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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride Picture a crater pocked rural battlefield, the Landsers are hunkered down in their hasty defensive positions (Did'nt know it was a Russian attack QB) awaiting the arrival of Ivan's first attack units. The Landsers are apprehensive, but confident, they have been in this position before and expect to repulse the Russians with little effort. The terrain favors the defense, and the Major has set in all the units with excellent fields of fire. A thunderstorm has just started, and the Landsers mutter quietly as their foxholes become wet and muddy. The rain will slow Ivan down as well, they say, The Spiess comes up to the line with hot coffee and sausage, in groups of two the men walk back to the field kitchen to receive these welcome gifts. They then trudge back to their positions, enjoy the hot meal and scan the horizon for any signs of the enemy.
  2. You made that fermenting pool of monkey turds a squire? You not only accept responsibility for this all-time low point in frog gene selection, but even defend it!? Shame on you! At least you could have the decency to train your gremlins to gibber up for themselves. /SirReal </font>
  3. Lordy me!!! its good to see that, 1. Hortlund has finally found another doofus to communicate with. Although once SirFake realizes what a bozo he is, all that chummy Nordic comraderie will soon fly out the window. PSSST, hey SirFake: let me clue you in, just because that neer-do-well speaks your language, it does not mean you will ever get a turn out of him. I suspect his E-Mail program has no "send" feature. Either that or he is too busy chasing 14 year old Polish girls, trying to get a date. Cut to Leutnant Hortlund, lurking furtively near the Stockholm bus station. Translated into English for all Aussies, Canucks and Yanks. Hortlund: Good evening miss, first visit to Sweden? Polish girl: Go away, pervert, father me told to stay away altogether, Swedish men from!!! Hortlund: Now, now, I am not a pervert, I am a lawyer, but that is not quite the same, we pervert common sense, it has nothing to do with sex. Polish girl: Father me warned also to stay away from lawyers, he say they no different from squishey things, that under rocks hide!! Hortlund: Where are you from? Polish girl: I have just traveled from Kracow, looking for job job here as secretary. Hortlund: Really?, I just happen to need a secretary for my practice. Can you use a computer? Do you know how to work an E-Mail program? Polish girl: I am very good with computer, went to school to learn. Can't everyone here use computer? My friend Konrad tell me all Swedish men very smart with computer. Hortlund: I could use you, I have this game I play on the computer, but I cant figure out how to send the turns back to people I am playing with. Polish girl: You play games, I thought that you a serious man, lawyer, bah, you just another Swedish pervert,like I think you were, get away from me,or I call policeman. Real people dont play on computer, computer for serious work. (Kicks Hortlund on left shin) Hortlund: OK, OK, I didnt mean anything, (limps away looking for next arriving bus) How will I ever figure out how to send EMails, hopefully someone can help me!! So there you have it SirFake, he may be a "Landsman", but he's still a twit. [ June 18, 2003, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  4. Well then, I guess persistence, has paid off, this worm has exposed all of my foibles for the world to see!!! Honor demands that I thrash him on the field of combat, and duly send him back to whence he came beaten and bruised. SirFake...send me a set up; CMBB ver 1.03, 2000-3000 pts, I will be the Germans, QB or canned scenario, no matter. Season or location not important. You can handle that?
  5. With a modicum of wit, style and panache. And half a brain. You're gonna need a little time I see. Pad that a bit. Try for a whole paragraph. Two maybe, if you can handle the mental effort. It's Nidan, for the luv of Berli, it's not like you don't have plenty of material to work with. </font>
  6. That's right. I made you a Knight, didn't I. I have got to lay off the Tequila, that stuff makes me do the craziest ****e. </font>
  7. Ah ha!! maybe this slug is catching on after all. Was that a challenge??, naw, it couldn't have been, there was no VENOM, no WIT, and certainly no PANACHE. Keep trying, one of my duties as a Knight of the Pool , is to feel sorry for SSNs in all of their pimply faced incarnations. The flicker of hope is there lad, work at it!!!
  8. We have to teach you some manners, pillock, using a pre-school method seemed like a good idea.
  9. Nidan I don't think this is very likely as it's my impression that his time in Ding Dong School was cut short. </font>
  10. SirFake: Thank you for the English lesson, grammar and punctuation are important things in any language. Your command of the language is very impressive, however I really don't give a rat's ass. Whether you are a native speaker, or have learned the language after many long, sunlit nights squatting in your igloo, is no concern of mine. I look forward to further installments of "Ding Dong School".
  11. See ya later furry Swede, try to arm yourself before you come back to battle wits. Better yet, may your visit here be as short as Ingemar Johanssen's reign as heavyweight champ. [ June 17, 2003, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Can you actually see your toes, or does your prehensile tail cover them up? work would be my choice for you, and while your building those BigMacs, think of something actually witty to post after the whistle blows. [ June 17, 2003, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. SirFake: If you read the rules, I'm sure somewhere in them, it stated that pictures of SSN's are not required, not only that, they are literally not wanted. If you want to display yourself with the latest Swedish headwear, I am sure that there are other threads that would love to have you....hmmmm, the Finnish Oponent Finder Thread comes to mind. Now sod off laddie!! [ June 17, 2003, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. Best wishes Joe , I hope everything is all right now. Jim Boggs I also hope that all is getting back on the right track in your household as well. The health of our loved ones is often taken for granted, it can be a real shocking experience when that assurance is shattered. [ June 13, 2003, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  15. All right Gaylord you have made your point, if you are not willing to take advice, then fine, run away, but the "poor little misunderstood me" act doesn't suit you, you obviously know everything there is to know, and far be it for me to try to tell you anything. Bye Bye.
  16. OK, Gaylord, think about it this way. You like to get a rise out of people...fair enough....you say you don't intend to be mean about it, OK. But, what if a person, (male or female) is offended and upset , by something you've said. Do you totally disregard their feelings, because "I didnt really mean it", or do you at least attempt to understand the root of their feelings, and contemplate the thing that you said. If you want to run out of here, go ahead, it isnt as if this is real life in here. However, consider that more often in life you have to deal with people face to face, in real time, and things said cannot be taken back so easily, nor can you always run away from unpleasantness. In your mind, you may not have meant anything malicious, but obviously the person involved is upset, and others recognize it as well. All I am going to say is, do the right thing.
  17. You speak the truth sir, true evil requires copious amounts of effort, I will strive to live up to the example you, and others have set, although I dont know if I have the energy to attempt another one, or if I can afford to send my wife away on another visit to her mother, while I spend all my time at the computer.
  18. Aw come on, don't be a wussy, if you truly feel that there is a misunderstanding, then make it clear, lad, state your side of the story, call your witnesses, dont take all the fun out of it all by just skulking away back to the GF. If Lady Emma , feels truly wronged, then apologize, I would apologize anyway. Sometimes words can be carried too far. We all are nice people....ummmm, maybe except Berli and Noba (dont like my rockets eh?), do the right thing.
  19. On a lighter note, I have completed my first attempt at designing a CMBB scenario. If anyone of you lot would like to give it a try...(feedback appreciated/serious), EMail me, and I'll send you the game file. It involves battles in the swampy forests south of Lake Ladoga. I believe it presents interesting tactical problems for both sides. Bye now, I cant stand the sight of blood.
  20. Exactly right, even in their post war designs the Russians created some real rolling horror shows, i.e. the auto-loader on the main gun of t-55 to 62 series, that would chamber a man's arm if he wasnt fast enough, the BTR series of APC's that had the gas tanks in the rear doors, and the BMP series of AFVs, that could not be ridden in unless you were 5'2" or less.
  21. I think of him more of the Cow Pat that one inadvertantly steps in and then spends some time trying to wipe off in long grass. Come to think about, that's how I feel of the majority here. Mace </font>
  22. Why sir, I resemble that remark!!! Perhaps if you strike Gaylord it wouldnt hurt as much, but I think his head is made of stone as well. "Why was I not made of stone like these?"
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