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Everything posted by theBrit

  1. It only appears on this type of USSR tank so far...and appears to be a shiny black plate.
  2. I'd like brighter colours, with more contrast...but I am a graphic designer. lol
  3. And I quote from MadMatt" Green line indicates a clear area with unobstructed line of sight where the flora does not hinder fire; a Red line shows an area of good sight without serious (but some) blockage; while a Black line indicates places your units can’t see at all Hope this help. Oh, and it works for me. </font>
  4. Yes i see it during play....whats the colours mean?
  5. No LOS? Well I see one....!!! If you click on Attack target, a coloured arrow appears and follows the pointer. Its colour coded, but very muted. Its hard to tell watch colour is what...plus an explanation would be nice.
  6. I've just downloaded the SI patch....file corrupted! Gameshell works just fine and is fast!!!! [ January 29, 2008, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: theBrit ]
  7. You are right Von Rosen, someone who proudly boasts they are rude, unpleasant and violent isn't childish..... They're just plain stupid! Now go learn some manners Von Rosen.....Im guessing by your post you're young enough to learn.
  8. All good things come to those who wait...... cant wait!
  9. theBrit


  10. If was surely it would be called CMBB????
  11. theBrit


    Good god what are BF up to then....perhaps they like to watch us sweat!
  12. Arrhhhh I see.... they were bushes and not trees!!!!
  13. The idea of a 'Deathmatch' is laughable in a true wargame!
  14. Thanks...though I cant really make sense of what they are saying... In fact I am still worried by their LOS example. It still looks wrong. Firing through a forest onto a target on the otherside SHOULD be impossible.
  15. I completed all the campaigns very quickly and hped to MP, but because of the problems with the setup I haven't yet played one game. Hopefully the Patch will rectify that?????
  16. I repeat has anyone produced a new campaign, battle or even skirmish? If so, where the hell are they...lol
  17. Im off to Spain soon so I hope to get this patch DLed and played before I go....god willing.
  18. Great News! How about CCing me in aswell. lol
  19. theBrit


    Thanks for the info....can you tell us whether you plan to add more British voices in later Patches???? I hate playing my countrymen with American accents! Please throw in Irish, Scottish and Welsh accents too.
  20. theBrit


    Still no patch....shesh!!!!!
  21. theBrit

    new video

    Agreed, its all well and good for kids wanting to run around blowing stuff up....but coop objectives are the future!
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