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Posts posted by Voxman

  1. Hello MM,

    Thank you for your timely response to my question.

    May I enquire as to why you feel a "Must Grab" item such as the Terrain Grid is not worthy to be placed in the game under the 'Hot Key' function for those of us that wish to use it.

    I was hoping to use the default game mods, rather than counting on other people to do BFCs job.



    Originally posted by Madmatt:

    We will not be adding a grid line option but I am sure a mod for them, just like in CMBO, will be made soon enough.


  2. Hello BTS,

    Could you please include "Terrain Grid Lines" in your first patch for BTS. Perhaps, you could add the command to the HotKeys.

    It does not seem like a difficult thing to add to the game and would enhance Play considerably.

    I believe MadMatts download website called the "Grid Lines" mod a "Must Grab" for CM players, so I am surprised it has not been included in the default programming of the game.

    A response from BTS management would be appreciated.



  3. Hi,

    I noticed in both scenario's the colours appear very desert like.

    Is it a desert in Russia ?

    In addition, the screen seems to dark, compared to CMBO.

    The control panel movement arrows are difficult to see, perhaps they could make them a red colour so they stand out more.


    [ September 02, 2002, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Voxman ]

  4. Hello,

    Very difficult to see the dark pictures

    Originally posted by Gyrene:

    Finally my first tank mod!

    It's the basic T34 texture from the demo but after many tweaks and some "dirtyfying"

    I'll have it up for download after I sort my FTP trouble to my web space (Or if someone wants to host this in a better place I'm all for it.)


    Hope you like it.


  5. Good work,

    I do not know how you modders do this stuff so fast !

    I couldn't

    Originally posted by Gyrene:

    Not a big mod, but a mod in any case.

    When I first saw the very early rubble preview pictures I threatened to make a new rubble texture as soon as the game was out; well I couldn't go to sleep before I did, so here it is:


    If you like it, you can download it here .

    I'll do one for the rubble doodad as soon as I figure out how.

    Btw, thank you BFC for ditiching the Resource File ball and chain from the Mac version! Previewing each new fix on the mod was a breeze this time!


  6. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    There's no way it deserves an Oscar.

    We Were Soldiers was at least better than Black Hawk Down, which really had nothing too significant to say other than "hoo-ah" and "war sucks."[/QB]

    BHD was typical Americano military spew put to film.

    Mike you wouldn't know a good movie ( or women ) if it fell on your face and wiggled.

    Mike, just please don't tell me you think the Calgary Highlanders are better than the Ottawa Highlanders, just please don't do it man!

    The Mel Gibson movie was a loser, the makers of the film have already admitted what the problems are and that they regret making it. They got killed at the box office.

    The key problem they site is the battle scenes were not as good as "Black Hawk Down"....NO ****

    The battle scene in When We Were Soldiers were pathetic to the extreme.

    When I went to see "Gladiator" I wanted to see a Gladiator flick and got it!

    When I went to see "Mel Gibson" I wanted to see a good war flick. Instead I got crappy battle scenes. PERIOD!

    To the Americano's reading this ,,,,,,TOUGH!

    Go blow up Iraq again and watch it on TV, now that's Entertainment smile.gif

    I rate it TWO Thumbs Down!!



    [ August 31, 2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Voxman ]

  7. Originally posted by zee:

    Voxman either u have Very bad taste , and dont like war movies.. or ur just a prick.

    the movie was very good and i hope it wins an academy award for it well deserved.

    Zee the only movie worse than that this year was the Black Hawk Down.

    Did you see it ?

    It reminded me of the old cowboy and Indian movies where the wagons would circle and the Indians would be dopey enough to ride around and around until shot. If you have seen these bad westerns you saw Black Hawk Down.

    However, a good war movie was "Saving Private Ryan".

  8. Saw the movie, real stinker.

    There a three VHS tape with interviews with many of the real people involed in the battle including Moore and the reporter. Ten times better than the movie.

    Bad battle scenes and hoaky acting killed it. I liked the Sgt. Majoy though, very funny!



  9. Did either side have Naval Gun support during the war ?

    If so, is it expected in CMBB ?



    BTW: M. Dorosh, I know you have been warned to stay off of my threads.....so i do not want to see your strange face around this one !

    [ August 25, 2002, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: Voxman ]

  10. CM : Korean War seems like a do-able program at some point in the future.

    The weapons were not so modern that it is just lock and fire like modern warfare.

    The terrain in Korea was quite good for this type of scenario, along with several armies and their various equipment.

    Let me know what you think about this, both the Pro's and Con's !!

    Best Regards,


    p.s. M. Dorosh is requested NOT to post on this thread, thank you!

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