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Everything posted by Poobear

  1. But who would ever sell it! :eek: cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1374437889
  2. Yes it is. It almost took off that one guys (Donnie Whalberg?) nuts! [ August 21, 2002, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Poobear ]
  3. Hmm......I distinctly recall seeing Blucher unhorsed at Ligny in this movie and towards end there are several hundred Prussians depicted (how could you miss Steigers extreme over-acting at news that Prussians have arrived !!) As always other movies I like (historical ropeyness not withstanding) which are not already mentioned are Hell Is For Heroes Bridge At Remagen Kellys Heroes Longest Day Patton Young Lions Of course Cross Of Iron is still the best but then I may be tad biased Cheers</font>
  4. Yes if it werent those heroic Nazis, errr I ment politically incorrect Germans those dastardly Polish would have taken over the world!
  5. Yeah, I was gonna give Braveheart 5 stars for visual (battles) quality lowered to 3 stars for historical correctness (or lack of) but then I thought about Mel Gibson in a kilt (boy is he cute!) and moved it back up to 5 stars!
  6. Battlefront now has an official mascot... introducing "The Official Peng Bunny" (\_/) (O.O) (")(") Ok, so it's a work in process!
  7. A Tiger just killed my Stuart at 100 yards w/ a rear armor penetration hit! Boo-hoo. When will BTS stop this madness??? :eek:
  8. Ahh come on. How can you call a movie about Waterloo that doesn't have single Prussian soldier in it a great movie! :mad: Waterloo the movie is a typical Anglicised version of history that completely neglects the largest army in the field (Prussian!) during the 100 day campaign. Garbage! Phoowee! While on films... (Poobears Movie Ratings) Saving Ryans Privates ***** Winter War *** A Bridge Too Far *** When Trumpets Fade ** Band Of Brothers ***** Enemy at The Gates * (yuck) Stalingrad ** over-rated Das Boot **** Platoon *** Full Metal Jacket **** Braveheart ***** Longest Day ** Battle o Britain *** Waterloo *1/2 ...in my worthless opinion! [ August 19, 2002, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: Poobear ]
  9. And these are for the War toy freaks... www.michtoy.com/MTSCnewSite/Updated_newrelease_folder/new_action_figure.html
  10. Ok, so this really doesn't have much to do w/ CM, except I know that alot of you here are python fans. Check these out. www.koolcollectablesusa.com/sideshow/python.html
  11. Interesting. In the first infantry pic. 1 Russian soldier appears to be armed w/ the magazine fed self-loading rifle (name? Svt?) while the rest have the older bolt-action types. Cool! :cool:
  12. Die. Do not pass GO, do not collect a Sod Off, just die</font>
  13. Die. Do not pass GO, do not collect a Sod Off, just die</font>
  14. Die. Do not pass GO, do not collect a Sod Off, just die</font>
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