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Posts posted by tracer

  1. Well I tried to add some snow texture to the areas where smow might build up. I tried to layer it but it looked stupid to have a transparent snow that would realy cover up things like the hatch seams and such. I tried using some pictures of modern tanks with snow on them that I had taken while I was in germany.I will work on it and try to get it right. And thabks for the feed back, it really helps when people tell what they see can improve a tank. And no that's not a low res, it is a pic I took of the tank in a winter night scenario, so it is a little dark.

  2. I didn't know any other way to reach all the modders, I just wanted to say thanks for all the help you guys have given me on modding, like tips and other helpful info. I'm new at this, and sometimes it was real fustrating, but I could always ask for help here at the forum and I would always get a answer to my question. Thanks again, and maybe one day I might be able to help someone else who is wanting to mod and runs into problems.

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