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Green Hornet

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Posts posted by Green Hornet

  1. I made my own Allied uniform rule set for CMMOS. It only includes the Mods that I like and use most frequently ( from 4 or 5 different Mod artists) but if you have the time and energy you can do it yourself.

    It's not overly complex, just takes some time.

    I'm sure the official Allied rules set that eventually comes out will be much more thorough.

    Shoot, I would have helped out if I had known one was in the works. smile.gif

  2. I did a search on the forum but couldn't find anything. I'm sure this has already been discussed or else I'm just doing something completely wrong.

    Playing as the Americans, at the end of a battle, the AAR shows how many total Axis casualties were inflicted. You can also go back to the map at the end of the battle to view how many casualties each of your units inflicted.

    If I cycle through all my American units and add up the number of casualties they supposedly inflicted, it doesn't even come close to the total number of casualties displayed in the AAR screen.

    I've never noticed this before. Does anyone know what's going on here? Why the discrepancy? :confused:

  3. Welcome Cath0de.

    The group and information on this forum is as awesome as the game. Once you start playing and are ready for more information, be sure to check out the post entitled "Anthology of Useful Posts" in the CMBO Tips and Tricks forum. A weatlh of good information. I haven't even been able to look at half of it yet, but it's all great stuff.

    Say goodbye to all your other hobbies... smile.gif

  4. Wreck,

    A couple more comments.

    1) I've been playing this since your first revision of the rules. Tons of fun, it's all I do right now, but I agree that it definitely is tough to start for an inexperienced player. Green troops in the hands of a newbie get slaughter pretty quickly. :eek:

    2) Would it be possible for you to put a date or a revision number at the top of your rules? It would make it easier for folks to know if they have the latest and greatest ruleset without searching the thread for one of your update posts ( which I have appreciated greatly so far ).

    Just an idea... smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Dan5681:

    Badjoke, Make sure you tell everyone about it when you get it put somewhere for download wouldnt want them to miss it.


    Definitely keep folks informed as to where this ends up or if it gets posted somewhere. I'm always on the lookout for better sounds. Especially MG sounds.

    Or, you can just send it directly to my email address if you can't find a permanent home for it :D

    I'd appreciate it.

  6. I see. So, my platoon "hding" behind a stone wall out in the open is actually just "hiding out in the open" from the TacAI's perspective.

    When the bullets start flying, the TacAI says "Hey I'm sitting out here in the open" and doesn't factor in the fact the the wall can effectively block LOS.

    Too bad, because sometimes a stone wall could save a few of my squads if they'd learn to hit the dirt behind the wall and just stay there until support arrives.

  7. I agree. I would have been sorely disappointed with BTS had they required bleeding edge technology.

    I'm playing CMBO on an outdated system ( by today's standards ) with an NVidia 32MB video card. It runs beautifully.

    I've been as excited as anyone about CMBB and I must say I was very happy to hear that CMBB sounds like it will continue to run just fine on my current system. Eastern front theater, improved graphics, added features, etc., were all things that made me very excited to get my hands on the upcoming release; but nothing made me happier than hearing that I wouldn't be forced to upgrade my hardware before buying the game.

    Good job guys. smile.gif

  8. I've always wondered something about QBs and scenarios having a turn limit.

    I love CMBO and play it all the time, but I admit I would consider myself a regular player (certainly not a veteran, crack, or elite player) and I'm not the most knowledgable person in the world on WWII battle tactics, so go easy on me if this is a stupid question...

    Why is a turn limit used for ending the game? It would seem that real battle would have been decided based on the outcome. Either the attacking side would eventually overrun the defender or the defender would hold off or beat back the attacker until he had nothing left. Or both sides would incur heavy losses and fight to the last man or both withdrawl. Point is, ending a battle because "your 30 minutes are up" seems a bit unrealistic to me.

    I can understand time limits for specific strategic reasons such as taking a town before reinforcments arrive, or simply to present the player with a challenge. But putting a time limit on a scenario or QB where the objective is solely to overtake and hold a designated area? :confused:

    Maybe there's some historical or strategic reasons that I'm overlooking. Or, maybe I'm just making too big of a deal over it and should just set all my games up with plenty of extra time to spare. smile.gif

    Any thoughts or opinions on this?

  9. I'm trying to take out a wooden MG bunker. Lots of open ground, very few trees and I have no armor. I do, however have 155mm artillery.

    I did a search on the forum and found a few threads on this. Seems the best advice is to lay down tons of smoke and then rush with a platoon full of split squads. I'm concerned becase my troops would have a lot of open ground to cover.

    Do all you veterans players agree this is the best approach or are there better tactics for accomplishing this?

  10. "...with the speed at which Wreck modifies his rules, I doubt I could keep up with changes until the rules stablize".

    I agree. I've been following this thread daily for the past week or so and have been incorporating Wreck's updates along the way. All the input so far has added richly. Especially the added artillery and improved auxillary force generation.

    I've only added one personal customization...I didn't like being limited to a sherman, halftrack or rifle platoon if I had 150 or less auxillary points. So, I randomly generate auxillary forces using a custom made chart if my auxillary force size is less than 150. The chart allows me to roll until my 150 points are used up and includes all types of units.

    Anyway, once the rules stabilize, someone might try coding something up; but for now things are probably changing too quickly.

  11. Wreck,

    I got a chance to pour over the rules and start my first battle last night. Great stuff so far.

    I've also been following this thread so I have two points...one is a comment one is a question.

    1. Question - I'm embarrassed to ask this and anyone else knowing this can chime in as well. In your rules you refer to the acronym TOE. What does this stand for? :D

    2. This thread contains a lot of good ideas and constructive comments. I just want to give you some encouragement to be sure to work on the "patch" you mention without getting too discouraged. With all this good input, I can see this just getting better and better over time. smile.gif

  12. Interesting...I had nearly the same type of problems with my NVidia Riva TNT2 chipset as well using the 2942 detonator drivers. My symptoms were slightly different.

    The combination of DirectX 8.0 and the 2942 drivers on my system caused the sound to completely go away after about 5 minutes of playing CMBO. Only restarting CMBO would get the sound back. I never had this problem until I upgraded my machine to DirectX8.0.

    I downloaded even more recent drivers (TNT2/GeForce Reference Windows drivers from the battlefront.com, support, troubleshooting guide, I think they're up to 30.00 now. This took care of my problem and now CMBO works perfectly.

    I'm not sure if this will fix your problem bu there seems to be some similarities so I suppose it might be worth a try. Good luck. smile.gif

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