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Everything posted by Jollyguy

  1. I can't remember, if we do the 1.04 patch my recollection is that 1.03 games in progress will still work, you'll just get a prompt each time you load that you're using an earlier version? Have some good 1.03 games going, would hate to screw them up by downloading 1.04. Thanks. Bob
  2. The Russians leave their trenchlines in the Caucusses and take out a German level three tank and two armies. In Turkey a german tank, the leading unit, is destroyed, but in general the Allies fall back. In the Med the RN and USN reduce the Gibralter port and flood into the Med, while Casablanca falls after aircraft carriers support a landing. Asia is all Japanese. This is where I think I could do much better next game, as Colin is benefitting from my poor Chinese defense. Regardless of how this one turns out I want one more go as Allies before I take Colin on with me as Axis. I've got enough seasoning under my belt now to give a better showing, although perhaps I'll do an Axis game now, and then when this first game is done he'll go Axis again. Still discovering nuances to this game like crazy.
  3. Game A) USN and RN weigh anchor, upgraded to deal w/advanced subs and in fighting trim. No sooner do they venture out into the Atlantic do they encounter several level 3 subs fanned out fairly near the US coast. They are at fairly low supply while the Allied fleets are packed to the gills with provisions, three or four subs are sunk in quick order. An upgraded Italian BB is sunk at anchor in Lisbon, while scouts, some weakened RN cruisers that were never repaired, spot a level 4 Luftwaffe in England; minor troops in France, and the Wehrmact in West Africa. Lisbon is bombarded to prevent operating and prep for possible landing, same for the Gibralter port. In a anomolous tactic for Rambo he has spilt his navy over several fronts, as the Italian navy was spotted supporting a DOW on the peace loving Greeks, while the Kriegsmarine is bombarding Finland and Stalingrad. In the Middle East Stalins new best friends, the Turks, continue to dig in, while the Russians liberate Iraq and eye Syria and Jordan next. Only one German level 3 tank and supporting HQ is spotted in the vicinity, not enough to deal with the massed Russians coming their way. The Japanese continue to inch into Russian territory, meeting no more resistance as all Russian units were operated away after the tit-for-tat battle in western China, where the Japanese ended up as the last men standing. Meanwhile, the Vladivostok theatre will collapse soon, under the weight of Japanese combined arms. The best the brave defenders can do is buy time over the winter, maybe another turn or two. Chinese partisans keep the occupiers busy, with up to three cities garrisoned and supporting the resistance movement. Russia digs in, still holding a broad oval from Leningrad to Stalingrad, but the Germans will certainly take the Caucusses during the coming summer campaign, thanks to General Jollyguystov's mistake of not realizing the value of protecting the rail lines. The US and RN fleets have yet to make an appearance, but are building up. Game Russia holds a broad front against the Germans, while the Russians in Manchuria dig in, but the Chinese allies in the center of their country are close to surrender, which after the capital is moved west will leave only western China to carry on the cause. The USN and RN have yet to make an appearance.
  4. The British navy sails back into their home waters full steam ahead. The RN was shamefaced at having to retreat from Doenitz’s raiders, who had been told that they could change the tide of the war…and were almost right. The British were tired of drills back at the Colonies, including Boston where those damned rebels once tossed the King’s perfectly good tea into the harbor. RN destroyers ram sub-after-sub, and the ones that don’t dive take considerable damage, as they are all at very low supply after wintering in the North Sea. Two and maybe three subs (I can’t remember, it was quite the running battle) are finished off by carriers. Other ships move into blocking positions, to bottle-up three more subs, and a Kriegsmarine cruiser and BB in the Irish sea. Spotters in England report those ships are also at very low supply, 1 and 2, so they should be dealt with fairly easily. The USN also joins in, with the vanguard of their fleet, an upgraded carrier and cruiser, joining the fray near Southern England. In Turkey the standoff continues, but the eastern Turkish city is secure, an important Strategic objective as otherwise the Caucusses would be threatened from the south. Stalin doesn't like the presence of El Duce's ships in the Black Sea, but there's not a lot he can do at the moment. In Asia the Japanese run rampant, with several carriers showing up off India and harassing several retreating British units.
  5. What happened is a UK carrier arrived automatically at the end of my turn, with U-boats and Kreigsmarine BBs surrounding the Home Islands. Gave this some thought and it could go either way. First, if sloppy decisions earlier in the game result in a cost later on, so be it. The other option which would be more realistic, as the Allies would not launch a ship with unmolested wolf packs lingering just outside the harbor, would be to give a DE like Colin mentioned. This would deprive the country delaying the launch of needed firepower, but also reflect realistic and reasonable considerations that would go into a launching. Afterall, for the non-automatic builds we can delay turn-after-turn, which sometimes is the best shortterm option.
  6. Yes, it is dire. The Allies, after seeing those damned long knife Turks join the dark side, did send out peace envoys. But then last night, after close review of the global situation, the leaders of the West got some backbone and decided to continue the battle, for justice and the American way. Suffice it to say that the Axis are swarming all around, like Orcs in the Lord of the Rings. The US has yet to make an appearance, even though tea time is upset in England, the Pacific Allies crying out for help, the French upset. Everyone wants, but the Allies have only so much. But in the US men crowd the enlistment stations and new units are ready to join the fray, and the British fleet, a little battered but still proud, wait to see if 1942 means the sun will still never set on the British Empire. Bob
  7. And if you've ever played Rambo his style is unique also. If I'm the disciplined and patient boxer meting out jabs, he's the creative and daring pugilest, sometimes delivering roundhouse blows from nowhere that put you on your ass. But enough of the mutual admiration club! Game A) Japanese show up in Eastern Russia and Stalin orders a major movement of troops to meet them. At first the Russians encircle and destroy a number of Japanese units, who seem to have hit the sake casks a bit too much. The Russians advance west, liberating the lower city and taking the mines. They pause to refresh on good ol' motherland vodka, and it is in this enebriated state that the Japanese charge back waving samurai swords emboldend by elite reinforcements, taking out two tanks and a corp. Meanwhile the Germans in Iraq feel bored in the desert counting sand fleas and DOW Turkey, advancing to the outskirts of Ankara. Stalin, alarmed, strips the other fronts and orders massive reinforcements to Turkey. The Germans fall back while the two remaining Turkish armies and one corp get upgraded to modern weapons, thanks to their new Russian allies. Out West the poor Swiss, busy counting their money, wake up one morning to a rain of rockets. They report two and possible three rocket units unleashing their missles all around their formerly tranquil country, joined by the RAF retiring from the hard fight in England. The Pacific is quiet, and the US has yet to make an appearance. Game Manchuria is totally liberated and the Russians probe towards China proper, where Chiang is close to waving the white flag. But the weather finally clears and the Japanese navy flyboys appear overhead, taking out a tank and a couple corps. Stalin orders a pullback to Manchuria proper. Out east the Germans hold the center of Russia, with Russians ringing them, still holding Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, etc. But Russian general Jollyguyski, still a bit unfamiliar with the infrastructure features, lets an entire battle group get cutoff near Kharkov when the rail line is cut by the zoc of a lead German corp. The situation is remidied, but by having the fully entrenched Kharkov corp move east. The next turn the entire battlegroup retreats south to the safety of the mountains near Turkey. Again, the US has yet to make an appearance. Bob Game M
  8. Keep in mind I haven't played SC in several years, and Colin's game was only my second one at SC Global. I got bored in a few turns playing the AI, am not proud, and have no problem learning along the way. For matters of national security I will not say all that I've learned in my games w/Rambo and Colin as I want to keep some cards up my sleeve, but playing opponents of the calibre of these two may make the learning curve steep...but quickly informative. I played a few turns of Weapons and Warfare years ago, but SC has changed a lot since then. However, like much of gaming (and sports) it's a long season, and a few losses along the way are to be expected. I can say this, Colin is a good player and I enjoyed the contest. If I end this one early it will only be because I don't want to waste both our time, when a more challenging contest is in the offing. I already chatted w/Colin along these lines and he wants me to play the Axis next time, and I have every expectation I will lose as I'm a predominately an Allied player, but the experience of seeing the other side of the fence will be worthwhile. Bob
  9. I still don't agree and you miss my point. Why can the USSR operate units across 6000 miles, while the US can only effectively do it over 1500 miles? And if you think an invasion of the US is unlikely then you haven't played enough good, creative players like Rambo or Terif, who was the master of SC 2. I can already see many instances where an invasion of the US and/or Canada is possible, regardless if the old SC 2 activation of the home guard occurs once an Axis unit hits US soil. My sense is that a Sea Lion is more possible in SC Global, although after several games I have in mind strategies to lessen this risk. And that's okay, as Sea Lion was a close thing in real life, too, especially if Hitler had pressed at Dunkirk. I.e, if England fell and the RN was routed the Axis could buy an engineer and fortify the eastern front, and concentrate on clearing the Atlantic with advanced subs and naval warfare, in front of a sizeable invasion force with advanced tanks. Once one North American city was seized advanced fighters could be operated over. Since effectively the US would be two countries, east and west, it would be easier for the Axis to prevail, especially if the Allies were postured for a Japan first strategy and had more units on the west coast.
  10. Rambo and I have two interesting games going, here's a brief summary: A) Winter of 1941. This is only my second game, so still rusty, my China strategy was poor, it fell. Germans took London, but the British are dug in. Axis seized control of the seas with advanced subs, forcing the RN to pullback many turns ago. Axis has the momentum in Africa, and took Spain and Norway with a paratroop. The Gibralter corp retreated rather than be destroyed to the Spanish islands just south. Iceland is Allied and garrisoned. With the Axis heavily engaged on other fronts Russia took Finland in two turns with the help of level 2 tanks, and have plenty of ground units deployed. US is close to joining. Also Winter of 1941. My third game, so my China strategy is much improved, I fell back to the interior and used the moutain terrain to my advantage. I sold the Chinese chits and invested as early as possibly in infantry tech, and am currently up to level two, although not all units are upgraded as some are face-to-face with the enemy. The Japanese currently have mucho units deployed and are pounding me with 1/2 dozen air of all types. However, the Russians dow'ed Mongolia and took it in one turn with air, artillery, and level 2 tanks and a paratroop, with the thought to assist the Chinese. However, a Japanese bomber reduced the captured capital to rubble, so we couldn't operate any units in. Plus, that single road makes it a logistical challenge. The Russians, undeterred, attack northeast China in force across the entire front, discovering that the Japanese have no antitank tech and also find several units at infantry 0, so the Russians close to prevent upgrading. Poor deployment by the Russians and deep entrenchment of the Japanese at first stalls the attack, but more Soviet forces and especially tanks are operated in, and two cities fall to be joined by a third next turn. Japanese carriers plaster Vladilastok and that corps is operated out, as the clear strategic interest of the Russians is to close on the Japanese before they can force a Chinese surrender. Out west London is taken by Axis and the RN had to retreat, as again, the upgraded Kriegsmarine took control of the seas. However, the Axis discover only a rear-guard in place, as all air units and several heavy and light ground units departed several turns ago. This was because the Allies sensed a possibly Sea Lion due to the weakness of Axis attacks on other fronts, especially Russia, hence why Russia felt safe to attack the Japanese. Russia took Finland with ease once the weak Barbarossa started. Meanwhile in Africa the British fell back from Cairo rather than take on level 3 or 4 German tanks, but regrouped at Nairobi after taking Mogadishu and the Italian city. The British tactical air unit plus a fighter and a bomber were deployed in kicking the Italians out, so the Axis pulled back after advancing to the outskirts of Nairobi rather than risk anti-tank 2 against it's expensive panzers. We are currently in a standoff. The US is close to joining. Both very good games. I have more of a challenge at the moment in game A with China out, but any game against Rambo is a challenge. The war is still early and both of us could and probalby will make some big mistakes that will turn the tide. Bob
  11. I don't agree with that. Russia can move move forces unfettered east-to-west and back across the breadth of its vast territory using what historically was a much less capable rail system. America's rail system was far superior with multiple spurs and half the length side-to-side, but you're telling me that our forces have to disembark near the Rockies and then resume their journey after they've hit the red arrows? What if the Japanese landed on the West Coast or Axis on the East Coast after the US is in the war? You should fix this. Bob
  12. Also, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems that the US can't operate from East Coast to West Coast, and probably vice-versa. I tried East to West, and it only let me operate to the far left of the East Coast map.
  13. I notice that everytime I transport a corps from the west coast toward anywhere into the Pacific that I get a prompt that the US isolationists demand the west coast fleet return, even if no capital ships were moved. Not sure if this effects US readiness. The prompt does not reappear the next turn. Bob.
  14. I think that guy is right hamachi is the way to go. I'm in Hawaii now but back next week, if you wanted to beta it maybe we could play next friday. I remember was the way everyone ended up playing sc2, and even I was able to figure it out. I seem to remember that you and I played sc2 that way. Aloha. Bob
  15. English and Commonwealth forces take 2nd Italian city, and bomb 3rd and final city's port. RN receives another carrier, secures Iceland, notes Axis Caribean presence, and Churchill issues new orders. English engineer continues to dig around the Home Islands. After proper wargaming modeling the high command recognizes too late the proper China strategy, but makes note for the next arena of combat, when Allies intend to put into motion new strategies. Meanwhile in this game Stalin awaits, as Barbarossa is right around the corner. Bob
  16. That's all they can do! However, the RAF makes an appearance in Egypt, where Churchill ordered it's bomber and tactical bomber, plus the Egypt fighter. After reducing an Italian port we reduce an Italian cruiser to two, with the help of the Greek cruiser which comes in to log a few shells. England is enduring Goring's attention, but keep in mind the Kreigsmarine has been reduced to not much, so despite losses the RN has the strategic ability to move pretty much where it wants. Churchill needs to decide, should this be to the Baltic, to the Med, or perhaps to the Pacific to help those Yanks?
  17. Yea, I'm so rusty I decided to call the game rather than waste time, it was like a preseason game. But our other two games we have going are shaping up just fine, I'm Allied again. We tried to TCP on Friday night but couldn't, so we did speed e-mail turns w/two games going at once, and I think I liked it better. A lot to learn in Global, but like most anything experience brings improvement. I think the trick with someone of Rambo's calibre is to change things up. Terif had numerous strategies he'd employ, to keep them off balance on what to expect. Rambo's doing the same with me on our new games, I can tell, and me w/him. Bob
  18. I could handle one more game, if you're available send me your 1939 first Axis turn, to rrweeks@comcast.net. Only house rule is no scouting w/neutral navies before dow. Can 1+ turns per weekday, 2 or 3 per day on weekends. Bob
  19. Learning as we go, after reading the thread on carriers I set mine to naval, and believe me, they are deadly. The RN had assembled near Norway, so strike back and sink all three Kreigsmarine cruisers. The remaining carrier I had in the area just pounded the cruisers. Also damage a sub down to 4, with another one still farther back in Norway. Not sure where/if he has more subs, but I'm willing to experiment and committ the RN as these are the early games where you want to feel things out, make mistakes. If he doesn't have significant strikeback power then those two subs might be able to be contained. Had anti-sub 1, so that helped. I think next time I'll throw a chit into naval warfare, too. The Brits continue to prepare the Home Islands and conserve their mmps and spend them hopefully wisely. I liked Colin's Norway attack, he did it with one air unit and his paratroop and that was it, pretty seamless. In China I'm learning from my game w/Rambo and falling back methodically to try to save more units. Plus, I got infantry 1 fairly early, so that will help, and by holding the Northern line longer the US tactical fighter arrived safely behind my lines, so he can be used later. Bob Colin's said he's out of town until next week, so looking forward to the next turn. Bob
  20. How are you on Friday nights? I'm usually just having a couple beers on Friday so tcp for a 2-3 hours might work, bob
  21. No, I haven't chatted w/Terif in quite awhile. One thing I remember him saying many times though is don't give up due to early game setbacks. In a game of this strategic breadth both sides will make mistakes. The Allies (Brits) are so starved for cash early on that they can't defend all places at once. But later on the Allied money machine will expand, so the game will pickup steam. Not much the Alies can do in the first couple years but try to not lose too much too fast in too many places. But lose they will. They want to chip away at the Axis here and there and deal out some damage in favorable mmp exchanges in which they do more damage than they receive. Remember, in the real war it was almost 3 years before the Allies began to turn the tide. Looking forward to the next turn, SC Global runs the risk of becoming addictive. I could easily play for hours on end in a TCP session but real life doesn't allow that, so pbem is the only way to go. I'm also looking forward to the next patch, as this game can only get better. Bob
  22. Applying those lessons learned here, from my game w/Rambo. My advice to those who want to learn gameplay fastest is to play good players like Rambo and Colin. Rambo is very creative and willing to gamble, whereas Colin has very crisp combined arm attacks. From Rambo I've dusted off some stale naval tactics from SC 2, from Colin how to better position the French, as he made quick work of the French. Only having two Maginot hexes makes a big difference. Colin also had a great Poland attack, taking Warsaw in one turn. Yes, I'm being just a bit stubborn in France. Moved the Canadian corp to Bordeux early on and he got to entrench well, and this time got an infantry advance. Also kept a carrier in the vicinity, should have kept two though, as experience is very important in this game. The carrier was able to hit the advance German army twice w/no damage to its air wing. The RN did some shore bombardment and lingers in the area. Meanwhile Churchill has the Home Islands preparing for a possible Sea Lion during the summer of 1940 and has issued orders accordingly. Bob
  23. Well, this is part of the learn as you go. My destroyers were so effective on the attack I figured they would make a similar showing on defense...not the case. It seems to be a true cat-and-mouse, and you want your sub/destroyer to be the cat. I made an estimate of Rambo's navy and figured I'd be able to take some blows and then pullback and refit, but not the case. I also gambled that the weather in mid-January would ground his air units, as mine had been grounded on my turn, but lost that gamble. So, lesson learned. One thing I'm noticing about this game is that it plays very much like that classic boardgame, Axis & Allies, in that it is very strategic. Tactics (such as my naval attack), generally take backseat to strategic position. And in China the Japanese benefited from the better half and I going out to dinner...I was in a rush to finish the turn and forgot to move/reinforce the poor Chinese! I was sitting at dinner, and thought, did I move those guys? Oh well. So, chalk this turn up for Rambo. But at the same time this game has incredible checks and balances, so early setbacks can be made up. Rambo had an abortive Sea Lion, me naval losses, so I'd say this one might still be even. I continue to be very pleased w/the breadth of this game, as it will give great variability. Bob
  24. Now that I have two games in progress I can say that Colin's France attack was better, methodical, not exposing units. Plus, w/only two Maginot hexes and the double armor punch it seems this is an option, to just plod forward. I'll do things a bit differently in my third game. And, under the theme of learning as you go, I didn't know that France's armor can't attack twice. I attacked a German army outside Paris looking for a kill, and then couldn't do a second one, so Paris ended up falling earlier. I thought it was the weather, but Colin told me Japan also can't attack twice. Got a bit of luck though in that France didn't surrender and snow grounded the Luftwaffe, so gained one additional turn. In China though I think Rambo's folding of the Northern flank was better, as it opened up the plains for hisunits rather than slugging through the mountains. But Rambo was able to open up the north due to my inexperience, I'm not just handing that opportunity to Colin, I'm learning from mistakes. As to the Allies, omg, the Brits are starved for mmps early, which is very historical. They really have to pick-and-choose, and imo carefully conserve some mmps for some of the decision events. Also learning from my mistakes w/the Allies from my Rambo game. Can't tell Colin what I've done different due to national security, but you have to adapt. There's a lot to learn in this game, very variable. Bob
  25. Hubert: With the new belligerance rules, when the time comes and Barby is launched and the US is in the war, could Russia freely DOW Japan? Bob
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