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Everything posted by Kuniworth

  1. Kuniworth(axis) lost to Waltero(allies) bid 150. To much mistakes in the beginning made me concede. :mad:
  2. That would make the polish campaign more realistic
  3. Gamble and enjoy the ride. May the force be with ya...if youre facin Rambo that is.
  4. There really should be a limit on where you can unload troops. I mean invading some of the norweigan Fiord-areas should be impossible
  5. You crack me up Rambo, no excuses when you lose BE A MAN
  6. Well Denmark took 4 hours and just some stukas cirkling above Copenhagen. If you will change Norway so must Denmark.
  7. Oh christ not this identity accusations again. Rambo you lost, live with it. Remember what I've told you. You're no longer the best, deal with it.
  8. Interestin...this is good to know
  9. Jersey; Didnt have time to read all the stuff but I hope you realise that this chnage would make Britain extremley weak.
  10. May 1940. 3rd army captures Stockholm, but no end of the war in Scandinavia in sight. XVI panzer corps takes Marseille. Richelieu BB down to 1 outside Kiel. Gneisenau will propably go down next turn.
  11. Oh yes, Mr Kuniworth is rushin up in the total post league. In one week he has posted 119 posts!!! Now 294...yes yes yes...Ive got no free time anymore. Btw JerseyJohn Im not gay. Wohaa yippikayaye
  12. We agreed to continue by PBEM. Alright its now april 28th. Last turn PK concetrated his attacks against my panzergroups in France and sustained heavy damage. Western Front; France defensive line is breach and the remnants of the french forces retreats towards Paris. Allied 4th and 5th french armies abandon the Maginot line and rushes to take position outside the Capitol. They are attacked by Reichenaus 10th and Kluge's 4th army virtually wipin them out. German scouts can see the Eiffel-tower!!!! Gamelin are relieved and replaced by DeGaulle. The Maginotline is destroyed by the XIX panxercorps. 3rd french army still holds the northern part of it totallt cut off. 14th german army launch an attack scratching the defenders. JUTLAND; German airforce combines with taskforce Scharnhorst wipin out Rodney and the mighty Hood. Royal Navys pride lays on the bottom of the sea outside Kiel. However the french fleet includin BB Richelieu and crusiers Dunquerkue and Strasbourg moves from belgian coast to join the action. SWEDEN; Rundstedt try to break the deadlock by attackin Stockholm. Some success, 50 000 swedish soldiers die, 30 000 still defend the capitol. German II Corps retreats southward from the landing in Gävle north of Stockholm to connect with Rundstedts troops. The men are completly exhausted. The fight in Sweden is still even. New commander in chief for the Wehrmacht; Brauchitch replaced by Walter Model as chief of staff. Fightin spirit is said to be needed if the war is to be won. Hitler is pleased. Losses so far Allies; 14 landunits, 1 airfleet, 5 BB and CA Axis; 1 landunit, 1 uboat [ January 15, 2003, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]
  13. Konstantin what is your nick at the matrix forums?
  14. Hey in spring 1942(an axis & allies online club) they got something they call the GOA corner. That is a place where the General of the Army(GOA), highest ranked player gets a chance to post his strategies, thoughts and views on the game. It´s a great help for newbies. Cant Zapsweden introduce something like this to the ladder he got. I would like to have a sticky thread in where only the topside players can post. No replies from other players. This would work like help to newbies as well as improvin gameplay in the community. Can you arrange this with Moon, Zap??
  15. Everyone here should read my thread "Russian OOB and unit size"
  16. Seawolf I hear your talk about Germany havin most bombers in 1940 all the time. How do you count then, with divebombers? Do you include old soviet airplanes??
  17. I agree the axis should be toast after 1943. However its my strongest belief that when the axis couldnt conquer Russia before the winter - the war in the east was lost.
  18. A baltic gambit combined with Huesterics genious Taranto move and the Low-country gambit ´can be a game killer.
  19. Yes this is untrue, readiness goes down a bit but nothing you cant live with. Im playin Huesteric right now and he pulled this Taranto invasion on me. At the meantime my italian fleet are stuck and cannot move so Royal Navy pretty much hold the cards here. I think its brilliant. The interesting thing is that the allied player can decide how big his own losses should be. To dislodge those two corps the axis player needs to move down german/italian troops without much airsupport which will take forever to win. Not to mention the operational movement costs for armies and the british gain from holdin Taranto. And in the meantime the Italian navy will be crushed and the british can if the situation turns bad on the italian mainland simply disembark from Taranto and sail home. Without losing much and tying up enemy forces. Impressive Huesteric. There is two thing to do here; 1. An interesting thing to do could be to do go on the offensive yourself sendin some troops down to egypt/Malta. However with the current bidding system this is pretty much impossible as the british seem to get an extra corps from it. And an invasion force may very well be spotted by the british BB:s. 2. The other thing you can do is hit France hard in the south as this is the allies only truely weak point. This may speed up France's downfall. Huesteric plays it well. Maybe this will turn balance once again to the allied side. I always thought that there were to few really good allied players outthere and thats why we got a bidding system. I believe Huesteric agrees with my thoughts too. I thought about the same thing Brian does. If these two gambits, in the Low countries and Taranto could be combined with the remaing Royal Navy leading an invasion of northern Germany, axis would be in a sea of problem. Maybe perhaps a gamekiller. France would probably hold out for much longer in any case. [ January 15, 2003, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]
  20. Kuniworth signs in. Playin against me will be to the end, this is total war now. Clubber Lang(Kunis alterego says); I want Rambo, you hear me??? You tell Rambo Im comin, nothing can stop me. Im going after him you tell him!!!
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