troops slower than others. A Penalty to Action Points for units commanded by that General. For example a Cavalry Unit might move 4 hexes instead of 5 and an army unit 2 hexes instead of 3. [ April 25, 2004, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. JerseyJohn, Excellent point, I was thinking of how to Handle Inchon. Also I think that Korean war scenario would closely emulate the ebb and flow that occurred in WWII. Rapid North Korean Advances > US Halts the Advance > US Advances > Chinese Enter War > US Pushed Back > US Advances > Stalemate The game system would also need a way, I believe, to prevent North Korea from Building Transports. But the map should make things relatively interesting as the terrain is very mountainous. Providing for natural channels of attack and favoring foot soldiers over armor. Note: Cetain Terrain Types should be impassable to Armor. I am not sure if the current game system will allow this restriction to be factored into the Unit or the Mountain terrain hex. I would also like to see Bridge Tile-Sides to reflect the importance of controlling major bridges and illustrate the importance of destroying/bombing those bridges, which engineer units can rebuild. [ April 25, 2004, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. It seems to me that SC2 would be perfect for modeling the Korean war as the technology used ws the same as used in Korea. The proposed Weather effects for SC2 also correlate closely to what happened in Korea. The Major Powers would be North Korea, South Korea, the United States, China and Russia. The Sides - Allies and Communists. Russia - could only give MPPs- aka Lend Lease- via a rail line and Air units. China would only enter if Allied Units got too close to the Chinese Border. The only difference is that in the Korean War Roads were very important and controlled the main avenus of attack. In addition most supplies to Korea came through rail lines. It would be interesting if SC2 include the ability to draw roads and rail lines from one hex to another for use in this and similar scenarios and allowed Air Units to destroy rail Line hexes which engineer units could repair. The Map at 10 miles per hex would be about 90 TILES wide (Korea accounts for about 62 TITLES) of this with an area at the Map bottom for Japan, a staging Area where US Units can be built be built and transported to Korea. [ April 25, 2004, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. By this I assume that players can tie scripts to Game Settings - Expert AI: IF Germany Attacks Sweden then Spanish Alliance % Increases
  14. Another item about Sweden, is that their leaders choose the wiser but these days politicially correct course. By being neutral and dealing with Germany they served as a waypoint for many Europeans that were fleeing Europe and protected the lives of their citizens, why fight a war you are certain to lose. If they had not played realpolitik then nore people would have died in the German camps as many Europeans escaped over the baltic to Sweden via Denmark. Also, Sweden like Spain provided Allied agents with an entry point into Occupied Europe.
  15. Can you write a script that will cause Canada to become a Minor US Ally when the UK Surrenders and then Become a UK Ally if the UK is liberated? This would eliminate the unrealistic buildup of UK Mpps that occurs while it is ruled by the Germans and would give the US access to Canadian production.
  16. The SC2 mentioned Urals Industry as a feature. What is this?
  17. Six majors seem good, I just have to figure out how to handle WWI. 1. Germany 2. AustoHungarian Empire 3. Ottoman Empire 4. UK (Allies) 5. France (Allies) 6. Russia (Allies) 7. US (Allies) 8. Italy (Allies) Eight - two major nations too many.
  18. In thinking about Minor Leaders I am lead to the conclusion that some should be rated lower than 4. Is this a viable option or should 4 be the lowest possible rating.
  19. True, but after repulsing the Italians they advanced into Albania and the Greeks were more motivated than the Italians, isn't motivation a part of leadership. Also, prior to Italy attacking Metaxas stockpiled ammunition for his army knowing that in the event of war that new bullets would be a long time in arriving. Personally, I would like to see HQ units rated on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being purely political hacks and 10 being outstanding Generals. Currently the lowest rated HQ in SC is rated a 4.
  20. Axis Diplomatic Event IF Axis Spends A Diplomatic Chit on Finland THEN Post Surrender Finish Partisans Activated. Allied Diplomatic Event IF Allies Spend A Diplomatic Chit on Norway Then Post Surrender Norwegian Partisans Activated. Axis Diplomatic Event IF Axis Control Cairo AND Axis Spends A Diplomatic Chit THEN Turkey Annexes Egypt AND Turkish Axis Alliance % Increases AND Iranian Allied Alliance % Increases and Italian Axis Alliance % Decreases. The Government of Germany has recognized Turkish soverignty over the lands of Egyt. Allied Event IF UK Spends a Diplomatic Chit on Neutral Portugal AND Spain is Neutral THEN Portgual Becomes UK Minor Ally. The President of Portugal welcomes an alliance with the United Kingdom. Note: this allows the UK to station troops in Portugal, ready to support Spain in the event of a German invasion. Axis Event IF AXIS spends diplomatic Chit on Neutral Baltic States THEN Baltic States Join Axis And Russian War Readiness Increases by 20%. The Baltic States have joined the Nazi Alliance. The Government of Soviet Russia has responded by closing its borders with these states. Allied Event IF Allies Spend Diplomatic chit AND Germany Attacked Denmark AND Germany Attacked Belgium AND Ireland is Neutral THEN Norway joins Allies. The Government of Norway has decided to join with the British government in its fight against German aggression. Note: This event a reason for the Allies to delay attacking Ireland. Axis Event IF Axis uses Diplomatic Chit AND Germany Controls Vichy Algeria THEN Vichy Algeria Annexed by Spain and Spanish Axis Alliance % Increases and Italian Axis Alliance % Decreases. The Spanish government graciously accepts the territory of Algeria given to it by the Government of Germany. Allied Event IF Allies use Diplomatic Chit AND Spain is Neutral THEN Spain Gains 2 Corps and Spanish Axis Alliance % Decreases. London Times reports that England has shipped military supplies to Spain to strengthen the Spanish Army against German Aggression Axis Event IF Axis use Diplomatic Chit AND Spain is Neutral AND Axis Controls Vichy France THEN Spain Annexes Vichy France AND Spanish Axis Alliance % Increases and Italian Axis Alliance % Decreases. Germany has turned over administration of Sourthern France to Spain. The Italians have protested against this action. Allied Event IF Allies use Diplomatic Chit AND Spain has Annexed Southern France OR SPAIN has Annexed Algeria THEN Italian Axis Alliance % Decreases. Spanish and Italian papers report thatt Germany favors Spain over Italy in the new Europe. Note - Italy may return to a Neutral State if Germany tries to hard to court Spain or Turkey. Allied Event IF Allies Spend Diplomatic Chit AND TURKEY Annexed Egypt THEN Italian Axis Alliance % Decreases Italian papers report that Germany and Turkey have signed a secret agreement to give the lands of Arabia and North Africa to Turkey. Axis Event IF Axis Spends Diplomatic Chit AND ALlies Attacked Ireland AND Allies Attack Low Countries THEN Iceland Joins Axis. The Government of Iceland formerly requests German protection from the allied alliance that has illegally attacked the neutral nations of Europe. [ April 26, 2004, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. Shaka of Carthage Thanks for the feedback. I suspect you are correct about so many conditional conditions and effects. Any comments HC? I would really like to see the occurance of events like the sinking of the US Ocean Liner dependent upon German Wolf packs attacking US Merchant Ships - say if you attack Merchant shipping there is a chance that you get the Sink US Ocean Liner Random Event. I will try to balance them out - coming up with 15 or so Diplomatic Events for each side that are balanced for effect and for each stage of the game. [ April 23, 2004, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Greece General Ioannis Metaxas - 5, as he bested the Italians and they are rated a 4. General Georgios Tsolakoglou commanded the actual fighting forces but he reported to Metaxas.
  23. One weakness in air power is that opposing air power units do not hinder spotting by friendly air units. Your air fleet can spot everything even with 4 or 5 enemy air fleets in the area. Perhaps a simple solution is 1)not to allow air fleets to spot ground units that are adjacent to enemy air units or to the rear of enemy air units or 2) to allow players to assign a role to air units that would allow them to shield adjacent friendly ground units from spotting. This would allow players to build a reserve force close to the front line that is hidden from enemy air spotting. [ April 23, 2004, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. Random Events ----------------------------------------------- JAPAN Attacks Russia instead of Pearl Harbor IF Japan Attacks Siberia THEN Siberian Transfer = OFF AND US Gains 2000MPP. Japanese Air and Naval Forces have invaded Siberian Russia. (Note: This event can only occur if the US is Neutral) ----------------------------------------------- IF Germany Expends A Diplomatic Chit THEN Japan will not Attack Russia. IF USSR Expends A Diplomatic chit then Japan will not Attack Russia. The idea is that if this event - JAPAN Attacks RUSSIA - is selected that both sides, Axis and Allies, will have the opportunity to block it with a diplomatic chit. So a pre-attack turn announcement might be- Intelligence agents report that Japan is massing troops on the Siberian Border. Each side can act to block this game changing event if they wish to do so, without knowing whether the other side has used a diplomacy chit to do so. The large bonus to the US MPP reflects the fact that Japan did not attack Pearl Harbor and that the US war effort is totally focused on Europe. It also compensates for the Siberian Transfer option being turned off, as Russian troops are busy fighting the Japanese. ----------------------------------------------- Axis Initiated Diplomatic Event Germany Encourages Japan to Attack Russia IF Germany Spends A Diplomatic Chit AND US is Neutral AND Siberian Transfer = ON THEN Siberian Transfer = OFF and US Gains 2500MPP. "Japanese Army and Air forces invaded Russian Siberia from Korea and China" ---------------------------------------------- Allied Initiated Diplomatic Events IF US Spends a Diplomatic Chit and the UK Spends a Diplomatic Chit Then Siberian Transfer is Activated wihin 12 turns. "The US and the United Kingdom reports are sending additional forces to the Pacific to combat the Japanese Aggression" Note - This Frees Russian Troops in Siberia to mve West. [ April 23, 2004, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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