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walpurgis nacht

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Everything posted by walpurgis nacht

  1. Yes, I can see there is a problem here. But it is eased somewhat if your squads are located pretty closely together so that they have much the same angle on the thing. </font>
  2. I was expecting such crass, useless commentary in response to what I said. My boys, you are all very clever, and it is obvious that you think very highly of yourselves, but this isn't the place for it. There is a lot of interesting, usefull thought that can be found here about CM, and this constant "Peng" bull**** is always bumping the important thought down the ladder. And about the "speaking". English, is my 3rd of 6 languages, but I know it well enough to know that you understand what I mean. Boo, you have said, "We are always here, we are always watching". Yes, you ARE always here, but how is it that you are always watching? I guess it depends on what you say you are watching but I can find absolutely nothing usefull regarding CM in ANYTHING you've said.
  3. I don't understand. What the hell does any of this have to do with CMBB? Seems to me you're all much more interested in masturbating your egos in this forum. Like to hear yourselves speak do ya? FIND A PRIVATE CHAT ROOM!
  4. I absolutely love the addition of cover arcs in CMBB! But, using them to ambush is of limited value, and can actually get you into some serious trouble. You cannot exactly match the arcs, so when the ambush trap is sprung, I find that only a squad or 2 open up. Often times, MY abushing squads get waxed because they don't spring together. This is ridiculous. I wonder if including the old Ambush command would be possible in the patch? Or at least give the ambushing platoon HQ the ability to trigger the ENTIRE platoon!
  5. That would kick ASS at this point. I don't know . . . I've been trying and trying and trying and trying, but I'm just not my dysfunctional, compulsive self about playing CMBB. I'm still liking CMBO better for the sake of game play. CMBB is better historically, more diverse, and more realistic . . . . and I HAVE given it a good go (takes a while to like what you're not familiar with). Anyway, how about a CMBO unit expansion pack, that includes all the units from CMBB! Ok, it will never happen. . . but that would be nice!
  6. This is a little of the topic of purchase points, but why does virtually anyone that writes about the Tiger in CMBO point out that it is useless? I bought these guys all the time in QBs and they kicked arse . . . both on defense and offense. Yes, they are slow . . . but tough . . . ALL around, which made up for their lazy speed. What was I missing? The only thing that ever gave me trouble was a late Churchill. And Mr. Void . .. you really need a Xanex.
  7. Just remember that, "No one ever put up a statue of a critic" - Jean Sibelius
  8. Oh come on, it's "gamey" to use a game to simulate WWII silly! Whether it *feels* right on the surface or not, any action taken to victory in this game is "gamey". A good game takes care of loop holes, and this one isn't exactly profound. I only wanted to know if the casualties, or final score were exceptionally effected by the loss of an HQ. Sounds like they are, but V, could you explain in greater detail?
  9. I save 1-3 HQs to fill in for any platoon HQ casulaties I may have, but in a QB on offense, I'm in the habit of using "extra" HQ units as scouts. They often die. My question is: Does the loss of HQs have a more profound effect on the "casualites" element, or "final score", than regular units?
  10. How is it that, for example, a captured PanzerIVF, with a 75mm gun, is able to be used by the Russians that did not have this type of gun. Did the Russians set up special factories to produce shells for captured equipment? I don't think so. But since I'm sure this game is accurate, would someone explain how this worked to me? Thanks, j
  11. Something to consider is the turrent speed of the T-34. 1 stugIIIF against 2 t-34s (1941) is toast if you use the russian armor correctly. So numbers is key, and by december 1941, lend/lease was beginning to have serious impact. The russians were to have the numbers . . .
  12. Would someone do me the favor, humbly if possible, of explaining what they mean by "death clock"? In reading the posts I assume it refers to armor that actually isn't "knocked out", rather, overwhelmed by fire and scared the crew into abandoning. Is this correct?
  13. I tried to find Matt's email, but there isn't a link in the "about us" section. Where do I find his email?
  14. I screwed that up last reply up (I have to practice how to use the quotes here, lol). Michael: Yes, I'm sure it's a printer thing, because I had a CM buddy of mine scan and email me the missing pages, which he of course had. Do you know who I should contact about this? Thanks, jesse
  15. But not the pages he mentions, SFAIK. This is an error by the printer and has come up before. Michael</font>
  16. I emailed them back at feedback@bigtimessoftware.com (from pp.252 in the manual), and I have heard nothing! Is there a better place to send that email?
  17. What's the deal? I received my copy of CMBB maybe 3 weeks ago. I'm missing pages:34-35,38-39,42-43,46-47,50-51,54-55,58-59,62-63. I know many of the people a regularly play with have the complete manual. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I've written BF and I haven't heard back, but I need a COMPLETE manual. This game is too fantastic to not have all the info.
  18. P5. Agreed! But, scenarios don't seem to give me as much trouble. The AI is not as smart. I've only felt the time issue effects the QBs I play against other humans. You have to be MUCH more careful against a skilled player to win. This takes time!
  19. "Umm, change from 30 to 40 or 45 turns at the start" Yeah yeah tough-guy. No need for the obvious answer. How about those 5000 point monsters then? If the map is massive, even 60 turns doesn't seem to come close to allowing for the appropriate time to set up the excellent cover-fire necessary to assualt effectively? Because the infantry hit the dirt so quickly, the attacker first needs to establish armor superiority, then it needs to have MGs, mortars, and arty set up to suppress with cover fire, and by the time this is done well, a good 10 turns has usually past (of course it depends on terrain). So that doesn't give you a lot of time to "discover" enemy MG and Infantry positions. I LOVE the realism of the infantry movement in CMBB, but it slows down the pace of the game (which I still don't mind), and that is not accounted for in rounds.
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