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Everything posted by Yohan

  1. If this keeps going and release is 150 days away there will be more than 7,500 posts!
  2. Agreed! I playtested many of those and almost never played in 3D mode. I find it much more difficult to focus on what is important in 3D.
  3. Per my other request, please do this and make it 2D for us old grognards as well as all the fancy new stuff for the kids.
  4. a)1 b)10 c)8 d)1 (as long as you don't need to see oppponet starts to make sure they are not cheating)
  5. Please no mods for a daily game of WWII <g> Think how long it would take
  6. I agree, and not only for invasions, how about paradrops? They might be a tad ugky w/o a retreat option. I would like to see it for regular combat as well but not sure how this would effect play balance.
  7. I think Sarge meant Naval units can't destroy land units. Air must certainly be able to destroy Naval.
  8. Hubert has stated there will be a demo.
  9. I think the issue for me is not resources used for what; it is preferred view. I am another old wargamer who likes simple 2D maps and Nato counters. Same goes for map information, don't need pretty pictrues, understand some might, just want the data. Having the option is the key for me. I have complete faith in Hubert et al.
  10. Hubert, This is good news for those of us who have not played the original in some time. I look forward to another quality product. Rob
  11. Yohan


    Thanks guys, got my $$ ready to go. Can't seem to find a new game these days. Empire in Arms is delayed, WiF is at least a year away I think, it would be nice if SC2 hit the street!
  12. Yohan


    Haven't been around in some time. Any word from Hubert on SC2?
  13. the Gulf War era airpower impact on this game is one of the reasons I gave it up a few months ago.
  14. Hey Rambutt, What a whiner. Your fleets were indestructable...waah...waah...waah Canadians were in the Rhine...waah...waah...waah I've never had a problem with anyone else...waah...waah...waah (biggest load of crap comment on this forum EVER!) you might want to try snakes and ladders, cause its almost ok when babies cry while playing that
  15. Wow, Another whine from Rambo when he loses. What a #$%#$ cry baby. You truly have to be the biggest suck I have ever seen. You should probably head over to the Village People site for some names of folks that might play a game you prefer...
  16. Decision Games is taking pledges (no cash just a commitment) for an update of the old SPI monster game War in Europe on the computer (they currently have a DOS version). You can pledge at this site: http://www.decisiongames.com/html/pledge_orders.html Computer WiE is #47 This is a good game if you play some of the modified rules and start with the 1940 scenario as I recall (otherwise France is a hedgehog)
  17. Please god, not another time based game. They suck.
  18. Rambo, you are recasting history (as usual) without telling all of the facts. You kept changing names well after the game started. I know Irish has some of your emails on this, perhaps it is time for him to post them...
  19. Irish Guards posted a while ago about Rambo changing file names all the time, this is starting to sound very suspicious. I used to play a lot of Master of Orion on the old TEN network until it became clear people could modify files and cheat. Italian BBs at 14 seems pretty strange to me. Sounds like tech being manipulated.
  20. Hueristic, I hear you but some of us have had enough with a certain troll and the moderators don't seem to want to deal it up. If you check back and look at posts prior to Rambo's arrival you will only notice one or two guys acting weird. Trolls live and their is no way to self-police, I would love it if you could even just be able to block them from the posts you start but it can't happen.
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