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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. I wonder if HC will include this strategy in the AI's arensal of strategies to select from.
  2. I am playing two PBEM games now, but personally, I like to play fast and furious (and make some stupid mistakes as a result) and often when traveling don't have an internet connection available.
  3. I wonder if you will be able to tell the AI to use a specific unit type to garrison a city?
  4. Tagwyn, I agree, but out only when its ready. That aside, I am still trying to think of how to create hard core strategies, as per Blashy's post, using the script editor. What's a hardcore strategy: AXIS Example: Land Campaign, Mediterranean Campaign, Battle for Atlantic Campaign ALLIED Example: Strategic Bombing Campaign, Med Campaign, Nordic Campaign, Russian Rockets, Allied Intel Campaign, etc. Essentially, its a coordinated blending of Operational, Production, Research and Diplomacy scripts. Any short comments HC?
  5. Not even at Intel Level 3? Seriously though, have you ever invested in Intel as a player? If so do you think it was worth it? And many thanks for the screenshots and your in screen comments. It really helped me visualize changes arising from the larger map size and the reduced number of units both sides have to work with. I assume that there are more Soviet cities to the east of Stalingrad as the map area remaining appears to be quite extensive, from my interpretation of the the world view map at the bottom of the screen. [ February 22, 2006, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Dear Blashy, How long did it take to fortify the tiles around Moscow? What good does this do if the tiles are not garrisonned? I assume that the MPPs of the Allies are not showing up as you, as Axis, can not see them. Or is it because they have none-left to spend? Is Iceland allied because it was invaded? or because it joined the allies? Historically, it stayed neutral until the British invaded (and the Icelandic people did not resist).
  7. Blashy, many thanks for the update. Good to hear that the AI has entered play testing. I am really glad to see that the AI 1) uses the bomber it has and 2) constantly changes targets when using bombers. A big improvement over SC1. I presume that changing targets makes it harder for the human player to counter bombers and will force him to allocate air units to intercept them or spend MPPs on AA research and upgrades. Perhaps, the bomber has far more value in SC2? It looks like it from my readings of the various posts. It costs less, does damage to the underlying resource and gains a greater range bonus with each increase in LR tech. All in all a much needed change. Thanks HC. [ February 20, 2006, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. From AAR#2: This paragraph raises three important points that is relevant to the AI: 1. Deciding on a strategy - in this case for the Axis a land strategy focued on Russia, and to have this decision be influenced by events and cooordinated with production, diplomacy and research scripts. 2. In the Allied case deciding when and where to invade - either the Mediterranean or Western Europe. It appears that the AI can handle this, although I can't figure out from the current notes how to coordinate the triggering of related American and British plans. Perhaps have a trigger where the UK conquers Ireland. Then have scripts for both countries where if Erie is Allied Controlled the AI invades Europe. If Erie is not allied controlled then the AI invades via the Mediterranean. A bit convoluted but it should work, unless HC has something better planned. To get the timing right, perhaps..... Note: A problem with this convoluted implementation is that the human player will always know what the Allied strategy is. So, time to put my thinking cap back on. 3. When to shift to defensive operations. Another good strategy, that can be scripted for the AI. Essentially, the AI may attack Switzerland if both USA and Russia are at war with Germany. Will the AI be smart enough to do this on its own? [ February 20, 2006, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. A few quick notes on the AI and AAR #2: 1. Will there be flags for Historical_Condition, and Neutral_Condition game settings? Example: Historical_Condition= 6 (for Italy) This would allow you to have the AI actions change based on these game settings. 2. I wonder if the AI collects Intel information with FOW on? Example: Neutral Italian AI spots 8 UK Naval Ships in Med, therefore it knows at at most 1 UK ship is in Atlantic (based on 9 ships total in the Report Screen). With 8 UK ships in Med Italy moves Neutral Fleet to Adriatic, Germany sends subs to Atlantic. 3. Great idea for Offensive Script 4. Another good ID for AI. 5. The importance of linking Diplomatic Scripts and Offensive Scripts is illustrated by this: 6. How can I withdraw Allied units to UK from France? Transport AI Script when Tile X is threatened? 7. Interesting, purchase Diplomacy chit based on activation percentage. 8. Can the AI respond to threats? ie If X is enemy occupied by enemy unit activate offensive/garrison script. [ February 19, 2006, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Good idea, Victor. Though, I prefer to direct the battle myself, not just watch it unfold. But AI vs AI competitions would be most interesting. ---------------------------------------------- One cool feature of HC's AI script is the use of plan identity. What this appears to mean is that you can create a number of duplicate plan identities (same country ID, plan Id and goal position), with different triggers, and the AI will execute the first one, and only the first one that is triggered. Each of these duplicate plans can have a different number of units assigned to it (ie Size), different conditions and different Cancel_Ratios. This will allow for a large amount of variety in the AI response to player actions. Sometimes you, as the human, might see a probing attack and other times a massive assault on a single goal position. -------------------------------------- It will be interesting to see how the the activation of scripts for production, research and diplomacy can be related to these AI scripts so the AI can execute a grand strategy, not just a series of intelligent independent actions. [ February 18, 2006, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. The War Continues, The Axis adopts a defensive position and does not attack this turn. While the Russians purchase another rocket unit; their second, as breaking the strong German line will be too expensive if done by Air units. The UK sends forth the Corps they recently sent back to Bergan, after mentioning on this post that Bergan was unoccupied. A German corps is spotted advancing towards Bergan. Meanwhile in France a series of air battles take place over the line mine and the defending corps is destroyed. The USA recruits Patton and repairs its Battle Fleets. ----------------------------------------- The War Goes on, the German army is immense, but on defensive. Russia attacks all along the line, suffering losses against the entrenched German units. Russia purchases another Rocket unit and reveals that it has reached Rockets Level 2. Meanwhile, the UK achieves Long Range Level 3. Axis research efforts appear to be either ineffective or grossly underfunded. ------------------------------------------------ The war continues with Russian rocket attacks against a static German line. An Italian Air Unit Level 0 attacks and is downed by an intercepting UK Based Jet Level 3. German defending units are fully entrenched. Patton and his accompanying corps arrive in France. Russia purchases another rocket unit. ----------------------------------------------- [ February 18, 2006, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Hubert has structured Sc2 so that the program and scripted AI files are seperate. This feature will greatly facilitate the evolution of the SC2 AI. It makes it easy for Battlefront, SC2 websites and players to offer AI only downloads. Futhermore the AI scripting parameters that HC is offoering are extremely powerful and flexible. I expect that there will be several levels of AI downloads available for players after SC2 ships; 1. Bronze - AI scripts created by players and shared by email. 2. Silver - Scripts created by players, reviewed by others and listed on SC2 Sites. 3. Gold - Throughly playtested AI scripts judged by HC as being worthy of being added to the standard SC2 AI. Perhaps, Battlefront will consider offering certified AI downloads on their site and/or creating a forum for SC2 AI related discussions. As for me, after SC2 ships I am considering creating a web site/blog to discuss, critique and share techniques for building a better SC2 AI. [ February 18, 2006, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Nordic Liberation Concept: Liberate Norway, is a three phase plan: Goal 1: Bergan, Goal 2: Oslo followed by Goal 3: Garrison Plan. Goal 1: Capture Bergan (2 plans - 1 with 3 units, the other with 6) #NAME: Bergan Liberation Force #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK) #TRIGGER= 20 (1 in 5 games if Norway is conquered) #PLAN_ID= 3 #SIZE= 3 #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(Bergan) #STEAL=0 #CANCEL_RATIO=2 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (LONDON) #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Scarpa Flows) #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Manchester) #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [1] - Norway is allied to UK and Surrendered to Axis #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] Sea tiles on route to Bergan not threatened. #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] #CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,8][3,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 3 or more axis units within 5 tiles of a sea tile off the Bergan coast. #CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,1,][1,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 1 or more Axis units within 1 tile of London. #NAME: Bergan Liberation Force #2 #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK) #TRIGGER= 5 (1 in 20 games if Norway is conquered) #PLAN_ID= 3 #SIZE= 6 #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(Bergan) #STEAL=0 #CANCEL_RATIO=2 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (LONDON) #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Scarpa Flows) #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Manchester) #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [1] - Norway is allied to UK and Surrendered to Axis #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] Sea tiles on route to Bergan not threatened. #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] #CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,8][3,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 3 or more axis units within 5 tiles of a sea tile off the Bergan coast. #CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,1,][1,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 1 or more Axis units within 1 tile of London. Goal 2: Liberate Oslo #NAME= Oslo Liberation Force #TYPE=2 #COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK) #TRIGGER= 75 (75% if Bergan is controlled) #PLAN_ID= 1 (Build up Offensive) #SIZE= 6 #LENGTH=5 #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(OSLO) #STEAL=0 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (BERGAN) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (BERGAN must have tactical advantage over Bergan) CANCEL_RATIO= 2 (Plan is canceled if cannot achieve a ratio better than 2 to 1) #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [1] - Norway is allied to UK and Surrendered Goal 3: Guard Norway - once Norway is liberated it must be guarded. #NAME= Oslo Protection Force #TYPE=2 (Recurring check each turn) #COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK) #TRIGGER= 100 #PLAN_ID= 0 (Garrison Plan) #SIZE= 3 #LENGTH=1 #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(Oslo) #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy (Bergan) #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy (Mine Tile) #STEAL=0 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Bergan) #FRIENDLY_POSTITION= xx,yy (OSLO) #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [0] - Norway is allied to UK and Liberated. If Norway has surrendered this event will not occur. #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5[1][100][0] - If Germany has surrendered there is no need to garrison Norway and this event will be canceled. [ February 17, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. RE: Engineers. I would like to see scripts where I can tell the AI to use Engineer Units to fortify specific tiles. Then I can use the Plan: Garrison to have those tiles garrisoned under specific circumstances. Example: Fortify the tiles north and south of Warsaw and have them Garrisonned if Russian units approach. Or perhaps have Engineers create a Seigfreid line to guard Germany against a future Allied Invasion in the West. Example: AI event that is 90% likely to execute at Expert Level and 50% at beginner or intermediate. Uses Idea (not approved) for AI_LEVEL condition check. If the Expert Level Script is triggered then the next script will not be as both have the same Plan Country_ID, Plan_ID, and #Goal_Position. { #NAME= Fortify Italy #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 (multiple check until trigger satisfied - ie will only execute once per game) #COUNTRY_ID=6 #TRIGGER=50 #PLAN_ID= 4 (Fortify - idea for new plan type, will use only Engineer units) #AI_LEVEL=5 (will only execute at Expert level -idea for new parameter, not in current AI script) #SIZE=1 #LENGTH=4 #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy (tile that will be fortified) #STEAL=0 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (target tile must be in friendly hands) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (target tile is not threatened) #CONDITION_POSTITION= xx,yy [1,10][2,99][2] (No more than 1 enemy Allied unit is within 10 tiles of the tile being fortified) } { #NAME= Fortify Italy #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 (multiple check until trigger satisfied - ie will only execute once per game) #COUNTRY_ID=6 #TRIGGER=50 #PLAN_ID= 4 (Fortify - idea for new plan type, will use only Engineer units) #AI_LEVEL=3 (will only execute at Beginner(3) and higher AI levels - idea for new parameter, not in current AI script) #SIZE=1 #LENGTH=4 #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy (tile that will be fortified) #STEAL=0 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (target tile must be in friendly hands) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (target tile is not threatened) #CONDITION_POSTITION= xx,yy [1,10][2,99][2] (No more than 1 enemy Allied unit is within 10 tiles of the tile being fortified) } ------------------------------------------------ PS: Just reading the new AARs will give one ideas for scripts (UK Tanks invading Iraq in January 1940), that will take advantage of HC's AI script editor. ------------------------------------------------- One item, though I like and greatly appreciate the flexibility of the Scripts they appear to stand alone without any concept of grand strategy that would execute several scripts as part of a grand plan. Example: Control MED Allied AI: Take Middle East & Take Libya & Operation Torch & Sink Italian Fleet. Not Take Libya 50% and Operation Torch 50%, but one check that triggers all the related operational and production and diplomatic and research plans if the conditions are met. I wonder what HC's thoughts are on this. Perhaps a Person_ID or Strategy_ID. At game start the system randomly or by choice stores a Person_ID/Strategy_ID (ie RAMBO or TERIF or SEAMONKEY or CRACK_NAVAL). Only scripts or an AI Folder with that Person_ID can be triggered. Of course this may lead to exceesively large AI files. Or perhaps a master trigger for related plans? #MASTER_PLAN_ID= ## - i.e. if Master Plan is activated then all plans with Master_ID flag of same number are also triggered. This would allow you to link activation of related plans to a single trigger condition. In related AI Plans is the flag: #MASTER_ID= ## Just another idea. [ February 17, 2006, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. A UK Bomber moved to Brest spots all German units in France, including a lone sub in the southern port. As a result, naval units are moved to a position just outside its spotting range. --------------------------------------- The Battle Continues, while the Allied Air Forces attack Paris the Axis rush to build a defensive line and more American reinforcements and a HQ unit - Eisenhower (Earlier I cashed in two US tech chits so I could purchase Eisenhower). - lands at Brest to supply the advancing American armies. An advancing Free French Army is reduced to five upon attacking Corps entrenched in Paris. The German sub moves out of port towards Brest and is surprised by an Allied ship in the Bay of Biscay and surrounded; but not sunk, by allied reinforcements rushed to the scene as it evades attacks by diving. Meanwhile the Italian navy once again batters the port of Gibraltar to zero and send sends forth a cruiser, that encounters an American battlefleet waiting on the coast of Portugual. The lines in Russia are static with the last Finnish unit being destroyed by 2 Armies, 1 Corps and 3 air units, and their capital unguarded. Axis units continue to launch attacks all along the front. USSR MPPs are being drained in an effort to repair damage. With one more air unit on Eastern front Germans would be advancing. Now, they reduce defending Russian units to 3 or less but lack the strength for the final killing attack. Tip - Once I saw Ike99 attacking the port of Gibralatar again, I rushed naval units south and positioned them where they would force a surprise encounter with any Italian Fleet that rushed into the Atlantic and towards France, and locate them before they could damage any American transports heading toward France. Tactical Note: Personally, I find it best to use Naval units in groups. Sending one unit out alone is likely to result in its loss. I would have sent the Axis sub to the Southeast and the Italian Naval Units to the Northeast where they could safely group up in the middle of the Atlantic - as no one guards the middle of the Atlantic. Tactical Note: I tend to use the UK Bomber to spot the location of enemy forces, before deciding on a plan of attack. Tactical Note: Bergan was occupied by the Allies upon the conquest of Norway and then quickly evacuated by the allies. The Axis never advanced to reclaim this port from allied control. An oversight? or strategy? [ February 17, 2006, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. One concept I can't seem to understand is how to make the AI make a choice between 2 plans with two different goal positions. Example: Operation Torch or Operation Nordic Liberation Both would have the same country ID (USA), have the same plan type but different position goals. Perhaps using the Steal parameter will ensure that only one plan will be exected. Example: Operation Torch #TRIGGER=20 #Size = 5 #Steal = 1 Operation Nordic Liberation #TRIGGER=30 #Size = 5 #Steal = 0 Thus if Operation Torch is selected, Operation Nordic Liberation can't be triggered as it would not have enough units to meet the Size Parameter since it can't steal units from Operation Torch. Is this correct?
  17. My first comouter wargame was Eastern Front by Atari; which had mud and snow weather effects, followed by an Ancient Rome era computer Game released by Avalon Hill. The Roman era game was interesting as you got to fight against different barbarian tribes - each had different strengths and weaknesses.
  18. --Draft Mode ---- In Sc1 the AI never sends the Italian Navy through to the Atlantic after Bombarding the port of Gibraltar to zero, as Human players sometimes do. Perhaps it can be done using the new scripts. First, if the GOAL_POSITION is a port does this mean that Naval units will attack the port until it is reduced to zero? If so, then perhaps I can have Italian Naval units sail through the port of Gibraltar tile to an Atlantic Garrison tile(s) once it is reduced to zero. (of course it would be easier with a script for Port_Tile=0 ... ie Activate Script if port tile is zero) Of course, if the Axis AI controls Egypt - checked with: #FRIENDLY_POSITION xx,yy - Cairo #TACTICAL_CONDITION= x,y - to ensure that Egypt is not threatened. #CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [2,10][3,8][2] - to further insure that no large allied forces are nearby. Then perhaps a Garrison command is used to send the Italian Naval Task force to the Transit Tiles at the south end of the Red Sea so the naval units can transit the Horn of Africa. Of course, once these units reach the Atlantic, they need a plan of action. Perhaps positioning themselves off the coast of the USA perepared to sink the American fleet when it enters the war? or Perhaps moving to interdict Merchant Shipping (Garrison_Plan moves ships to Friendly_Postion of following script) and then moving away (Friendly_POSITION triggers new garrison plan), then moving back to interdict a different tile along the shipping route(GARRISON)and then moving away again (FRIENDLY_POSITION). ------------------------------------------- Will there be a command that will allow one to send an Italian sub (and not a battleship or cruiser) to a garrison_position in the Mediterranean - so it can inderdict Merchant shipping? i.e. #TYPE=2 (Checked each turn, will remain active so long as all control parameters are met) #PLAN_ID= Garrison or Offensive? #SIZE=1 #LENGTH=1 #UNIT_TYPE=5 (to specify submarine unit, where 5 = submarine - this parameter is currently not in the AI script notes) #GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy - Merchant shipping tile in the Mediterranean #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (so that sub will move here only if not threatened) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (Rome not threatened) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (Sicily not threatened) ----------------------------------------- Of course I may not want to execute the send Italian Fleet to Atlantic strategy if Allied Naval Forces are too strong. Using information from the Reports Menu a Human player can evaluate the strength (Air, Naval and Land) of his opponenet. I wonder if a condition will be added so the AI can do the same? Example: REPORT_CONDITION_G= Country_ID [unit type reference value][unit count from the Reports screen]- Condition where the unit count on the Intelligence Report will cancel the event. The G is for Greater Than. Example: REPORT_CONDITION_G= 1[2][6] : Cancel Event if UK royal naval fleet units are 6 or more. The G at the end is for Greater than. Ideally there would be another condition for REPORT_CONDITION_L= 6[2][8] Where the A at the end is for Less Than. Cancel the plan if the Italian Navy has 8 or fewer naval units. Thus one could have a script that would be executed - based on information from the reports screen - by the Italian AI ONLY if UK Naval Forces are Less than 6 AND Italian Naval forces are greater than 8. [ February 17, 2006, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Dozer, I would welcome a game. As for Ike99's Naval strategy - from my view - he built up a strong naval force in the Atlantic with the German and Italian Fleets (GOOD Move) but he engaged my fleet while they were under the protection of the Royal Air Force (MISTAKE) and sent his forces into battle a few at a time (MISTAKE 2). As for Bids, I prefer a simple player enforced limit that the Axis can only attack 1 neutral country (any 1) after taking Denmark, Low countries, Norway and France until Germany is at war with Russia. After that all limits are off. [ February 16, 2006, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. They did well, after the initial engagement two of my three air units were reduced to Str 3 after being intercepted by your highly experienced Air Fleets which were veterns of fighting the Polish, Belgium and French armies, and my carrier was reduced to Strength 7. I came very close to losing the carrier and perhaps another air fleet, but the counter attack never came and I was able to withdraw my forces to safety. My guess is that you choose to reinforce or withdraw your damaged air units instead of counter attacking. That was the safer option as you did not know two of my air fleets were reduced to 3. If you had moved a corps adjacent to my Carrier sitting on the coast you would have seen how badly damaged it was. [ February 16, 2006, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. My guess, and this is purely a guess, is that FLAG= 0 gives you the option of manually selecting an event for a particular game. If you don't want the AI to [For example: invade the USA] then don't select this AI event. I.e. FLAG=1 - Means that the event is always selected for this scenario, but can be turned off. FLAG=0 - Means that the script is user selectable, but normally turned off. It can be turned on. [ February 16, 2006, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. You got it Ike99. Also in this game I believe Ike was trying to see how big an army he could build up by not attacking other countries, thus delaying the entry of Russia and the USA into the war. Aside from that the biggest mistake; in my view, that Ike made was in engaging in several air battles over France where he lost 5 air units (and I believe a Rommel HQ unit) and the Allies none. Also, I did not see him use his initial naval advantage in the Med or Atlantic to damage UK merchant shipping. Rather he sought out naval battles in range of UK based air fleets, which lead to the sinking of several Axis Fleets. All in all, if he had not lost 5 air fleets (and Rommel)in France he would have been approaching Moscow by now, and Russia would have been on the ropes. This was compounded by the fact that I got unusually lucky and secured Level 3 Jets for the UK rather quickly in addition to Level 2 Anti-Armor for the Russian Army (in just 2 turns, after I invested all 3 tech chits in Anti-Armor) ------------------------------------ Meanwhile in June 28,1942 A fierce battle occured off the coast of France, Axis units attacked a Soviet Cruiser and left it severly damaged with just 1 Str point left. The ensuing attack by Russian, UK and American naval forces sunk 3 Axis naval units, and allowed the USA to land two armies in France through the port of Brest. Meanwhile in Russia, strong Axis Air attacks destroyed Russian corps and Axis units attacked all along the line, and an Axis invasion force is approaching Cairo. Current Game Losses: Allied: 27 Land, 0 Air, 5 Naval Axis: 8 Land, 8 Air, 11 Naval Current Game Air Strengths (from Report Screen): ----- UK 5, USA 1, Italy 1, Germany 5. Current Game Naval Strengths (from Report Screen): ----- UK 9, USA 2, USSR 2 (one at Str 1), Italy 2 [ February 16, 2006, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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