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Green Hornet

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Posts posted by Green Hornet

  1. There's a lot of sites that post mods and mod lists.

    This is one of my favorites. Gives you a chance to compare many of the available mods for both CMBO and CMBB. This site certainly doesn't have all the available mods, but it probably shows and lists most of the more popular ones.

    CM Outpost

    Here are some good sites for actually downloading the mods you may find you like -

    CM Mod Database

    Combat Mission HQ

    Tom's Combat Mission HQ

    At least these are some of my favorite haunts...

  2. Two things...

    First, this looks awesome. I love it.

    Second, Stop! in the name of humanity and my sanity!!! ;)

    Many moons ago, I downloaded Gunnergoz's spring speckled grass because I thought it looked great. But I also use Magua's Normandy grass from time to time, and occasionally DesertFox's grass, then I found out you can swap in CMBB's grass into CMBO...and now this!!!

    This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for Gordon Molek and CMMOS. :D

    Seriously, this looks like some great stuff Strontium Dog. Thanks! :cool:

  3. Originally posted by Brodieman:

    [QB]So is PBEM any good? Does it take long to finish a session? What is TCP/IP play like?


    I play PBEM games almost constantly. I find the speed of PBEM perfect for me. Others feel it's too slow. PBEM enables you to spend a few minutes every night or so playing CM. It's easy to juggle several PBEM games at the same time so on any given night I ususally have two or three turns waiting for me. I think the PBEM system works great.

    TCP/IP requires that you have a large block of time to sit down and play out the game. The pace of the game, obviously, flows more smoothly and the games don't take a month or so to complete but everyone has different schedules.

    I know some folks who do both.

  4. If you're addicted to the demo then you are in a good deal of trouble. smile.gif

    Both the CMBO and CMBB demos pale compared to the full versions of the games (in my opinion).

    Full lists of scenarios, quick battles, mulitplayer support, and scenario design are just a few things you'll be able to do with the full versions.

    Start figuring out now how you can schedule CM time in to your daily routine and start boxing up any hobby supplies you may have...Your addition has not yet truly begun.

  5. EasyTarget,

    The fog in Combat Mission is very dense. You are probably not seeing fog because there may be an issue with your video card. If you were seeing fog you would know it.

    I remember seeing a lot of threads in the Tech Support forum about ATI chipsets not displaying fog correctly in CM.

    Try doing a search on the word "fog" (subject line only )in the Tech Support Forum.

    I honestly don't remember if this issue has been resolved but I believe the problem is (was) on ATI's end.

  6. This may sound cliche' but Combined Arms described my opinions and observations regarding Combat Mission *exactly*. Amen! I couldn't have put it better.

    I have a whole drawer full of PC games (driving, FPS, Strategy, etc...). I only play one - Combat Mission.

    Only thing I would want to add is that I'm still amazed that Combat Mission never seems to get old. Its re-playability is staggering. Each situation, each battle is unique in it's own way.

    Buy it. Buy both. You can't go wrong. You won't regret it.

  7. In the years I've been playing CMBO I've never run into this problem. Maybe someone can offer a solution or an explanation...

    I'm in a PBEM game and I have a group of 5 jumbo shermans engaging 2 Hetzers. One Hetzer is knocked out and the other Hetzer's gun is damaged. I saw the hit detail say "Gun Hit" and the Hetzer hasn't fired for over two turns.

    However, because the crew hasn't abandoned the Hetzer my Sherms continue to waste AP rounds on it. The Hetzer is in a hull down position so my Shermans fire round afer round at the disabled Hetzer, despite the fact that I cancel their targeting orders at the beginning of each turn.

    1. How can I get My Sherman to stop "auto-targeting the disabled Hetzer and wasting valuable AP rounds?

    2. Even though the Hetzer is in hull down position why haven't my 5 sherms been able to get a penetrating hit on this thing yet?

    Also, My shermans are in a somewhat narrow strip between a river and a cliff so positioning for a flanking shot would be very risky and difficult as I'm confident there is trouble just beyond these Hetzers ( AT pillbox and possibly a Tiger ).

    [ November 25, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]

  8. DaveH is right. Playing the AI is a lot fun, no question about it. But it's nothing compared to playing a human opponent over IP or PBEM. Soon you'll find yourself juggling several games at once.

    As far as which to play first....yes, CMBO might be a good choice. Just remember that the infantry model was re-worked in CMBB so some tactics that work well in CMBO, no longer work in CMBB. For the most part, however, I think most of the tactical skills you will learn and use in CMBO will be transferrable to CMBB.

    Have fun.

  9. Welcome easytarget!

    If you're coming from the world of FPS and RPGs, remember to keep an open mind an be willing to learn how to play with good tactics and a keen sense of military logic. In my opinion the CM games are for the tactical strategist that enjoys using their minds and tactical skills to overcome their enemy. Check your reactions and impulsive game playing styles at the door ;)

    This forum has a wealth of information. My advice is to do a quick search on the forum if you feel like you have a basic question. Chances are, there are several threads on the topic of your interest.

    But if you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask. Most everyone on thess forums will be happy to help you out. I'm always amazed at the wealth of information and how helpful these members are.

    The CMBO forum is a lot quieter these days now that CMBB is out. Keep in mind that the hard core veterans spend most of their time in the CMBB forum.

    With either game, you should have no problems getting your questions answered.

    ...and once your games arrive, say goodbye to all of your other hobbies... smile.gif

  10. Joe,

    As much as possible, always keep your infantry in command and out of sight. Easier said than done. ;)

    Use the "hide" command as much as possible. Your units can still spot but they will be tougher for your enemy to spot and won't give up their position as easily by being trigger happy.

    In limited terrian to hide in, use buildings, slopes, and smoke as much as possible to conceal your infantry's movements and intentions.

    And yes... terrian always dictates my formations along with intent. In heavy woods or pines, you can safely keep your squads in a tighter formation to keep them in command. In the open, I spread my formations out as much as my "in command" radius will allow so they're not as easy of a target. Try using leaps and bounds when advancing to contact.

    As far as avoiding arty and mortars, there are a few things you can do but don't expect to avoid it completely if your opponent has a lot of heavy artillery and knows how to use it.

    Keep your squads in command but don't bunch them up. Try to use formations that allow good distance between your squads. Try not to group several platoons together, either. That way, your opponent may only be able to take out a squad or two with arty.

    Finally, don't stay in one spot too long. Groups of units sitting in one spot for several turns are asking for a arty invitation. If you keep moving from cover to cover ( even if it's limited ) it will be tougher to get completely wiped out by artillery or mortar fire. Some folks think if your infantry units has been in the same place longer than two minutes, it's time to move (unless your dug in on defense).

    If your map if flat and completely open then you've got a tricky challenge... but so does your opponent.

  11. dor,

    I think the bitmap for the skirt is actually bitmap 3106. There are a few mods out there that change the side skirt from a solid plate to a mesh pattern that, personally, I think looks really cool :cool: .

    If you hate it that much, the only thing you *might* be able to try would be to replace the contents of bitmap 3106 with the solid pink background. I believe that the pink shows up as transparent in the game.

    Be sure to back up your file first in case something goes wrong.

  12. Unzip and place the new bitmaps into your CMBO\bmp directory. The bitmaps do not go into the CMMOS directory.

    The new CMMOS bitmap files must reside in the CMBO bitmap directory or your CMMOS application will not recognize that you have that MOD installed.

    [ November 17, 2002, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]

  13. The end turn randomizer is a utility used to allow a CMBO battle to end on a "random" turn.

    For example you could specify that the battle end after 30 +/-5 turns. So the battle would have a random chance of ending anywhere between turn 25 and 35.

    This was popular to prevent players from making unrealistic and suicidal moves because they knew the game was going to end on a given turn ( i.e. - gamey tactic of "flag rusing" ).

    As previously mentioned, this randomized ending of a battle is a feature built into the new CMBB.

  14. Skolman,

    I have just about every CMBO mod loaded on my system ( well, probably not *every* one ever made ;) ) and I have never seen a mod done for the unidentified vehicle.

    That doesn't mean one doesn't exist but I have never seen one done.

    I guess one question would be, what would a good mod look like for that generic unit? Just a generic gray vehicle without the question mark ?

    I'm pretty sure I have the bitmap numbers at home. I'll try to check back later tonight and if no one has responded to this thread I'll send the numbers to you.

  15. Engineer squads use their satchel charges at their own discretion. You have no control over when they use them. By that, I mean that there is no command in CMBO that you can give your engineer squad to make them use their explosives.

    Usually, you will see them use the explosives to knock out a bunker or a foxhole if you get your squad close enough. At least those are the two most common situations in which I've seen my engineers use them.

  16. Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    Frankly I had no problem playing in Teletubbie land but now that I have CMBB, I'm getting used to the drab colors which do offer more realism...I think.

    Scipio, do you happen to know the BMP's for skies? I want to transfer my hi-res CMBO skies over to CMBB.

    Col Deadmarsh,

    I thought I remembered reading a post a several weeks back that said the CMBO skies were not transferrable to CMBB. Something about the way the bitmaps lined up differently so it was "going to much trickier to mod skies for CMBB".

    Just a word of caution in case you get unexpected results...

    Sorry for the double post...

    [ November 11, 2002, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]

  17. Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    Frankly I had no problem playing in Teletubbie land but now that I have CMBB, I'm getting used to the drab colors which do offer more realism...I think.

    Scipio, do you happen to know the BMP's for skies? I want to transfer my hi-res CMBO skies over to CMBB.

    Col Deadmarsh,

    I thought I remembered reading a post a several weeks back that said the CMBO skies were not transferrable to CMBB. Something about the way the bitmaps lined up differntly so it was "going to much tricky to mod skies for CMBB".

    Just a

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