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Green Hornet

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Posts posted by Green Hornet

  1. Fly-By

    I'd be glad to take a look at it. Feel free to send me email at the address in my profile.

    Couple of things, though -

    1) My suggestions/opinions are defintely just that. Take them as one just person's perspective. What works for me may not always be the best approach.

    2) I would suggest taking up any other offers you may get since there are much more seasoned vets on this board than myself. smile.gif

    3) There are some really good articles on general tactics and CM tactics floating around various web sites. A lot of these are very useful and possess a plethora of good information

  2. Thanks Cameroon smile.gif

    After re-reading my post I realized that part was probably obvious...duh :rolleyes:

    A tank platoon consists of what? 3-4 tanks? Is this true for both medium and light tank platoons? How many platoons make up a medium tank company or a light tank company?

    If anyone has any more information about the composition of medium vs light tank companies that would be great. Or even a good resource to point me to...

  3. Not sure if this topic belongs here but I'm working on designing a scenario so I guess it's as good a place as any...

    I have some information that tells me that 1943-44 Armor Battalions were made up of a HQ company, a service company, several medium tank companies and a light tank company.

    What the difference between a medium tank company and a light tank company? Is it the type of tanks, number of tank platoons, or both or something more?

    Any info would be appreciated.


  4. Biltong just released a new version of these rules for CMBB. Sounds like they have been revised and tweaked for added playability. For more info, check out the thread on this topic in the CMBB forum.

    If you are just looking for the CMBO rules that Wreck originally designed, I believe I have a copy at home. If no one else come along to help you out, send me an email (in my profile) and I can send you a zipped up version tonight.

  5. As Panzer76 mentioned, "borg spotting" is simply a consequence of how the game is coded and the limitaion of it being "just a game". One unit spots an AT gun and your entire force instantly knows its existence and location. This would not happen in RL (real life) or at least it would take much longer for the information to travel through all the units on the battlefield. To a certain extent there is little or nothing you can do about this since its simply a result of one person (you) controlling all the units.

    The "exploitation" of this is exactly what Eric mentioned...you take one unit, usually a cheap or low firepower unit such as a sharpshooter or crew from a KO'd mortar, and run the unit far ahead of your main force to do "scouting". Sneak the unit on a high tree covered hill to observe your opponents movements, location, etc...all of which is now known by all of your other forces.

    There is a lot of debate as to whether this is "gamey" and to what extent this type of strategy is acceptable. That's why I mentioned in the other post that this may be one thing you and your opponent may want to agree upon before playing.

    [ November 05, 2002, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]

  6. I've been using Wreck's CMBO campaign rules for quite a while. I still play with them occasionally, although I've modified them quite a bit to suit some of my own preferences. For example, I use the scenario editor to generate the battles as this allows me to better contol individual experience levels for units.

    Anyway, great to hear you've picked this up for CMBB. Too bad about Wreck. :(

    I'll be watching for most posts related to this topic. Thanks for taking this on.

  7. I think the issue of some folks losing interest may have to do with expectations. I've found (and read) that it's a good idea to lay down some basic expectations before jumping into a PBEM battle.

    Everyone's schedules and time comittments are different. I find that I can manage about one turn a day with a few more on weekends.

    If I'm playing an opponenent that would prefer several turns a day and dozens on the weekends, they would be more likely to lose interest in a battle with me. Just as if I were playing Mr. Petersson, I would be more likely to lose interest if I was expecting a turn a day and only got a turn a week.

    Same thing goes for playing style. Some people do not like crew rushing, flag rushing, or excessive exploitation of "borg spotting".

    If all this is discussed/agreed upon up front, and expectations are set, I would guess it would probably reduce the number of AWOLs.

    All that being said, I agree that it is still bad form to go AWOL with no notice. A quick note saying you'll be unable to send a turn for "x" number of days/weeks is not too much to ask.

    Just my opinion... ;)

  8. BeWary,

    Couple of things...

    1) I have no idea whether or not you can tell the AI to take over a PBEM game. I kind of doubt it since I've never heard or read about anyone doing that. Hopefully, someone who knows more about it will be along soon. It would be great if there was a way to do it.

    2) I'm in the same boat you are in. Full time job and family limits the time I can spend on CM games. PBEM is the only practical way I can play against human opponents.

    3) If you never end up hear from your "All or Nothing" opponent again, and you still have the motivation to try one more time....I'd be happy to play you in a PBEM game using that scenario. Pretty fun one as I remember and I've never played that one against a human. I can't promise perfect tactics but I can guarantee you I'll play the entire game to the bitter end. smile.gif

  9. Are you playing CM newbies or veterans? If veterans, maybe you are right and their time is getting consumed with CMBB. If newbies, maybe they don't realize how important it is for some of us to finish the game to completion...even if it is one sided toward the end. Even if I'm getting slaughtered, I still enjoy completing the game.

    Currently, I'm still having pretty good luck with my CMBO PBEM games. I'm playing 6 PBEM games right now and so far none of my opponents have gone AWOL.

    Of course, none of the games are finished yet either so we will see...

    I agree with you though, it is *very* annoying to spend the time and effort in a game and not see the final outcome.

  10. Alan (and Alsatian)

    I'm *always* looking for reliable CMBO PBEM'ers. I'm playing 5 PBEM games right now. After I finish up one or two of those games I'd be willing to play. I'm finding 5 PBEM games at once is about my limit. Let me know if either of you would be interested in a game or two. My email is on my profile.

    btw - all the opponents I'm playing now have been VERY good about responding and keeping the games moving. Guess I got lucky. smile.gif

  11. Treeburst155,

    I'm not a ROW veteran, but have been playing CMBO for a few years. I've only recently begun to play against human opponents ( last 6 months ) but have never found my way into any of the tourneys I see on this board. I've read the rules of ROW style tourneys (from previous posts)and would love to join in if there is another one.

    If there's room for an ROW newbie, I'd be interested...

    btw - I'll be getting CMBB, once I get my new machine put together.

  12. I'm glad you stared this thread because I'm one of those people. I'm thinkinbg about buying CMBB but I'm, admittedly, "afraid" to.

    Everyone keeps saying that once you start playing CMBB you will never want to go back to CMBO.

    I still have a BLAST playing CMBO. I truly enjoy the game and am impressed that I've never grown tired of it.

    I also have more interest in the Western front than the Eastern front. This is strictly an opinion and I realize the Eastern front is rich with its characteristics as well.

    So do I buy CMBB and play an awesome game covering the less interesting (IMO) Eastern front or do I continue playing a slightly less awesome game covering the more enjoyable (IMO)Western front?

    I'm having troubles sleeping.... :eek:

  13. I did a search on this forum which gave me some great, but possibly outdated, information. In a thread dated around December 2001, there were some folks having problems with CMBO running under Windows XP and Nvidia chipsets.

    Specifically some textures going transparent after a screen refresh and there was some text/graphical corruption.

    I'm thinking about upgarding to Windows XP but do NOT want to lose the ability to play CMBO (and eventually CMBB).

    Have these issues been resolved with the latest Nvidia drivers or do the current Nvidia drivers still show these problems in CMBO under Windows XP?


  14. CMMOS is a program that allows you to manage and organize different Mods. All the bitmaps reside in your CMBO/bmp folder but each Mod has it's own set of bitmaps uniquely named. Therefore, you don't ever "lose" any Mods that you have loaded through CMMOS.

    If you currently have a lot of Mods installed into your CMBO/bmp folder, then you will need "convert" those to CMMOS style. It's quite likely that the Mods you currently have are already available in CMMOS form.

    CMMOS allows you to pick the Mod you want for a given vehicle, or uniform, etc. The program copies the appropriate bmps based on the Mod you select. This can be done whenever you want. Sometimes I start a battle, decide I don't like the allied helmets, exit out of CMBO, load CMMOS, pick a different helmet Mod, restart the battle, and I'm playing with the new helmet Mod. You can always go back to the original BTS bitmaps as well.

    If you have a lot of Mods, CMMOS is the only way to go, in my opinion. It's very cool. :cool:

    Hope this helps...


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