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Posts posted by Hortlund

  1. Originally posted by Bigduke6:

    Ok, now for comments.


    Me, I think the Iraqi's main intention could only have been to kill or otherwise remove all the infidels next to the mosque.


    the insurgency held the ground, successfully defended a mosque, destroyed a Kiowa, damaged two Strykers, injured five Americans and (far more importantly) an unidentified number of Iraqis fighting on the American side.


    The property damage alone could well have added more peope to the insurgency side, than the Americans managed to wipe out during the firefight.


    It also was senseless, as one of the participants points out, to fight so long and so hard for the wreck of a Kiowa.


    Nothing fit to print, no.
  2. Originally posted by NG cavscout:

    ummm, I hope you don't have a video phone. Does she have to actually meet/see you at one point? sigh, poor guy.

    I do wish you the best of luck, maybe she will be impressed with the fact that you are "European"? That always seems to impress women in the U.S. Seems like any swarthy fellow with a 1920's pimp pencil moustache, sweat stains in the armpits of his polyester shirt, and a French accent has to wade through a sea of willing female flesh to get to the bathroom.

    So...things are looking good... And she has already met me thankyouverymuch...she works in one of "my" banks.

    Anyway, whats the local girls like in Iraq? Do they all have moustaches? Are there any good looking ones? Are there anyones who dare go outside without a veil/burka/whatever?

  3. Originally posted by NG cavscout:

    Leutnant Hortlund I applaud your chutzpah. Why, I am not sure, but I do applaud it. It goes well with your strong Scandinavian body odor.

    I am now in the process of chatting up a girl via the telephone. Wish me luck.

    Im suspecting that the phone is unable to communicate body odors, maybe that is why I am so successful on the phone. Genious invention that phone...

  4. Originally posted by NG cavscout:

    Ok, I have been sitting in my tent too long, going stir crazy, "Leutnant Hortlund, entertain me, dance a Swedish jig, show me how you transform into a bat, or introduce me to the Swedish Bikini Team or somefink!!"

    Im sorry dear. You see, every other weekend, I leave Casa Hortlund and travel north to my old hometown to spend a weekend with the kids. Not so much forum-time these weekends. So you'll have to do with this:


  5. Originally posted by Moon:

    Actually the amount of hard fact-based information available for modern weapons system widely surpasses what is out there for WW2. Of course this won't stop the arguing in any way. Grognards are grognards...


    But surely you guys must run into classified areas too. Like the exact armor capabilities of the Abrams for example. Or the exact peneteration ability of the AT-14.

    So how do you guys model that? When you dont have the armor stats for the Abrams, or the penetration ability of the AT-14. How do you model that AT-14 hitting the Abrams?

    This is a genuine question btw, no critizism.

  6. Originally posted by NG cavscout:

    Leutnant Hortlund First off, I do believe you are trying to taunt me with your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Second off, unfortunately not your head, but seriously with that picture dude, forget scaring kids, you can make camel spiders run away with that kisser.

    See, there is an upside with being ugly. I dont have to fear camel spiders. *cracks open another beer* mmmMMMmm beer
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