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Everything posted by Kuniworth

  1. 11.30 The battle begins! Reille's II corps move on Hougoumont woods. With the new rules(adjacent penalty, more entrenchment, more english mmp etc) this is not as easy as before. However we manage to take out two regiments and reduce the rifle corps regiment to 1. On our right D'Erlon's I corps make a probing attack on Papelotte. No damage to the Nassauers(?). Otherwise quiet. The french army is moving up in the center!
  2. Ok our long awaited game is here. We will be playing something I call Waterloo 1.1 which included some changes; -Blucher now arrives with strength 5 instead of 10 -Adjacent penalty now 1 instead of 0 -Prussian starting position moved west to make them join the action on historical time. -French La Marck regiment deleted. -English units at Hougoumont-woods, Papelotte, La Haie, La Haye Sainte now entrenched. That was unfortunately over-looked in the 1.0 version. -City of Braine l’Alleud now included on the far british right. That means Aubreme’s and Detmer’s brigades arrive at the start instead of turn 16. -Base now give 50 and objectives 10 Morale points. -Mon Plasir, Rosomme and some other farms changed to give 10 Morale Points. -Entrenchment changed to 4 for forrests, 1 for crests and 8 for village, base, objectives and farms. This will hopefully increase the british defensive capability. -England starts with an initial morale points base so they can rally on the first turn. I play France and Noknok plays the allies. Vive l'Emperuer!!!
  3. tcp/ip is the name of the game. Waterloo 1.1 the scenario. come on!
  4. Is it only me that find this a completly pointless thread. We have no idea how the game he plays works. What rules etc, is it the ole dont wait for kiev-pocket go directly for Moscow thing or maybe something else? Either way I dont see how we can give him any useful tips.
  5. Hey! I have credentials . - Fixed a Properties dialog bug that revealed partially hidden unit research levels under FoW (Bromley) - Fixed a bug that reduced Battleship/Cruiser attacks across river tiles (Bromley) - Fixed a fortification completion error that caused erroneous completion dates (Terif, Bromley) [Plus one other pretty interesting one that wasn't mentioned ] You're probably right. I don't have a problem with the jokes, although whoever set up the false BioWizard email a/c went too far IMO. I interpreted Kuni's post as an attempt to string it out. If I was wrong, I apologise to him. </font>
  6. Desert Dave; Let me see if I understand this. You are angry because Biowizard sent threats to Rambo and now want to blame it on vveedd? vveed: Are you biwizard?
  7. I also like the map as this is getting nearer to what a sc2 corps-sized game should look like. With no stacking its a bit too small though(but not much) and I really think people should look at my battle of russia map - my own mod is the closest to a corps-sized sc2 mod Ive seen so far. Not mean to brag as this one is good too.
  8. Bromley? Broom? I see you registred early on but you never belonged to the old guard. I don't remember seeing you play sc1 or contributing one thing to the development of this game. Now you want to bully me and JJ because you can't be the sc stud you want? Come on man I'm beginning to think that you run that parents association fan club.
  9. I can't see sc2 beeing violent at all. What I find more disturbing is the conduct of some players around here. I dont know if it's this thread that caused Biowizard to jump me. I guess he became angry because I raised the issue??? :confused: Anyway he kept sending weird e-mails ato Rambo(as I understand both anonymous threats and others) with anti-USA propaganda and sexual invites. No wonder parents will act seeing all this trash talk on the board. What Ive got to do with the Biowizard-Tao Jah-Rambo war that is beyond me to understand. Anyway, maybe its this paraental organisation that is trying to "frame him"??? :confused: Well no point discussing this anymore. I doubt this parent organisation is even for real... [ March 09, 2007, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]
  10. Tunatamaker! Can you tell us a bit more how this wargame/simulation is constructed?
  11. Stalin's organ. You remind me a lot of Les the Sarge. You two the same?
  12. they dont seem to have supply 0 of weed it seems...puff the magic dragon if ya catch my drift Drug-propaganda is nothing we want here..
  13. This guy is unbelievable. Ive heard several people saying he send e-mails calling people fascist or posting anti-Usa and anti-swedish stuff. I can't believe this!!!!!! :eek:
  14. How rude. I think guy oughta be banned. For god sake there are children hanging around here!!!!!
  15. I don't think this kind of behaviour should be allowed in here.
  16. game over. French victory. Interesting game, probably need to boost allies just a bit. Maybe make it harder to capture buildings.
  17. 18.50 Prince William of Prussia and Blucher killed in action. Prussian advances halted by furious french resistance. Unexperienced prussian units die in droves before the Old Guard. Napoleon command the forces from Plancenoit.
  18. 18.10 Clashes north of Plancenoit. Garde Imperial hurt the prussians. Prussian cavalry reaches outskirts of Mont St Jean.
  19. 17.30 Battle for Mont St Jean continues. British commander Picton and Uxbridge killed. No engagements yet with the prussians. They better capture an objective soon or allies will lose.
  20. 16.50 Prussians move on Plancenoit. Slow advance in the center, soon we will have mont st jean.
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