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Posts posted by tracer

  1. I spend a lot of time in europe, visiting family and friends, and also relic hunting on eastern front battlefields. My grandfather was a big collector of firearms, he was a major in WW2, "well the rights of the victor"he aquired a lot of things including, armor,swords,WW2 weapons and articles, even WW1 things,including other things like antique furniture and the like alot of those things were donated to war museums, And some of the things I was given. That is how my interests in WW2 were sparked, I remeber some of the HMGs he had in his collection, he had several, (which these are deactivated) and are now in war meseums. I have a uncle who has a stuart tank, and yes the guns are deactivated, don't get concerned, LOL, strange though the rest of my family are'nt interested in the stuff my father collects coins. I guess I was the odd ball.

  2. I have both games, and I play them both. CMBO, when first loaded the graphics and models are'nt so hot compared to CMBB, but they have tons of mods to download to really bring it up to speed as far as looks go, if you would like to check some out, Mad Matt as a big selection at www.combatmission.com as far as game play goes, CMBB has a lot more improvements over CMBO due to the fact that it is based on a new game engine, but I think that CMBO,even being out as long as it has, still out rates all the games in the same game type of simulation. Also CMBO deals with the western front where as CMBB with the eastern. If you like CMBB, you will most likely like CMBO. Some people will disagree with me,but there are a lot more who will not. And also the support from Battlefront can't be beat, I'm sure you realize this already from reading the forum. And as far as command control goes in CMBB compared to CMBO, CMBo has some of the same commands as CMBB, but in CMBB they have added more like covered arc, assault,and the one thing I like is the Vehicles( like tanks platoons) can be given all the same commands, just by double clicking the HQ tank, were as in CMBO this feature is not present, Well I hope this helps you in making a decision.

  3. Oh one more thing, like I said before this is not the place for this my apologies to Battlefront and other fellow forum users, but I had to open my mouth and not let people think that all of us from the south think the klan at anytime were " upstanding people of the community" From now on CMBB issues only, again my apologies

  4. To Micheal emrys,

    I to was born and raised here in the south, but thank god I haven't come to the believe that the Klan were at one time upstanding people when in fact they were nothing but terrorist, who oppressed the blacks, and anyone else who did'nt follow thier believes, they are biggots and racist and give the south a bad name, and also make people who live here look like ignorant hill billy's, and that is fact, and history proves this

  5. I thought to say something about the age of the mainboard, if you need a mainboard and processor let me know, since your a fello CMer, I can get you a real good deal on the pair. If i remember correctly, not looking at my files I can get AMD Athlon XP 1800+ for about $80, and a mainboard to supprt it for about the same price as the CPU, CPU runs at about 1.533MHZ and has a performance rating at around 2gigs

  6. don't know much about how the Klan is organized now, but through most of its history it contained many of the "pillars of the community", bankers, businessmen, lawmen, etc. It was slightly like a Masons' Lodge in that it was more or less necessary to belong in order to have the "proper" connections in the community and to get ahead.

    I really don't think this is the place for this but man you must be from the "nort foe sur"

    they are idiots and more lol

  7. Well I aquired the nice little shooter as a parts kit per BATF standards, and after some tinkering well it now works, only as a nonfiring per BATF rules mind you (HEH HEH) I even got it shooting 9mm, I picked up a repro conversion kit that was reproduced off of the german conversion kit that the germans used after they captured the weapon from the russians, a barrel and clip conversion that will let a MP40 clip be used, And thanks for the info bout the sling modding I know its just eye candy, but it did look kinda strange.

  8. Sigurd, well I guess your right there are people here in the south that keep harping about the civil war, you would think they would be over it by now. Anyway, don't rub it in about being able to get to those battlefields easier ;) I tell you what there are tons of relics there in the former east germany, I think when the germans and there allies in the Kurland pocket finally were told that the war was over they just took off the gear and threw it in whatever crater they happened to be walking by.

  9. Great mod, one more thing, I was wondering if you would be so kind with your modding expertise, to maybe be able to give me some tips on modding I'm using paint shop pro 7 and if you cuold e-mail me some tips at www,rbellerose419@yahoo.com I really like moddimg I'm working on a tiger camo mod for CMBB but it is a slow process and I would like my first mod to be a good one, if you have the time I would be grateful

  10. Siqurd, How old are your friends, I just came back from, europe, visiting family and Relic hunting (WW2 items) and I really don't know of many of the people of the younger people there, 20s to 40, that have very much resentment from the WW2 era. Now if you talk to the older Vets of WW2 they all say they fought on the eastern front,[guess because I'm american] I did'nt show anyone CMBB, to busy, but I to speak german, read and write, and speak french (cant read or write it) and I talk to a lot of older people there about the war, I have done a lot of hunting in the Zwiebrucken germany and Metz france area in the pass. This time I went to the former east germany and hunted around the Kurland pocket area.

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