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Sol Invictus

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Everything posted by Sol Invictus

  1. Yeah, those games were great; if you didnt finish the game your children could take over after they grew up.
  2. I'm with you Wagner, I never have PBEM; never thought it would be any fun. I will certainly want to play TP/ICP head to head. I think that would be a blast. If I PBEM until that is doable, I solemnly swear never to cheat in any way. I despise cheaters. I could never understand how anyone could derive satisfaction by cheating. Playing this game against a breathing human will be so much fun.
  3. I remember when I was in High School that I always wanted to buy one of those SPI MONSTER games but I just never had the room. Now that I'm older and own my own house; well I still dont have the room. Beside, my cat would have a party on the map and eat my glorious units.
  4. I think it is safe to say that Hitler and Stalin could not remain friendly neighbors and that war was inevitable between them. I think Stalin must have been shocked that the war in France was concluded so quickly. I agree with Mike, war was coming between Germany and Russia in '42-'43 one way or another. When I play Germany, I will be praying that Russia will stay calm untill '42; by then I should be ready for the hurricane of fire in the East.
  5. Allies '39, just to get that out of the way so I can play the game I am really looking forward to, Axis '39. Panzers East!
  6. I think it was Stalin but I'm not sure. Sounds like something a Russian would say though and I agree.
  7. I am not entirely clear on the War in Siberia option. If you enable that option, does that mean that there is no possibility of Russia getting those far-east forces at all. I thought it just meant that there was a random chance that they would be transfered.
  8. Well it has been said that mass has a quality all of it's own. You just have to find that magical but elusive balance and all will be well.
  9. I played two campaigns as the Axis tonight and Malta seems to be a viable option but it is expensive for the poor Italian navy. The damn demo always ends just as I'm about to capitalize on my conquest. Only around a werk more and I can realize the benefits of my machinations for European conquest. There doesnt appear to be a compelling reason to capture Malta in this game but as an old 3R gamer I feel like it is my duty to at least attempt it once. I dont ever remeber capturing Malta in a game of 3R.
  10. Just mail me $1000 and I will run a copy up to you. I havent visited your charming country in years.
  11. My God your anxious, I havent even thought of attacking Russia in the demo. Plenty of time for that in a week or so.
  12. Ah, you know it must be a great game when it can ignite such a passionate debate.
  13. Its all going to come down to timing, as it always does, Is it Aug 5th yet?
  14. Yeah I'm looking forward to HOI and Trench. I liked the old Avalon Hill game Guns of August, hopefully Trench will be a similar experience.
  15. I plan on dealing with 'Perfidious Albion' by the indirect approach. A direct invasion of England is fraught with great risks and my Landsers dont like getting their feet wet. I will hopefully be able to start the invasion of France a month or two earlier than was historical and thus end it around May. This should give me a full year before I have to worry about Russia. Taking Gibraltar first would make the Medditeranean an Italian lake, but without the cooperation of the Spanish, I doubt it would be possible. I will therefore go all out against Malta as soon as France falls. If I remain resolute, I am certain that vicrory will be mine. After the fall of Malta, all efforts will be directed aginst Suez.At some point, hopefully before but surely after the fall of Suez, the Spanish will look kindly on a possible alliance. This will seal Gibraltars fate and seriously cripple England. If all goes well, and it always does in war, I will then be confronted in the first half of 1941 with being only at war with an impotent England and have at my side a very secure and confident Italy and a very grateful Spain. I will give Spain Gibraltar as soon as the war is over, I promise. It is at this point that a decision will have to be made on whether to finish the English question or let them whither on the vine while I go after the Russians. I would prefer to finish off England but I doubt Russia will just sit around and watch me finish the conquest of the European landmass. Either way, I should be in a good position to go in either direction. Piece of cake.
  16. I could wait no longer, ordered today.
  17. Madison, Forgotten Soldier, excellent book. You just have to feel for those poor Germans on the Russian front during the later part of the war. Fubarno, well when your talking naval strategy I think the United States did aquit itself very well in WW2. Of course it helps when you have broken the enemies code but then that's all part of the game. Midway was a classic battle.
  18. Randell, I wasnt saying the American Military is and always has been completely incompetent. We have almost always had the luxury of almost unlimited resources and have been glad to throw them at anyone who has opposed us. Nothing wrong with that, if you can afford it; and America can. The Germans called it Materialschlacht. The Gulf War is hardly a good example to showcase Americas genius for war. We essentially pulverized the Iraqis with overwhelming airpower and sent in the Army to take prisoners. The result would have been the same if we went straight in. You must admit, the Iraqis were not a top notch military organization. As a former Artillery Officer in the U. S Army and a lifelong, avid reader of military history, I feel I have a fairly good idea about the history of the American application of military power. Again, mine wasnt a slam on the U. S Army, it is just my opinion that the U. S. Army is usually not very subtle in the application of force.
  19. Well after more play and poring over old posts, I have found that my fears that Malta will be a cakewalk are unfounded. It is the exact opposite, this is a good thing.
  20. I'm afraid I must agree with Husky, the American military hasnt used finesse since the war with Mexico. The Anerican Civil War set the pattern for the U.S. Military from that time to now. The massive application of overwhelming firepower and industrial might is a sure warwinner. You gotta go with your strenghts, and operational and strategic military genius has not been one of them.
  21. The short front does present problems but this models the Quattara Depression fairly well. I think that the first time I play the Axis my main stategy after the fall of France will be a Malta then Suez push. I find that to be one of the most tantalizing what-ifs of WW2. It all depends on what the probabilities of an aggressive Russia are and whether there will be time to complete it before Russia stirs. It wouldnt require a major committment of force so the risks should be acceptable whether Russia attacks or not. God this game is going to be fun. The key will be what the chances of Russia striking first are. It is a minor consideration. :eek:
  22. Well I have found that they dont do so well attacking cities, duh. Like Manteuffel said, best use is to exploit a breakthrough with their movement range. France is very constricted but tanks should really come into their own on the steppes of Old Mother Russia.
  23. The stacking of navies was actually a minor point as the effect of not being able to stack on Malta was my main concern. Just seems like Malta will be much easier to take than it should be. Guess you could always post an infantry unit there and keep a carrier close but that is a poor substitute. I realize it is Hurbert, just being a little familiar for some reason. Certainly no offense meant.
  24. I understand the resons why ground units cant stack and dont have a problem with that; I even can live with the fact that air units cant stack with ground units; what I would like to see though is naval units being able to stack. I dont like a fleet taking up so much ocean. This seems like it would be an easy thing to pull off and it would be much better to move them as a group. The only instance that I see, by playing the demo, where not being able to stack land and air units could be a problem, is Malta. I am very keen to try to go all out for Suez at least once as the Axis and I will want to capture Malta in preparation for that. Seems like Malta may be an easy target without being able to base both land and air elements there. Maybe I'm missing something or things will be different in the final game. Time will tell. This seems like it will be a very enjoyable game and I cant wait to get my final copy. Hats off to Herbie!
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