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Posts posted by tracer

  1. I was playing a QB, and chose some Somau S-35s,(captured french tanksby the germans}. I noticed that there were some problems with the model bmps, 8560-8573. I ran a search in the CMBB forum, and did not find that there has been a post done on it. Well, anyway, part of the top turrent is missing, some fender is missing, along with some other stuff, just figure I'd post it in case no one was aware of the prob

  2. Yes Gautrek is right, people have really helped me out with tips and feed back. One thing I found out. I get into modding now so much, that haven't been playing the game as much. You start out, and before you know it hours have gone by and you don't even notice. And if I have a question, I jump over to the forum and ask, and in about a couple of minutes, I check back and 99% of the time, someone has helped me out. I was going to start on a mod, but can't figure out what to mod, anyone have any ideas??

  3. Yes, I understand what Bullethead is saying. The only thing I can't figure out is, well just learning about modding, and when I try to get the dirt and grim on a mod and I look at it in the game, it looks out of place, I agree with MrNoobie, everything else looks to nice and green. I was working on the grass to try to give it a more green dirt type effect, but do to my not having enough experience at modding yet, it is a slow process to do.

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